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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    October 29...

    Sounds like you're on the wls fast track! Congrats!
  2. The Candidate

    Surgery on Oct. 20th... that's Tuesday!

    Welcome to the site, and best wishes for your surgery tomorrow!
  3. Congrats on beating the odds, and continuing on the journey. And you look wonderful!
  4. Congrats on booking a date!
  5. The Candidate

    Hello All

    Welcome Brian! My advice would be to do as much personal research as you can. Go into the operating room with an empty belly, and a mind full of facts. Understand exactly what you're getting into, and what your role will entail in working your surgery to its utmost potential. Best of luck!
  6. The Candidate

    Newbie Here

    The "process" can indeed be daunting. But the results are worth the inconveniences a million times over! Once you have the surgery the long road that got you there will feel like a distant dream. ????
  7. The Candidate

    When People Notice Your Weight Loss

    I enjoy it. In fact, I love them. It's substantive confirmation of how hard I'm working to get the best results out of my surgery. My last successful weight loss attempt on my own before surgery was over 10 years ago, when I was able to get down to 130 pounds. I was even able to hold on to that weight for close to two years. I loved the compliments and attention. I love how I felt. It was an amazing time. But then inevitably, the weight slowly started packing on again, plus more. The compliments suddenly went away, and there was just silence. A terrible awful silence. I had worked so hard to get to that place, but I just couldn't hold onto it. It really did me in, emotionally, physically. After that I just couldn't summon the strength to do it again, and so I went on to become my highest weight ever at 248. Now, after weight loss surgery, I'm only 45 pounds away from that 130 I was before. The compliments I've been receiving already are so wonderful, because it's finally displaced that terrible, awful silence. And I can't wait to be reacquainted with the 130 pound woman I was before, because I've really missed her. Those compliments are concrete proof of how far you've come. So it doesn't matter how far you still have to go. Enjoy where you are now, give yourself a little pat on the back, and bask in the knowledge that it's only going to get better!
  8. The Candidate

    so frustrated

    Congrats! Hope the approval news comes soon!
  9. The Candidate

    Thank you!

    Good to know things are looking up!
  10. The Candidate

    Food has lost its grip on me

    That's definitely a relationship breakup that you should celebrate. Congrats!
  11. The Candidate

    Senior needs help fast.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your medical issues. I'm 54 and had my bypass on 07/29/15. I've had no issues or complications, and I'm very happy with the outcome so far. I believe there's a section here for sleeve to bypass revisions, so you might consider posting there as well to get specific answers from people who have gone through exactly what you are facing. I will say though, if it helps any, that we have a 76 year old bypass patient in my support group, and his progress has been remarkable. Best of luck and wishes in your upcoming surgery. Let us know how it goes.
  12. The Candidate


    Definitely normal. I didn't see much improvement in stamina until about six to eight weeks out. I'm heading into my twelfth week and I pretty much feel back to normal now. Hang in there. You'll start to see some improvement too soon!
  13. The Candidate

    I made it!

    Congrats! ????????????
  14. You look incredibly beautiful @@vcarrillo88!
  15. The Candidate

    1st Psych Evaluation Appointment Scheduled

    The psych evaluation was definitely the easiest of my requirements. I'm also curious as to why you cousin failed five times, and are you going to be evaluated by the same doctor?
  16. The Candidate

    OMG! NSV! NSV! ????????????????????????

    The unexpected NSV's are still the best! Congrats!
  17. The Candidate

    Sleeve or Bypass?

    While there are some instances involving either a patient's health, or individual insurance coverage, that might preclude someone from having a particular surgery, I think most of us were allowed a choice of which we procedure we wanted. I was given the option of either sleeve or bypass, so in my case, and many others, it absolutely comes down to a personal decision. This why it's so very important to do your own research.
  18. The Candidate

    So heres my story.

    So glad things worked out in the end and you were able to have surgery. Congratulations!
  19. The Candidate

    Is dumping syndrome forever?

    That's one of the reasons why I chose bypass. The fear of dumping is a powerful motivator. I couldn't stop myself from making bad food choices on my own before surgery. After surgery, with the physical aid of restriction, and the psychological fear of dumping working in tandem, I'm doing very well. ????
  20. The Candidate

    My preop diet experience/lessons learned

    Good for you! That's definitely the proper mind frame.
  21. Oh it'll come. Give it some time. You will be amazed at not only how little you can eat, but by how little you *want* to eat.
  22. You look great @@Niki15!
  23. The Candidate

    Holy sore

    This early out I wasn't even eating pudding yet, so if you're having issues I'd go back to broth, etc. If it persists, be sure to check with your doctor though, as I've never been stuck myself. I'm 11 weeks out. Don't try and rush new things. You've still got a lot of healing to do. Feel better.
  24. The Candidate

    Holy sore

    Sorry to hear about the pudding. Are you doing okay with water, broth, sf Popsicles? Those were my staples early on.
  25. The Candidate

    Gained a pound back! :(

    Maybe it would be easier to equate it to the stock market. You don't go and sell off your entire portfolio because the market dips on a single day. I have been tracking my weight daily since surgery and I've had many weeks where I stayed the same or gained a pound or so. Yet I don't freak because overall the trend is definitively downward, and that's what's most important in the long run.

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