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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    1st consultation

    Congrats! Good to hear everything went so well!
  2. The Candidate

    Someone help me out PLEASE!

    I order Syntrax from Amazon and the chicken soup broth from Unjury.
  3. The Candidate

    You know you lost weight when

    I'm surprised Pizza Hut hasn't started putting up "missing" posters on me. I'm pretty sure I was responsible for at least a quarter of their net worth before surgery. ????
  4. You look fantastic @@brandnewme2015! Congrats!
  5. The Candidate

    How Do You Get Yourself Out the Door to Exercise?

    I've gotten a 2nd hand treadmill, elliptical, and recumbent bike from Craig's List. As soon as I walk in the door after work, I change my clothes, and start working out. A minimum of one hour, seven days a week. Weekends it's the first thing I do in the morning. I watch Netflix while I'm exercising. One episode or more of whatever I'm currently interested in, or I listen to an audio book. I've also been swimming and this Saturday I'm starting my first ever Yoga class. My motivation is getting the most out of my RNY as I possibly can, the renewed energy I have at two months out, and knowing how long I waited and worked towards having this surgery. I'm going all the way! It's never too late to turn your life around!
  6. The Candidate

    Being Full Post op?

    My biggest problem as a pre op was that I never felt full. No matter how much I ate, it was just never enough, coupled with the fact that I primarily ate junk. I could very easily consume an entire pizza, plus bread sticks, and a giant cookie all by myself in one evening. Plus I consumed Coke Zero only, with the occasional milk, never Water. Hated water. I was on a first name basis with all the food delivery guys. I planned my day around food. Could spend 100's of dollars at the grocery store. I wouldn't say I was an emotional eater. I didn't need a reason really. I was just trying to fill that endless empty space in my stomach that was never satisfied. I've been fat since I was a child and it's just always been that way. Yet all of my siblings are thin. I was always different and could never understand why. I've lost weight many times and gained it back many times, plus more. Same old story. And I could only do it by starving myself and exercising until I dropped, which was never sustainable. I had to wait a year for surgery, but the hope of a new life gave me the will to change and lose as much weight as I could before surgery. Highest weight was 248 and surgery weight was 216. The more you can lose as a pre op the better. I weaned myself off of soda too. So yes, my relationship and feelings about food have definitely changed for the better. Just being full is new for me and gives me the the drive to stay on course. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I used to say that about LASIK, but this tops it by leaps and bounds. Finally I'm the one in control of my body and not the other way around. I'm so happy I was able to do this and I will never look back again!
  7. The Candidate

    My Intro

    You've already made incredible progress, congrats! Welcome to the site and best of luck!
  8. The Candidate

    Being Full Post op?

    When I'm full now I definitely don't want more. If I happen to go that one bite too many I'm very uncomfortable for quite awhile. It's an uncomfortable you'd rather avoid, so you learn, or should strive to learn, to stop before it gets to that point. No matter how much research I've done, and I've done a lot, it's still hard to explain fully. It's kind of like you have to experience it to really know, and people's experiences vary too. But you start to get in sync with it and understand it more as you go along. I have zero regrets though. None whatsoever. I have a feeling you'll be the same way. The first few weeks are tough but it gets better, I promise. ????
  9. You are rocking @@dashofsunshine! Congrats!
  10. The Candidate

    Being Full Post op?

    I'm RNY and in my case I would say a definite no. You have to learn what full feels like all over again as a post op, and it takes some getting used to. It's why it's so important to go slow, and wait between bites. You're sort of waiting to get a signal that it's okay, or that its disagreeing with you, or its time to stop. For me, I feel it more towards my chest and I liken it to filling up a balloon. As you approach the neck of the balloon you've gone too far. You have to learn to stop before the food has no place to go but back out again. You'll be amazed at how little you can eat, and more so by how satisfied you are with that little bit. ???? Luckily I haven't had any issues to speak of. I'm able to get my Protein and Water in without a problem. I don't even have to sip my water, which I quite enjoy, but I don't push the limits by gulping either. There are days when I'm full after eating very little, and others where I can eat more. You'll have to map out your own "full" when it's your time. And before you know it, it'll become routine and you won't give it much thought anymore. It does get easier, and it definitely gets better! Good luck!
  11. The Candidate

    I've arrived . . . In Onederland!

    What a tremendous accomplishment! You have come so far and the future is yours for the asking. Congrats!
  12. That's a fine date to change your life for the better. Congrats!
  13. Having surgery isn't going to affect or diminish the good things in your life, except perhaps to enhance them by taking them to a higher level. And it can take a chunk of those bad things and make them better. No, it's not a sure fire pathway to happiness. But in the same way that money can't buy happiness either - it can still make it a whole heck of a lot easier! So the decision you have to make is: You can stay in place, with happiness in major areas of your life, and sweep all the other stuff under the rug, until your declining health demands your undivided attention (and it will happen someday). Or you can reach out for that brass ring on the hopes of having it all. The decision to have surgery is no longer a question of "if" but "when" when remaining stagnant is just no longer feasible. At least it was for me. Good luck!
  14. I haven't experienced any of your issues. However my surgeon prescribed both the Actigall and Protonix, which I filled before surgery, to start taking after surgery, as these type issues, from what I was told, are generally at risk. Along with the possibility of gallbladder removal. Although I've never heard of sludge before. I was actually hoping they would find a need to remove my gallbladder during surgery, to save myself the trouble of maybe having to do it later. I'm so sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time, and I hope it improves soon!
  15. The Candidate

    SURGERY DATE 11/10/2015

    Congrats on getting your surgery date!
  16. The Candidate

    My journey

    You have a very inspiring story and should be so proud of how far you've come. Congrats!
  17. The Candidate

    For all who are contemplating surgery!

    Well done and congratulations! You look great!
  18. I've found Fair Life in Albertsons here in CA. Don't know how nation wide that chain is though.
  19. The Candidate


    That's ridiculous. I've never heard of something like that. Didn't they require past diet history to prove that yes, you can lose it, but you gain it back again. Like all of us have. Honestly I've never heard of something like that. I'd fight it!
  20. The Candidate

    7 days left

    You'll going to do great! The first weeks are a little rough but it's gets better everyday. Congrats!
  21. The Candidate


    It's such a double standard. I also had to lose 10% and ended up losing more. Went from a 45 BMI to a 39 BMI before approval. But in my case, and I think in most insurance's cases, they count the BMI you started with, that you qualified to enter the program, not the ending BMI. When I got down to a 40 BMI during the program I called and asked specifically if I would be penalized for going lower, and thus jeopardize my approval. She told me "no" and encouraged me to lose more. You should appeal. I hope you eventually get your approval.
  22. The Candidate


    Looking great! Congrats!
  23. The Candidate

    Interesting, what people notice.

    I'm not at the "tucking in" stage, but I can only imagine how great it must have been doing that for the first time after surgery. And now, having it commented on... Major NSV. Congrats!
  24. At two months out, no way, no how. Zero regrets. Lots of hopes though. The difference this early is amazing. I can't wait to see where I am in a year! It gets better everyday and I'd do it again in a second.
  25. The Candidate

    Requirements done!

    I know well the hurdle jumping and waiting game, so congrats for getting so close to the end! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for a quick turn around. ????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
