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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    I find this extremely frustrating

    Yep. That s where I see it too.
  2. The Candidate

    November 10 2015 is my new beginning!

    Congrats on your date to the start of a whole new healthy life!
  3. My drain was still draining right up until they removed it three days later. They put gauze and bandaids over the drain hole and it was only oozing a little then. Within 24 hours it had stopped completely and I didn't even need the gauze. Good luck! Oh and once they removed my drain, most of my residual pain (and I never had much to begin with) went away.
  4. That's a roundabout NSV! Congrats! ????
  5. I think awareness that you're different, and how early in life it happened are also contributing factors. For instance I've been fat since childhood. Plus I have three other siblings, we're all two years apart, two sisters and a brother, and none of them have ever been overweight, let alone fat. And I'm the only one of the three girls who has had huge breasts since puberty. I'm a "DDD" while they're both in the "A" and "B" category. I've been painfully aware that I never fit in with them since I was in grade school.
  6. The Candidate

    A rant about annoying questions

    You should just be able to highlight it and then tap the "edit" button that appears. After you edit it, save it, and your changes will appear.
  7. You did it once and now you can do it again! You've got this!
  8. The Candidate

    I miss salad?

    Thanks @@lauraellen80! Thanks @@LipstickLady!
  9. The Candidate

    I miss salad?

    What kind of dressings, if any, do you guys use? That's what used to get me in trouble.
  10. The Candidate

    Help so sick

    At three months out, I haven't experienced it yet, and hope I never do. What I like is that the "fear" of it is helping keep me on track.
  11. The Candidate

    Your first time..

    My first fruit was an apple. And my first veggie was a carrot. No adverse reaction to either.
  12. You are the success, and the surgery helped you get there. Congrats!
  13. Hahaha! That's a great analogy! Though I will say that it's much more pleasant to walk around thinner rather than covered in stinky walker viscera... Too true! Too true! ????
  14. The Candidate

    ONDERLAND and a 25 year Victory!

    Outstanding! You are da bomb!
  15. The Candidate

    Re-Launch Rant (tho it didn't start out as such...)

    Good for you for taking control of your destiny!
  16. I'm a Walking Dead fan, so this might only make sense to fellow fans. But you know how sometimes the live people will cover themselves in guts from the Walkers to disguise their smell? So they can walk amongst them undetected? I'm only three months in but my weight loss so far is pretty noticeable. And sometimes I feel that way. That I'm only disguised as a thin person, secretly walking amongst them, but I'm still a fat person really, with just the guts of a thin person keeping me from being outed. I still have feet planted firmly in both worlds right now. But it's enough that I no longer get the unsolicited hostile stares. That the contents of my grocery cart isn't being openly judged. That people look me directly in the eyes, and give me compliments. I don't attract anywhere near the amount of negative attention I did at 248 pounds. I'm 173 now, so I'm still fat, but I guess it's an acceptable fat now. It's sad and at times surreal that so much emphasis is placed on the outside package. But there's no question that I've definitely been experiencing a major difference.
  17. You not only blew in, you took the town by storm! Congrats on an amazing accomplishment!
  18. The Candidate

    5weeks post op

    I actually think I sleep better after my RNY. A real plus is I no longer have to get up in the middle of the night to pee! Before surgery I would have to get up two or three times. I don't suffer from anxiety - pre or post.
  19. The Candidate

    NSV - underwear

    That is a very significant NSV! Congrats!
  20. The Candidate

    Defining "normal" weight and BMI

    I'm only three months out, so I still have a ways to go. I'm also 5'2", like you. I'm currently 173 and I've put my ultimate goal down as 130. I'm basing this number on my most successful weight loss attempt over ten years ago. I got down to 130 then and I felt fantastic. All along, these intervening years, I've just wanted to feel that way again. So I'm planning to base my stopping point on how I feel when I get there, both physically and mentally. There are so many variables that go into this process, that the BMI charts just don't address, including age and body type. But I'm not pinning my ultimate happiness on a specific number. In fact just yesterday, I was telling my brother that if the weight loss stopped now, I would still be satisfied, and would definitely do it all over again. I'm already feeling better than I have in at least a decade. I'm no longer pre diabetic and my blood pressure and other vitals are perfect. I'm no longer the fattest person in the room, and I'm treated better. I don't fear fire drills and the four flights of stairs that go with it. My confidence and energy are at an all time high. If it gets better from here - great! If this is it - that's great too! Best decision ever!
  21. Congratulations on your great success!
  22. The Candidate

    Alzheimer’s disease

    That is great news all around!
  23. The Candidate

    One Step Closer...

    Best of luck that you have a hassle free process, and speedy surgery. Congrats!
  24. The Candidate


    Oh hey, I'm totally on board with the "Keep on swimming" reference! See my pic. ???? Congrats on your upcoming surgery and I hope your sinuses clear before the big day!
  25. The Candidate

    One more day!

    Try to have a restful day today in preparation for tomorrow. Best of luck and congrats on your revision!

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