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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Complications after the RNY

    I'm 12 weeks out and have yet to experience a single complication. Sure hope my luck continues.
  2. The Candidate

    Anxiety through the roof

    You have cause to feel anxious so vent away. Sure hope you get good news soon!
  3. The Candidate

    new RNY patient

    Hello Kathleen and welcome aboard! For food/protein trackers I also use My Fitness Pal. There's also Fooducate and Bariastic.
  4. The Candidate

    Last Day of Real Food!

    To paraphrase the Coneheads: Last day of real food "in mass quantities". Real food in moderation will always be an option. ????
  5. You just give anxiety a good kick back! You've got this!
  6. The Candidate

    Day of surgery!

    Go through those operating room doors with the surety that you are doing what's needed for a long and healthy life!
  7. The Candidate

    The view from 'down there' (a ladies room post)

    Definite NSV! Awesome!
  8. The Candidate

    2 years and 231 pounds down!

    You are the quintessential poster child for success! Congrats! I hope I grow up (or in this case, down) to be just like you! ????
  9. The Candidate

    Bummed and angry

    It's definitely common to feel that way before surgery, when everything revolves around what you're giving up. But after surgery it's a whole new world. I'm only 12 weeks out but I seem to find something daily that makes what I gave up seem like nothing in comparison. Just to no longer feel that pull of gravity anchoring me to the ground, or my bed is life changing. I feel light, in body and spirit and it's so liberating. I no longer feel like the literal "elephant" in the room anymore. I look for ways to walk more, exercise, expand my horizons. And I haven't even reached goal yet. It just gets better and better. No regrets. None. Would do it over again in a second.
  10. The Candidate

    Day 1 of liquid diet

    You're on your way! Congrats!
  11. The Candidate

    Want to chug... So thirsty

    It really does get better. At 12 weeks out I no longer have to sip. I honestly never really did. I even chug on occasion. ????
  12. The Candidate

    How to get insurance to pay for plastic surgery

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My mother is a 16 year breast cancer survivor, and they've come a long way in treatment since then. Best wishes and good health!
  13. Don't worry. You'll spend most of the time sleeping. ????. Congrats!
  14. You should never feel obligated to tell anyone anything you don't want to share. That is your right. That person was very out of line for posting that video, especially being a supervisor. I would be tempted to take that case further, perhaps to HR. When I told my office I was having surgery and would be taking six weeks off, I never revealed the reason why. I wasn't required to. Any documents I submitted from my surgeon or doctor, I redacted anything that would have led to a conclusion of the type of procedure. It had nothing to do with being ashamed of wls. I am a private person, like you, and working in the same office for 28 years, I'm well aware of what happens when "gossip" starts making the rounds. My life is my life. My decisions are my decisions. Period. Work and personal life needs a clear defining line. When you start blurring those lines, it's not as fun as the song by the same name, and tends to get very messy. Everyone has to make their own choice when it comes to telling or not. There is no right or wrong. I have not regretted my decision once. And you should in no way be penalized for that decision either by somebody posting a video about it. I've never heard of anyone doing something so mean spirited and spiteful. I'm so very sorry that happened to you.
  15. The Candidate

    Finally got a date!

    I'm 54 and 12 weeks out from bypass. Zero complications and a very easy recovery. Congrats on your surgery date and best of luck!
  16. The Candidate

    Well, I've been yelled at today.

    My surgeon's office has a big sign over reception that if you are fifteen minutes late, you'll have to reschedule your appointment. And when I was taking my six month classes (24 classes, once a week), we were told at the orientation that if we missed the first class we would be out of the program. If we were 15 minutes late to any of the other classes, we would be sent home and would have to make it up elsewhere (which meant in a different city). Only four make-up's were allowed. If you missed a fifth, you were out. They would not send reminders either.
  17. The Candidate

    Weight lost during pre-op diet.

    I only had to be on a one day liquid diet, and amazingly lost 3 lbs. But I was also required to lose 10% of my beginning body weight during my six months of classes.
  18. The Candidate

    Surgery on October 26

    Congrats to you! Your new life has been ordered and is in transit right now. Best wishes!
  19. It's perfectly normal. You're about to embark on a life changing journey. You've got emotions leaking out like sawdust. But just focus on what you're hoping to achieve. Looking at the big picture, the operation itself is barely a speed bump in the scheme of things. It's the new lease on life you're getting that's the real prize. And it's worth everything you're going through. You'll be fine. Good luck!
  20. I had several classmates from my six month program in the hospital with me at the same time. It helped being able to compare, walking laps together etc. And we still get together now.
  21. The Candidate

    Lose too much weight= denied?

    I started my program with a 45 BMI and ended with a 39, with no comorbidities, and was still approved. They approved based on the starting BMI. But it's not the same for every insurance so you'll need to check with yours.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
