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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    Too soon?

    I think that's a question only you can answer. And once you have the answer in hand, have a deep one on one chat with your SO as to why he's right or wrong. Good luck!
  2. The Candidate

    Big NSV

    Oh, that brought a tear to my eye! What a sweet daughter you have there. Congrats on the NSV!
  3. The Candidate

    Drainage amount after surgery

    I agree with @@twinhappy My drain never leaked at the incision site, only into the tube bulb. Check in with your surgeon for peace of mind. Congrats on your surgery!
  4. The Candidate

    Huge NSV for me!

    There's no better feeling than pushing back on something that has a negative control over you. You took that bad association and replaced it with a positive. Good for you!
  5. That's a tough set back, but definitely not a game changer. Regroup, check your resolve and focus on how great you're going to feel after it's over. You've got this! Good luck!
  6. The Candidate

    Beginning my Journey

    Welcome! Congrats on the beginning of your weight loss surgery journey. New Year is going to have an extra special meaning to you this time. New Year - whole new healthy life!
  7. The Candidate

    Regretting it already..(day 1)

    Yep, you're right @@OKCPirate! Got the song wrong but I definitely remember the Monty Python skit. ????
  8. The Candidate

    17 lbs lighter

    Way to go! I'm sure your doctor was very pleased!
  9. The Candidate

    My first new dress since surgery

    You'll be a big hit at the wedding in that dress. Congrats!
  10. The Candidate

    Losing Family and Friends

    From your description of this particular friend, I whole heartedly agree - shed her from your life. You deserve better.
  11. The Candidate

    So nervous!

    @@fatchick84 The feelings you're having are completely normal. There are risks with every surgery, but sometimes the risks are worth it, especially when staying the way you are now isn't working. This was my first surgery too, and I'd do it over again in a second. Best of luck!
  12. The Candidate

    So nervous!

    "I said goodbye to everyone the day before, just in case I died on the table... What a dickhead I looked the next day..." @@KindaFamiliar you crack me up! ????
  13. The Candidate

    Why can I eat so much soup?

    It's a slider type of food, easy going down.
  14. The Candidate

    Bypass and sugar addiction

    I don't test the hypothesis of whether I can or can't have sweets, to see if I would dump or wouldn't. I use the mere *possibility* of it happening as a mental taboo not to touch the stuff. So far it's working too at nearly four months out. I haven't had any sugary sweets, no bread, nothing. Only healthy food choices. And the further out I get the easier it is to abstain, the less the cravings hold on me. I'm not saying that method would work for everyone, but it definitely is working for me.
  15. The Candidate

    Half way done.

    Everything you're doing will be returned to you a million times over in how great you will feel later on. It's so worth the price of admission. Keep that positive attitude and you will go far. Congrats!
  16. The Candidate

    Lap Band gone sleeve done today!

    Congrats on a successful revision!
  17. Welcome to the forums, Josh, and congrats on your decision to have wls. It will help that you and your wife will be going through this together. Support is crucial to a successful outcome. Best of luck!
  18. The Candidate

    Change of plans..

    I was dead set on the sleeve when I started. But once I was a few months in I began to wonder if the bypass would be a better option for me. I was concerned about the GERD issue and also thought I would benefit more from both restriction and malabsorption. I also had a serious sweet tooth, and thought the "fear" of dumping would help me curtail that addiction. And it's working too, as I've never dumped or even tested the waters with high sugar, carbs, or fats. I had no definitive health issues, other than being pre diabetic (which I no longer am), that would have forced me to have one procedure over another. The decision was mine. I chose the one that I felt best fit my personal needs, and I have zero regrets. LASIK ruled my world for "best decision ever" from 2008 and beyond. But as of 07/29/15 it's been overwhelmingly dethroned by RNY. I still have a ways to go, but my quality of life is already so much better! I feel younger. I have so much more energy. Everyday is better than the one before!
  19. The Candidate

    Scale and non-scale victories!

    You won the double lottery of scale and NSV victories in one. That is indeed a reason for celebration! Way to go!
  20. The Candidate

    Regretting it already..(day 1)

    I can't listen to it because I'm at work. But that's Monty Python and Sunny Side of the Street, isn't it? Classic and very very apropos! Love it! ????
  21. The Candidate

    6 month checkup today!

    That is fantastic progress and you look great! Congrats!
  22. The Candidate

    How it Went...

    @@Inner Surfer Girl A question: The only liquid Tylenol I've been able to find is the children's, which is sickeningly sweet. Is that the type you've used, and if not, where do you find it?
  23. The Candidate

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    I had the RNY mainly because of concern over GERD issues. I also felt I would benefit more with both the restriction and malabsorption components. I am nearly four months out and have never dumped. But the "fear" of dumping helps me stay away from sweets and other bad food choices. I have no regrets. Best of luck!
  24. The Candidate

    Denied and not sure what to do

    I also think you should get together with your surgeon's office and discuss exactly what is needed to appeal your denial. I sure hope things work out for you! Keep us updated.
  25. The Candidate

    Home from the hospital.

    Congrats on having surgery! I'm sure it feels great to be home again!

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