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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. You are so much stronger then you even realize. Words will never have the power to destroy you. We all believe in you so you stay strong in heart and body. You are worth it!
  2. You look so fantastic! Congrats!
  3. The Candidate


    Congrats on breaking the barrier!
  4. The Candidate

    I got the APPROVAL

    Welcome and congrats on your approval!
  5. The Candidate

    Pic time

    You should be so very proud of how far you've come. You look amazing!
  6. The Candidate

    I got a surgery date, yay!

    Congrats on your upcoming surgery date!
  7. The Candidate


    I am so sorry you had to be subjected to that kind of abuse. There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of unprofessional behavior on your doctor's part. First and foremost we are each human beings and should be treated as such. You are NOT a failure. Please don't let that Doctor derail your end goal. None of us loses at the same pace. Our individual loss rate is as unique as a fingerprint. Unfortunately yours seems ultra slow, and I wish there was a magic formula to speed things up. Just continue doing what you're doing and you will get there. I know, easier said than done, but don't give up on yourself. When you get there, however long it takes, march right back to that doctor's office and demand a formal apology! You deserve a healthy life and I believe you will get it,
  8. The Candidate

    How sad is this?

    They're selling false hope to desperate people and it's a real tragedy. I too always zero in on those adverts and shows. For me it's in part because no matter how far from fat I might journey, I will always be a card carrying alumni in my head.
  9. The Candidate

    Three years today

    Congrats on your remarkable success and best wishes for an even brighter tomorrow! If we could clone your perseverance and positive attitude the world would be a better place. You're amazing!
  10. I thought it was bad enough having to hand over my own poo to a stranger for a stool sample for pre op tests. Not a job I'd relish having. But this one beats that by miles!
  11. The Candidate

    2 yrs out as of Dec 9th

    I would count two timing hubby as an extra bonus weight loss that you never have to worry about regaining again! Congrats on all your successes! It's always great to hear from people who are further out and still enjoying their new lives! You look great!
  12. It's pretty much viewed as bottled happiness from my standpoint. Miracle is also fitting!
  13. The Candidate

    I'm not a troll, I'm just new.

    Welcome and congrats on your already amazing weight loss!
  14. Congrats on you anniversary and success! You look great!
  15. The Candidate


    You shouldn't feel bad. How much you've lost is your business and you should feel no pressure to share.
  16. The Candidate

    Finally Approved for Consult!

    It's your first step on what might prove to be a long journey. But just keep plodding along as the gold at the end of this rainbow is worth fighting for! Congrats! ????
  17. The Candidate

    I was finally approved!

    Congrats on your approval! Loved the pic too. ????
  18. The Candidate

    Biggest Loser

    I have to admit I will keep watching: Biggest Loser, 600 Pound Life, Big Fat Fabulous Life, all of them, because I don't ever want to forget what it feels like to be fat. The way you're treated and the stereotypes. It keeps it in perspective for me, how much I don't ever want to go back, and how easy it would be to do so. When they cry I feel their sorrow because it was my own. I empathize with their desperation, because I was desperate too. I know how debilitating it was to lose, again and again, only to gain it back plus more. Once you lose the weight and you're suddenly treated better, the further you get out, the easier it might be to forget the way it was before. I don't ever want to forget. I don't ever want to get complacent.
  19. Too funny! But very accommodating of your new stomach to quit playing games just before the bell. ????
  20. I totally agree! 10 pounds is fantastic!
  21. The Candidate

    Biggest Loser

    I keep thinking that they're teaching these people to hate exercise. If you're pushed to the point of throwing up and nearly passing out, that's negative reinforcement. And then forcing them to eat junk food when they lose a challenge is ridiculous. They're deliberately sabotaging the progress they're trying to make. And it bothered me personally when that Doctor threw sugar at that one contestant. Their methods are designed to make them fail once they're out on their own again.
  22. The Candidate


    My vice was Coke Zero. I drank it from the moment I woke up straight until bedtime. I drank zero Water. My habit developed early on as a child. I quit for about a month straight during my pre op requirements. But during the last month before surgery I was drinking it again, right up until the day before surgery. I'm now closing in on six months post op, and I haven't had a single soda in all that time. I now drink water exclusively. I never thought I'd be free from soda, but I did it. The cravings were bad probably for the first month or so. But now, I hardly even give it a thought. It's wonderful to finally have that monkey (and expense) off my back. The key is to focus on everything you're going to gain after surgery, instead of what you'll have to give up. It is so worth the sacrifice. Good luck!
  23. The Candidate

    I'm just me

    Welcome! And congrats on your upcoming surgery!
  24. The Candidate

    BMI = "Normal"

    That's so amazing! Congrats!
  25. The Candidate

    3 Year anniversery

    Congrats on your long term surgery success, and cancer remission. It's encouraging to hear that as the time increases your focus on the surgery itself becomes less, and your life is just your life again. You are certainly an inspiration for us all!

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