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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    10/10/15 so I thought :-)!

    Even better! Congrats on the upgrade!
  2. The Candidate

    Officially overweight and proud!

    Congrats on breaking the barrier. Looking great!
  3. The Candidate

    I'm approved!

    It was worth it! ????
  4. The Candidate

    16 weeks Post op

    Amazing! You look fantastic! Congrats!
  5. The Candidate

    Having a tough day

    It'll get better, even though I know it doesn't feel that way now. Give yourself a few days to rest and you will notice improvement over time. Feel better!
  6. Welcome Rene! I'm 54 and had my bypass on 07/29/15. Even this early out my life has changed dramatically for the better. You will not be sorry! Congrats on the start of your journey!
  7. The Candidate

    I'm approved!

    As someone else who had to wait an entire year for surgery, I definitely feel your immense joy! Congrats!
  8. The Candidate

    Garlic Shrimp with Zoodles

    Even as a Californian it took me a second to get your reference. ????. Yes, if we're not in the middle of a drought we're in the middle of a wildfire. And don't even get me started on gas prices! But hey, maybe Mars exploration will pan out in time to bail us out. Thanks for the recipe!
  9. The Candidate

    Do your vitamins make you nauseous?

    Mine don't make me nauseous, but I was taking the Bariatric Advantage Multi before surgery, and after surgery I just can't stomach the taste. I switched to Celebrate.
  10. The Candidate

    Finally post op!

    Congratulations on coming through your surgery with flying colors! There will be no stopping you now!
  11. The Candidate

    Happy October - Happy Breast Cancer awareness month

    My 78 year old mother is a 16 year survivor of breast cancer. I was 38 when she was diagnosed, and had her mastectomy and chemo treatments. She lost her husband and her mother that very same year. She is my ultimate hero! I've gotten a yearly mammogram ever since. You owe it to yourself to have it done.
  12. The Candidate

    Finally got approved - Anthem BC

    Congrats on your approval!
  13. The Candidate

    Hello, I'm new!

    Welcome @@Learningtolive! You've definitely found a great place to learn and find support as you embark on your journey. I had my bypass on 07/29 and I can promise you that it is well worth it! Congrats!
  14. The Candidate

    Naturally Thin People ... omgosh!

    I have a dear friend at work who I've told more than once that she is the weight that I aspire to be. She's perfect! I would never seek to lose another pound if I looked like her. And yet she recently underwent liposuction and is forever saying she needs to lose more weight. And she's quite serious. I guess like us, as we lose weight, they just can't always *see* the person that others see.
  15. The Candidate


    Welcome to the group and congrats on your recent surgery!
  16. The Candidate

    116kg to 92kg 9weeks

    That's a big change and you look wonderful. Congrats!
  17. Hello everyone! I'm 54 and had my bypass on 7/29/15. I'm down 33 pounds since surgery, and 65 pounds from my highest weight last year! I'm feeling better than I have in years, even this early out. Life is great these days. Looking forward to reading your posts and getting to know everyone.
  18. The Candidate

    My beautiful wedding band

    I'm so sorry. ????
  19. The Candidate

    Does it ever get better?

    It gets so much better, what you're going through now will someday feel like a distant dream. Feel better!
  20. That is a NSV to shout from the rooftops! Congrats!
  21. Speaking of fantastic - your new photo is wonderful @@dhrguru!
  22. You shouldn't be in a funk... You should be out painting the town red, because you look fantastic!
  23. The Candidate

    Auth APPROVED!

    Welcome aboard, and many congrats on the approval! You will not be sorry!
  24. The Candidate

    Online Food Diary?

    There's also Fooducate.
  25. The Candidate

    Idk what's wrong

    It's so perfectly normal for your emotions to be so close to the surface during this pre op period. When you think about it you are actually existing in a state of limbo, caught between one life and another. The one you're living and the one you desire. That's no small thing. You're about to have this wonderful life changing surgery, and yet, you must wait. You KNOW your life is never going to be the same, and still... you must wait. If that's not a stress inducer I don't know what is. In the meantime you're made to follow a diet, exercise, and start making hardcore lifestyle changes. All things you had to prove, in some cases, even document, that you repeatedly failed miserably at before, just to qualify for the surgery in the first place. As for the people around you being MIA, or you having that perception, I'm not really surprised. If you're anything like me, I remember distinctly that the surgery was my obsession. I thought about it 24/7. I dreamed about it. I worried. I hoped. I fantasized. And I have no doubt too that I drove those around me, whose lives didn't revolve around wls, absolutely crazy. I was that person you dread seeing walking down the hallway towards you, because you know as soon as we're within earshot I'm going to corner you, and bore you to death for eons on how great my kids are, and here are their pictures to prove it. (Yes, I even had diagrams of the different surgeries on hand, and would whip them out at a moment's notice). Just before my surgery I actually went to the few friends and family I had told, and apologized for the last year when I could talk of nothing else. ???? So I hope you'll be a little easier on yourself. You have every right to feel this way. And I can promise you, it will get better. Everything you are going through will be so worth it in the end!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
