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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    YES! IM APPROVED! ????????

    Congrats on the wonderful news!
  2. The Candidate

    Loss of my Dad

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, he sounds like a wonderful man, and it's comforting that he was able to be home with his family at the end.
  3. It took a little over three weeks for me. And then I had to wait another month for the actual surgery.
  4. The Candidate

    3 month follow up

    Wow that's tremendous news and you should be very proud!
  5. It really goes to the point that there should be more intensive studies on how effective weight loss surgery is in achieving long term success. I hope I live to see the day when no insurance company terms wls as "experimental" as an excuse to exclude it. And fad weight loss gimmicks go under tighter scrutiny, because in reality they are profiting mightily from selling worthless miracles to desperate people. It's a shame.
  6. The Candidate


    We all have, or will, experience these feelings right before surgery. I, like you, have struggled with my weight my entire life. When I reached that pivotal moment when I decided on wls, it was a matter of doing nothing was just no longer an option. I came through my surgery with flying colors and I can tell you that it just keeps getting better everyday. Take a deep breath and envision the wonderful future you have waiting. Good luck!
  7. The Candidate


    For me making the choice to only tell my immediate family and a few close friends was absolutely the right choice. But I never thought of it as a "secret" I'm keeping, as I never once felt obligated to share my personal decision with the world. At seven weeks out I am still feeling my way, and figuring things out. I enjoy only having to focus on myself for once. Everyday it seems, I find a new thing to get excited about. But since it's such a personal experience, I'm not sure I would have the energy to be constantly explaining it to the outside world. I'd rather focus that energy entirely on getting healthy, especially in the beginning.
  8. I would listen to your instincts on this one. If it doesn't feel right a little lost time will be worth it in the end. Good luck!
  9. The Candidate


    I was told to take it the day before. I was also on liquids the day before, with no food or water after midnight the night of surgery.
  10. The Candidate

    You know you lost weight when

    Things are going swimmingly well, @@OKCPirate! How are things in your neck of the woods?
  11. The Candidate

    Never noticed. Picture included

    There is a definite difference. Congrats!
  12. The Candidate

    What Are Your Hobbies?

    I love to write! And I also love crafts.
  13. I've also started taking a stool softener everyday. Constipation has been the only negative for me so far at seven weeks out. But definitely not a deal breaker! ????
  14. The Candidate

    You know you lost weight when

    Your undies start drooping in the rear like a baby in desperate need of a diaper change!
  15. The Candidate

    Ugh. Another hurdle

    You've been through so much, but have an incredible spirit. You are going to get that surgery, come what may. The desire for a healthy future will see you to your goals. Best wishes!
  16. The Candidate

    100 Pounds!

    The three figure mark is an astounding accomplishment! Congrats!
  17. You will enjoy your new life, full of endless joy and self discovery! Congrats and best wishes!
  18. The Candidate

    December 17th

    Congrats on the December date. It will definitely give you reason to celebrate the holiday season!
  19. The Candidate

    Halfway there!

    Congrats! That's an incredible start and before you know it you'll have reached your ultimate goal. Way to go!
  20. The Candidate

    VENT: Caught off guard

    The anonymity of the Internet is a convenient shield that too many use to hide behind for the sole purpose of these types of vicious acts. It's like a drug, and it's tends to draw the worst of the worst when it comes to anonymous personal attacks, such as this one. The only "behemoth" attributes I would attribute to you are your heart, your character, and your infinite compassion. Don't let one misguided individual occupy your mind for even one more second.
  21. The Candidate

    hit like a ton of bricks...DENIED!

    I wishing you the best for a positive outcome!
  22. The Candidate

    My first victory!

    That IS a major victory! Congrats!
  23. The Candidate

    I have a surgery date!

    Congrats on receiving your surgery date!
  24. The Candidate

    OMG Leaving Tomorrow

    Best of wishes and congratulations!
  25. The Candidate

    First post...

    Welcome! This is indeed a wonderful place to share your journey!

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