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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    90 Days of Difference

    Congrats on the amazing big transformation! You look great!
  2. The Candidate

    Newbie alert!

    It's normal to feel so overwhelmed in the beginning. You are definitely not alone. Things should start getting better for you soon. Wishing you the best of luck and welcome to the forums!
  3. Congrats on your major accomplishment!
  4. The Candidate

    Any complications?

    Had my RNY on 07/29/15. Zero complications and very easy recovery.
  5. The Candidate

    2 months Post Op

    I've been using my treadmill, swimming, and just took my first yoga class ever. Good luck!
  6. The Candidate


    Excellent point!
  7. The Candidate

    Post Op Care Question

    I made arrangements to stay with family for the first week after surgery, as I live alone. I also had someone take care of my two dogs outside of the house. I was concerned that they might jump on my stomach as they are very affectionate. My RNY was complication free and much easier than I ever expected it to be. By the time I left the hospital I was virtually pain free. The first night I slept comfortably in a bed with no issues. The next morning I drove myself home as I felt so good. A day later I asked for my dogs to come home too. I think it's best if you make arrangements for help, just in case, and then you can always change them later based on how well you feel. Good luck!
  8. My highest weight was 248. I was required to lose 10% and by surgery date I was 216, so I lost a bit more. My insurance encouraged me to lose as much as possible as a pre op. Good luck!
  9. The Candidate

    Surgery delayed! ????

    It's tough to weather a set back, but best that you be as healthy as possible on surgery day. You'll need all your reserves of strength for the healing process. Good luck!
  10. The Candidate


    It's like Mother Hubbard's cupboard! ????
  11. @@toasty spoke the truth. And he wrote it in a very kind and non condescending way. It in no way comes across as "unhelpful" or should have warranted a negative response in turn.
  12. The Candidate

    chocolate cake craving

    Thank you for the recipe!
  13. The Candidate

    Risky behavior

    Your story is a reminder that wls is as much a mental adjustment, as it is physical. Like me you've spent the majority of your life invisible or sometimes, even the object of unwarranted ridicule. It's an on going learning process, shedding the fat suit, as also is the lowering of the internal protective shields built up over the years to protect yourself from negativity. You've already identified the subsequent behavior, which is a forward step in itself, and someday I'm sure you'll find a way to deal with them positively. In the meantime, give yourself some credit for just how far you've already come! Best of luck!
  14. The Candidate

    Hey everyone! Before/After pics

    You have done an amazing job and look great! Congrats!
  15. Thank you for sharing your story and advice. Your journey is very inspiring!
  16. The Candidate

    Life change

    Well, I'm not too far out yet, only two months, but yesterday I attended my first yoga class! I couldn't get into all the positions due to my bad knees, but I'm proud of how well I kept up. I'm also exercising on my own at least an hour each day. None of this would have been possible not too long ago. Also I have this bean bag chair that I was always afraid to sit on in fear I wouldn't be able to get up from it unassisted. But now I can! I think "can" has become my new favorite word! ????
  17. The Candidate

    Four days post op!

    Congrats on a successful surgery! The first days are tough but it'll get better, I promise!
  18. The Candidate

    Change of plans?

    As tough as everything seems right now, things will get better day by day as you heal. It's a blessing actually that you had the surgery, as the other condition might never have been diagnosed otherwise. I'm sorry about the situation with your job and school as I know that is only added stress. I hope you have somewhere to turn to for support during this difficult time. Hope you continue to heal without further issues. Get as much rest as you can and good luck!
  19. The Candidate

    Hello! Anna here.

    You can do this, just like you've handled all the other upheavals in your life. And you've got such a wonderful healthy future awaiting you. I'm two months out from my RNY, and I can tell you unequivocally that everything I gave up in no way compares to what I've already gained, even this early out. Yes, at first it's tough giving up all your past unhealthy foods, but it's really all in your head. It's a mental battle, that gets easier to fight day by day. The stronger you are mentally, the stronger your body becomes physically. It's a wonderful thing and I have zero regrets. I believe you will too in the end. Best of luck!
  20. The Candidate

    Question? ?

    Face definitely, followed closely by butt. Boobs sadly, are still in the Grand Tetons arena.
  21. The Candidate

    Gastric bypass

    You look so amazing! Congrats on your success!
  22. The Candidate

    Hello, I'm a newbie!

    Congrats! My RNY was on 07/29/15. Best decision ever! Each day will get better. I didn't experience the twitching so I can't help with that. Wishing you the best of luck!
  23. The Candidate

    Two days post op surgery Friday Oct 2

    So glad to hear that all went well and you are recovering nicely. Congrats!
  24. The Candidate

    Well that was different

    Sorry to hear that happened! Hope you're feeling better now.
  25. The Candidate

    New to the forum

    Welcome Germaine!

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