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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. I'm nearly three and a half months out. I chart my weight daily and there's been more than one occasion that I've gained, or stalled and not lost anything. Your body is going through a whirlwind wringer of changes. It has to have time to adjust along the way. But these gaining/stalling episodes will eventually be followed up by another downward trend. Stick to your guidelines and it will happen. I know it's tough not to freak. Every time I've entered new territory I fret that I'll never get out of the 200's, the 190's, the 180's, the 170's, but guess what - I always do. It's normal to want to speed this along somehow, but no amount of emotional turmoil is going to make your body lose the weight before it's good and ready. I gave myself a realistic year to reach my goal of 130, and going by that guideline, I'm more than well on my way. Stop the power the scale numbers hold over you. Start focusing on how far you've come, how good you feel, and how much better life is becoming! What's not to love? (That's actually an X-File quote. Extra credit for anyone who can name the episode!) ????
  2. The Candidate

    Loosing too fast?

    It's common to see a big drop in the beginning. It won't always come off that easily as you get further out so be prepared. As long as you're feeling well, run with it. Congrats!
  3. The Candidate

    Happy days

    Now that's a three digit number worth celebrating! Congrats, you've been officially down sized!
  4. The Candidate

    I'm on the other side!

    Congrats on a successful surgery and welcome home!
  5. The Candidate

    Am I on track?

    I'd say you're right on schedule. In fact you and I are very similar. My surgery date was 07/29/15 and my surgery weight was 216. I'm 169 today. I'm very pleased with my results so far. You should be too! I gave myself a year to reach my goal of 130.
  6. Breathing was enough of an activity to stir the beast for me. My biggest issue was I was always hungry. Even if I got full to the gills, I'd be hungry again an hour later. And pretty much nothing I ate was good for me. The only thing I wasn't was a late night snacker. I never got out of the bed to get something to eat. So yeah, I was lazy to boot.
  7. @@heidikate I'm Kaiser too. Southern CA San Diego area. Congrats on your decision and best of luck!
  8. Never wavered once. Oh I've no doubt I could lose weight on my own. I was equally positive that I couldn't keep it off on my own.
  9. The Candidate

    A Sample Menu for the day

    Oh, some good ideas here. Keep'em coming! ????
  10. The Candidate

    What are some of your NSV

    My butt doesn't double as a wrecking ball anymore! ????
  11. The Candidate

    Cold Feet

    It's a major life change, so of course you're nervous. We all were. It's a very normal human emotion, perfectly in balance to everything you're going through. I can say for me, it was definitely worth it! Best of luck!
  12. The Candidate

    4 days post op - heart flutters

    I haven't experienced this, so I'd definitely seek a doctor's care. Nothing to fool around with. Hope you feel better soon!
  13. The Candidate

    Multivitamins ;/

    I couldn't stand the taste of the chewables as a post op, especially the multi. At three and a half months I've been taking regular pills for about four weeks now, and have luckily had no issues.
  14. The Candidate

    end of year surgery and insurance coverage

    I can't really help with the insurance question, as I only had a co pay that would have been the same going into the next year. My approval, I was told was good for a year. But I can definitely relate with the mind thing. I can't tell you how many far fetched scenarios I dreamed up in my head as to how they could deny my surgery. Good news, it was all for naught. Yet I nearly drove myself crazy! Good luck!
  15. The Candidate


    Congrats on the happy event! ????
  16. The Candidate

    Stomach Pain and ER Visit

    Last night I had some serious cramps and was sure I needed to have a BM. But nothing. But while I was straining (sorry TMI) sitting there, I got a slimy feeling in my throat like I was going to hurl, but no go there too. It all went away after about twenty minutes. Did you get that slimy feeling anytime?
  17. The Candidate

    Psych eval

    It was the easiest of my requirements. I had no written or personality tests. It was a simple one on one conversation about my knowledge and expectations of the procedure, my family and support system, my diet and health history, and other topics along those lines. Just take a deep breath, relax, and be yourself. You'll do fine!
  18. Excellent article and first rate information. Thanks!
  19. The Candidate

    Tomorrow is my day!

    I was so calm it was nearly surreal. But if they offer you something to calm your nerves before wheeling you in, I would recommend you take it, even if you're in a state of Ghandi like zen. I did and I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I remember nothing after being asked to scoot over to the operating table. I don't remember a mask being put over my face, or even my time in recovery. I didn't wake up until I was in my room. I think it made it easier on me. Just a suggestion.
  20. The Candidate


    It is definitely within the confines of normal. Congrats!
  21. The Candidate

    Before and After Pics

    Looking good @@kemahaney! Congrats!
  22. It's all so new in the beginning, trying to figure your new body out. But as you go along it becomes more second hand and you don't fret over the little things nearly as much. It definitely gets better!
  23. The Candidate


    I tried it at about four weeks. But even now it's one of those foods that sits very heavy in my pouch.
  24. 1) You know I can never really relate when I hear people saying they've lost so much weight that they weigh what they did in high school, or college. That's because I've been fat nearly all my life and I learned early on to avoid the scale. So I honestly can't remember, growing up, the first time I was this low, which is 169. I still have 39 pounds to lose to reach goal. 2) The second one is much easier. It was around 2002. That was my last successful (well, for how long it lasted) weight loss attempt on my own. But of course I gained it all back and it nearly did me in morale wise. I'd completely given up until weight loss surgery became an option. It gave me hope again, and best of all, it has delivered on that hope!
  25. The Candidate


    Just keep doing the best you can. You're doing fine.

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