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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    I've been approved!

    Congrats on approval and surgery date!
  2. The Candidate

    Appointment for phychiatary

    Mainly they just want to see whether you have a clear grasp of how much your life is going to change after surgery. They'll also want to see that you're making efforts to change your lifestyle towards healthy living. Some people go into this believing it's a quick fix, and you'll magically lose weight, and more importantly, maintain that loss for life without any effort. This is only a tool and it requires your full participation for long term success. They want to know your understanding of and expectations for life after the procedure. They might also ask about your support system, because that's also important, your family life, your weight and diet history, your overall health, addictions, etc. Mine just involved an easy one on one discussion. Some others have written multiple choice personality tests as well. The goal objective is to weed out the people who aren't taking this seriously, or don't fully understand the seriousness of what they're getting into, or have unrealistic expectations, or perhaps even underlying psychological problems. It's rare that I've seen someone denied because of the consult. At best, they might request further consulting before proceeding. Honestly it was probably the easiest requirement I had. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Just be yourself and tell the truth. You'll be fine! Good luck!
  3. The Candidate

    Weighing Benefits vs Risks

    I'm RNY, three months out and zero regrets. Complication free, easy recovery. And I feel like I've gotten my life back. I can't imagine how much better it's going to get, but I know it will. I was also pre diabetic - no more. I wasn't on meds to control blood pressure, etc., but all my vitals were creeping up. Now they're perfect. I have a ton more energy. The pain in my joints is so much better... and well, I just feel more in control. I love it! Would do it again in a second!
  4. I only wore it a couple of days after getting released.
  5. The Candidate

    Before and after

    Wow! You are beautiful! Congrats on your hard work, as it certainly has paid off!
  6. The Candidate

    2 days post op :3

    Happy to hear things are going so well. Congrats!
  7. The Candidate

    NUT visit over!

    Congrats! You are well on your way!
  8. The Candidate

    Three days later

    @@drmeow See if your doctor will prescribe you a PPI for the acid. I was on Protonix for the first two months.
  9. The Candidate

    So excited and ready!

    Hi and welcome! We're very close in stats. I'm three months out from my RNY. I'm 5'2". My HW was 248 and I was 216 the day of surgery. I'm 172 now. So I've lost 76 overall and 44 since surgery. I'm also 54, so I have a slower metabolism. Just remember that everyone is different so don't drive yourself crazy by comparing weight loss after surgery. Your body will lose at its own rate. As long as you stick to the program, it will come off in its own time! Congrats!
  10. The Candidate

    Hello :-)

    I don't, but Clusie's videos are legendary. She's so funny. ????
  11. The Candidate

    Tomorrow's the day!

    Happy surgery day and best wishes!
  12. The Candidate


    Took my first bath since surgery, and there was spare room on both sides of the tub.
  13. The Candidate

    One week out

    Congrats on your surgery and first week as a post op!
  14. The Candidate

    from lap band to bypass,,anyone?

    @@Pinkgirl1234 I'm so sorry to hear that happened. I know you must be devastated. Does this mean that you can never have a revision, or that they just have to wait awhile to give you a chance to heal? I sure hope it's the latter.
  15. The Candidate

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    You are right - I have never been formally introduced to vegemite. Except by way of Men At Work's "Who Can It Be Now." And even then, it was an acquired taste. Stay strong!
  16. The Candidate

    Surgery tomorrow 10/28

    You'll be fine! Congrats!
  17. The Candidate

    Somebody in the kitchen across from my office is cooking toast!

    @@Inner Surfer Girl is right. It won't be worth it. Stay strong!
  18. The Candidate

    Surgery postponed

    I don't know about the timeframe for improvements, but just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear your surgery was postponed. I hope things look brighter soon!
  19. The Candidate

    First Restaurant Dinner Out?

    I went to a Panera with a couple of work friends at about two months out. I ordered chicken soup and ate the broth and veggies. I ate around the noodles and never touched the bread that came with it. Wasn't a problem at all.
  20. The Candidate

    Insurance Mess! :-/

    You've certainly had a lot on your shoulders, but I'm glad it worked out in the end. I haven't had experience with Cobra, but one of my Kaiser classmates did. She ended up being laid off and losing her coverage like a week after we graduated from the six month classes. Kaiser worked with her to fast track her through the rest of the program, and she was able to get the coverage continued through Cobra to go on and have the surgery. It worked out well for her. Best of luck to you!
  21. The Candidate

    I have a date! November 20th.

    Congrats on the go ahead for your revision! Best of luck!
  22. The Candidate

    Now comes the wait!

    Hot is definitely on the table, so don't rule it out. ???? Kudos to you for adopting a positive attitude. Your surgery date will be here before you know it. Congrats!
  23. The Candidate

    November 19th

    Congrats on getting your surgery date!
  24. The Candidate

    Six months down, 100 lbs lost!

    Congrats on your amazing progress! You have a lot to be proud of and I'm sure there's nothing but more success in your future! Enjoy!
  25. The Candidate

    Happy dance

    That's stupendous progress! Good for you and congrats!

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