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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    That's an amazing transformation. Congrats!
  2. The Candidate

    Update on my weight and stuff

    Yours is an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing!
  3. The Candidate

    hair loss , growth = faith and hope

    I'm so happy that your hair is finally growing back. And that you're so close to goal too. Congrats!
  4. The Candidate

    One Month Post Op

    You are doing great. Congrats on your success!
  5. The Candidate

    Finally on the losers bench

    Welcome to the other side!
  6. The Candidate

    We are finally in!

    I have a good feeling about this! It's your time to shine!
  7. The Candidate


    Congrats! No better start to a weekend!
  8. The Candidate

    Mental Image Reset

    For me, I think it's from conditioning. Having been fat since childhood, it's basically all I know. Combined with all the times I lost major pounds, only to gain them back, it can be hard to begin to accept that somehow it's going to be different this time. Someday I hope we can reconcile the person we think we see in the mirror, with the person we've actually become.
  9. Sorry to hear about the hardships. Good to know you're finally back home again. Congrats!
  10. The Candidate

    new picture NSV

    Excellent NSV! I can't wait for the day when I'll have to get a new picture for my work ID badge. Still got a ways to go though. Congrats!
  11. The Candidate

    Pouch stretch?

    My apologies Mr. @@winklie! ????
  12. The Candidate

    RNY undone?

    I've heard it's possible, but have never personally heard of an actual case.
  13. The Candidate

    Pouch stretch?

    I think there's more chance of eating around your pouch, rather than stretching it. I think that's the main cause for regain. @@winklie gives an excellent example of doing it too. Her friend still can't eat a lot at one sitting, but if you eat the wrong foods, and work all day at getting it in, the weight will return.
  14. The Candidate

    Met my weight loss goal!

    I'm still in the losing stage, only 13 weeks out, so no advice to share. I just wanted to say congrats on reaching goal after revision surgery. You definitely have a lot to be proud of, and kudos for the hard work!
  15. The Candidate

    Hello All(:

    Welcome Stephanie! Congrats on your amazing loss! The future is bright and gets better everyday. ????
  16. The Candidate

    Second day post-op

    The first days/weeks are the roughest. I didn't experience nausea, but a lot of people do. The good news is it gets better... much better. Hang in there and congrats!
  17. That is definitely not normal. I'm 13 weeks out and I'm still under 1000 calories. I would be stuffed to the rafters if I even attempted a Lean Cuisine. I'm just curious as why you tried a Lean Cuisine this early out, as I was still on liquids at this stage. Are you experiencing extreme hunger as well? I'm very curious to hear more of your experience as it develops. I hope your situation improves and best of luck!
  18. You look so beautiful @@Trayjay33! Congrats!
  19. I was like that for a whole year while I finished my requirements. The feeling doesn't go away, and the results are worth waiting for. ????
  20. The Candidate

    New member

    Welcome and congrats on your successful revision!
  21. The Candidate


    And let me officially welcome your emergence from lurkerdom. ???? Congrats!
  22. The Candidate

    Current Non-scale Win

    Congrats on the ring victory!
  23. The Candidate


    I'm sure you're over the moon! Congrats!
  24. The Candidate


    That is wonderful news! Congrats!

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