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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Newbie! (Or is it NOOB?)

    Sounds like you will be having a Merry Christmas indeed! I'm three months out from my RNY and have lost 45 pounds since surgery. Nearly 80 overall. I couldn't be happier and have zero regrets! Many go on to lose over 100% of their excess weight, so don't get bogged down by averages. A lot of it has to do with how much work you put into it as both a pre op and a post op. Best of luck to you and welcome!
  2. The Candidate

    Yoga question - advice needed

    I'm 54 and just started taking a weekly yoga class. I have osteoarthritis in both knees and there are definitely some positions I just can't get into without pain. But the instructor is great. When transitioning into a new position, she describes and demonstrates it first, and then does the same for one or two modified versions of the same position that are less difficult. She always qualifies it with "go with whatever modification is most comfortable for you." I keep up as best I can and its been fine for me. It doesn't hurt to let the instructor know too of your limitations on the first day. I've already signed up for the next block of classes. Good luck! ????
  3. The Candidate

    I got the bill and WOW!

    A less than expected medical bill related to weight loss surgery is a qualified NSV. Congrats!
  4. The Candidate

    Had surgery 10/28/15

    It's very normal to have difficulty getting your liquids in right out of the gate. It will get better though as you go along.
  5. The Candidate

    What happened at preop appt?

    I also had pre op labs but it was way before I met the surgeon. We had labs before entering the six month classroom phase, and then again upon graduation. Ours included an EKG too.
  6. The Candidate

    Insur. Approval

    I got an email first, and then the letter second. We get notifications when they've sent a new email from their app. That was the alert I chose, otherwise it would have been a call first. Good luck!
  7. The Candidate

    The Stumbling Block

    I would tell your wife that you would still love for her to cook for you. There are tons and tons of bariatric recipes out there that she can whip up. Maybe her comments stem more from worry, for your safety and health. Plus things are going to change and the unknown is always frightening. But the bottom line is if you aren't around because of escalating health issues related to your weight, than she won't have anyone to cook for at all someday. Which outcome is more concerning? Best of luck to you! I have zero regrets!
  8. The Candidate

    What happened at preop appt?

    I only met with my surgeon once before surgery. In my program they called it a three in one, because on that same day you meet with the surgeon, an internist, and have the psych evaluation. All three had copies of paperwork we were required to fill out beforehand. The surgeon went over types of surgery and which I wanted (I could choose and was approved for either sleeve or bypass), the pre op diet, and that I wasn't to gain any weight before my surgery (after losing close to 30 pounds already), what to expect, hospital stay, took my vitals, checked my stomach, and I think that was about it. We were also given a CD to read that went over a lot of the same stuff. I also had a PREP appointment at the hospital the day before surgery. That's where I made my co pay, vitals and weight were taken again. They gave me the breathing spirometer to practice with, and the special sterile soap to wash with the morning of surgery. They explained hospital procedure and the program that allowed for a family member to stay with you in your room 24/7. And that's about all I can remember. Good luck!
  9. The Candidate

    Got milk?

    I'm on the Fair Life bandwagon too. ????
  10. My surgeon has never mentioned a goal weight. I'm going by how I feel. I'm 5'2" and before surgery after my most successful weight loss attempt I got down to 130. So that's where I'm aiming. At three months out I'm down to 172, so only 42 more pounds to go. But I have to say I feel great now! I can't imagine how much better it will get, but I know it will!
  11. The Candidate

    Thank you God! Approved

    Congrats! Good news to start your weekend!
  12. Congratulations! I love approvals or surgery schedules that come on a Friday! You are guaranteed a great weekend because you're riding a cloud of euphoria. Mine came on a Friday too. ????
  13. The Candidate

    Before and after

    Wow @@telltell624 that is a stunning transformation! Congrats!
  14. The Candidate

    Post op bowel movement

    It took a little over a week for me. I didn't even pass gas until the 5th day.
  15. The Candidate

    Can't decide. Need your help.

    I vote for Snow White.
  16. The Candidate

    itching and first compliment

    Wow the sutures are barely dry and already a compliment! I think that's a record - Congrats! Love the pic too as I'm a big Madea fan. ????
  17. The Candidate

    Happy birthday to me

    Happy birthday and congrats on a successful surgery!
  18. The Candidate

    Why do I do this to myself! UGH!

    You are human and shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Life and mistakes happen. Plus this is a learning process, and you've learned. That's not to say it won't happen again, but I'm sure you're doing your best, as most of us are, to make the right choices.
  19. The Candidate

    Making my way to the starting grid

    Congrats on your weight loss surgery decision and best of luck!
  20. The Candidate

    Six Month Update

    You're like one of those little shrinky dinks! They'd start out big and ended up little. Congrats!
  21. The Candidate

    Beginning my journey ????????

    Congrats on the start of your journey, and best of luck!
  22. The Candidate

    Upset. ...what should I do!

    Oh yea! Always a win when it goes your way! Congrats!
  23. The Candidate

    A very personal NSV..

    That is a wonderful NSV. Congrats!
  24. The Candidate

    Surgery day!

    Work is a daily gauntlet of delectable goodies. I think it's a universal given! So far I've stayed strong! ????
  25. Yes, you did miss out on the information and adjustment period as a pre op. But it will get better day by day. Do as much research as you can. I'm three months out from my RNY and I had to go through a year of requirements. So by the time I got to surgery I was well prepared. However you got there, you will determine your overall success. Just stick to the guidelines you were given as to diet and exercise and you will do fine! I have no regrets and I'm sure you won't either!

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