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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Halloween ????

    And speaking of cereal - there will some that I'd eat right out of the box. Frosted Mini Wheats and Frosted Flakes were my favorites. They were divine dry.
  2. The Candidate

    Halloween ????

    I used to love Halloween because it was the only time of year I could buy bags and bags of candy, and not have to deal with the judging stares. I'm happy to report that at 12 weeks post op I haven't had a single piece of candy. Or anything else I'm not supposed to. In fact I'm not even craving them! If this were Christmas I'd count it as a miracle. ????
  3. The Candidate

    Pre- Op Weight Loss Question

    Sounds like they're using your weight from your pre op appt that you mentioned at the beginning, so if you're over that, it'll count as a gain. Some insurances will deny you for a gain, no matter how small. My pre op weight was 244, and this was taken before I started the six months of weigh in's. That's the weight I was expected to lose 10% of. The good news is it's not a huge amount of weight to lose in the time you have left. I'd just concentrate on getting to or under the 264.
  4. The Candidate

    My life's next great chapter.

    You've taken a very introspective route to weight loss surgery, and I think you'll be a better person for it. You might be the "oldest living" at 47 but I have a feeling you'll be setting that record on fire with a very long and healthy life ahead of you. Congrats!
  5. Congrats! Great accomplishment!
  6. The Candidate

    Emotional after exercise

    After exercising I only have one reoccurring word in my head - shower! It pretty much blocks out any residual emotion I might have. Maybe try switching around the time you're exercising and see if that makes a difference.
  7. The Candidate

    4 days post-op

    Congrats on your recent surgery!
  8. The Candidate

    Stuck stuck stuck!

    If by mini goals you mean you are expecting to be a specific weight by a specific date - don't do that. ????. That's almost as bad as being a scale vulture. Multiple mini goals like that can lead to multiple mini meltdowns. As long as you're following the rules, your body will get you there - but in its own time. Sounds like you're doing great though, and should be very happy with your progress so far!
  9. The Candidate

    Surgery date 10/13/15

    Congrats on your recent surgery!
  10. The Candidate

    6 month wait...

    Depends on your particular program. My requirements included six months of classes, but with all the other things I had to do: like seminars, tests, working with their schedules etc., it took an entire year to get to my actual surgery date. But it was well worth the wait, and feels like nothing now.
  11. The Candidate

    Emotional issues

    Just keep going over in your head about everything that led up to this decision. What you want to achieve and the things you always wanted to accomplish. Envision the amazing future you have awaiting you!
  12. The Candidate

    Wondering if I'm doing something wrong

    I started taking a stool softener everyday. Haven't been constipated since.
  13. The Candidate

    Very unpleasant post op day 6 & 7.

    It seems to me I remember a discussion awhile back from someone experiencing a consistent rash. But I can't for the life of me remember the outcome. Try doing a search on "rash" and see what comes up. Hope you get some relief!
  14. The Candidate

    10 days down

    Sounds like you've got everything in hand. Congrats!
  15. The Candidate

    Patients that do gastric bypass or sleeve

    I'd love to see the recipes!
  16. Wow. I mean... Wow! You've definitely been on an unpleasant journey. So happy to hear your revision is only a week away. Congrats on making it through the fire and back out into the world. Best of luck!
  17. The Candidate

    3 weeks after surgery and I can eat anything

    I've not had a problem eating anything either, and I'm 12 weeks out. It's great. Zero complications! Give it some more time and keep following the rules. The weight will start coming off and you'll begin to learn your body again. It took me awhile to differentiate between real hunger and head hunger. It gets better though, and the restriction becomes more noticeable as time goes on. You've got to allow yourself adequate time to heal. Keep busy and distract yourself from thoughts of food. Walk as much as you can, or whatever exercise you enjoy. It's too soon to panic. You've got this. Best of luck!
  18. The Candidate

    Mon Oct 19th IT Is here!

    Congrats and best wishes on your surgery day!
  19. Welcome board, so glad you've gone from lurking to posting. You'll enjoy it that much more! Congrats on all your accomplishment so far, and those yet to come!
  20. The Candidate

    Woohoo! Down one more size!

    I love these kinds of posts and the beaming smiles that usually accompanies them! Congrats! You look great! ????
  21. The Candidate

    Preparing for the worst

    I've been keeping a video journal since I began my journey, so well over a year. I figured that would suffice. But honestly I was so calm and serene when they wheeled me in, I had no jitters or nerves. And this was my first surgery ever. I've had zero complications and a fast recovery. Best of luck with yours and congrats!
  22. The Candidate

    Question from a pre-op

    I love my Hydroflask! Keeps that water cold with ice not melting for 24 hours. And I use my small plates always. Couldn't work with the tiny utensils, but the plates are great.
  23. The Candidate

    Anyone else feel scared they'll gain it back?

    I know with every pre op diet I succeeded at, the fear was always there. And sure enough it happened too. But now it's different. Yes, it still whispers in my ear now and again, but this is definitely the most confident I've been at keeping it off long term. And it's feels great!
  24. The Candidate

    I haven't lost any hair. Weird?

    I'm closing in on three months and haven't lost any yet. Hope the trend continues.
  25. The Candidate

    Ricotta and sauce?

    It is indeed both delicious and filling. Made another batch last night.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
