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The Candidate

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Candidate

  1. The Candidate

    So excited

    Congratulations! You're off to an awesome start!
  2. The Candidate

    Surgical Journey - Waiting game?

    The waiting is definitely the hardest. I had to attend two pre program seminars, complete paperwork/labs to be accepted into the program, 6 months of classes (finished 05/14), attend a surgeon seminar, a fitness test, pre op labs, and I even went to a support group on my own. Now I'm just waiting for the almighty insurance approval. After that it's the surgical consult, psych evaluation, and internist, which is a 3-in-1 day appt. Then surgery! This waiting period for this final approval has been by far the absolute hardest of all.
  3. The Candidate

    My Story

    Welcome! You have a very inspirational story. It's obvious that you didn't just have an operation, but an entire lifestyle change. That in itself is something to be very proud of. We're told beforehand that this isn't easy, and you've certainly had more than your share of difficulties to weather. But you have heart, determination, and an indomitable spirit that I can only hope to tap into myself once it's my turn. Thank you for sharing your ongoing amazing journey!
  4. The Candidate

    Why did I have to be the 1%...?

    So sorry to hear that. Hope things improve.
  5. It's hard to wait. I know because I'm waiting for my final approval too. But you've done a fantastic job in the meantime! You should be proud! Hang in there!
  6. The Candidate

    I'm a size Medium? NO WAY!

    What a major positive that must have been! And I'm sure you'll have many more unexpected victories as you progress!
  7. The Candidate

    Just had my rny

    Congratulations for making it to the other side! Best wishes!
  8. The Candidate

    A dream come true

    I too used to love Upstairs Downstairs on PBS back in the day! How amazing it will be to see those sights in person, knowing how far you've traveled in body, mind, and spirit to get there! You are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your amazing story!
  9. The Candidate

    Small (but amazing) accomplishments

    I love the comment about "bow placement"! Since starting this process I've become so much more open and honest with myself and others about how truly fat I am. In a way I never could before. A couple of months ago I attended one of my programs required seminars. My brother and sister who are both of normal weight attended with me in support. Before it started I was up and down in my seat numerous times as I warmly greeted the fellow bariatric friends I've made along the way. I suddenly realized how very different it was conversing about surgery with my family and others of normal weight, than it is with people going through the same experience as me. I told my sister later that it's sort of like being adopted. That on some level she will never fully understand what I go through every single day, and all the negatives that go along with it. So when I'm with my "people" my fellow fatties, in many ways it's like finding the family I never knew was missing. It's allowed me to be free with myself in a way I never could before.
  10. The Candidate

    Just started already nervous

    We don't have the same insurance but I can empathize with you. I started my (nearly year long) program with a 45 BMI. I had my final weigh in Wednesday and ended with a 39. I've jump through all their required hoops, and now am just waiting for final approval before I can proceed with the last step before surgery - the surgical consult. I've waited a long time already, but this last stretch has definitely been the most stressful. My fate is literally sitting on someone's desk right now, and all I can do is wait for my phone to ring. But I'm hoping for the best. Good luck to you as well!
  11. Good luck! You are on your way to a whole new healthy life!
  12. The Candidate

    Denied! Now what do I do?

    I'm so happy they came to their senses. And most importantly that you weren't forced to go through a long drawn out fight to achieve the same outcome. You have a wonderful, bright, and healthy future ahead of you now!
  13. The Candidate

    Denied! Now what do I do?

    That's absolutely ridiculous! Your BMI alone qualifies you. And your other health issue only reinforce it. Whatever happens you must appeal. They don't have a leg to stand on. I wish you the best of luck!
  14. The Candidate

    First pre op appt!

    That is an amazing loss! Congratulations! Can't wait for mine!
  15. The Candidate

    Approved for vsg!

    Congratulations! It'll be here before you know it!
  16. The Candidate

    What a difference a year makes

    Stories like yours are an inspiration to us all!
  17. The Candidate

    Who am I? Not Jean Valjean

    Congrats! Great 2nd video. You're doing fantastic and it just makes me more enthusiastic to have my own. Hopefully in the next couple of months. Keep up the wonderful progress and thanks for sharing!
  18. The Candidate


    Welcome aboard! I am a pre op. I've officially been on this journey for nearly a year, with several unofficial years of research and consideration before that. I've completed nearly all my insurance requirements including six months of classes. Now I'm just waiting for final approval and the last pre op appointments. The closer I get to surgery the more positive I am that this is the right course for me. The only change has been in my choice of surgery. I went into this 100% positive I wanted the sleeve. But now, I'm leaning towards the bypass, only saving final determination until I can discuss it with the surgeon. However you found your way here I'm sure you'll find many friends who are on the same path, working towards the same goal. So again, welcome!
  19. The Candidate

    Living on Positivity Street

    A lovely inspirational testimony to your continued success. You are prime example of what is awaiting all of us in our respective journeys. I wish you much health and happiness!
  20. After my best weight loss success years before, that ultimately failed like all the others, I had given up. I was resigned to living fat for the rest of my life. But then suddenly one day not long after I entered my 50's, my body declared an all out war against me. My joints, my bones, my back, my feet, were in constant pain. I began my day in pain and I ended it the same way. I no longer felt I had any quality of life and I was facing the very real dilemma of having to sell my condo because I was having difficulty climbing the stairs. That did it. Now almost a year later I'm nearly finished completing my insurance requirements and expect to have surgery in the next couple of months. While my days still begin and end with pain, now at least they're encompassed by hope!
  21. The Candidate

    Apologies. Not returning. Mea Culpa. Breast beaten.

    @@BigDaddyJG Now that was a stellar example of a gracious acceptance of an apology! And you get extra credit for accepting it on someone else's behalf. Thanks for posting.
  22. The Candidate

    Who am I? Not Jean Valjean

    Thanks for sharing your video. I really liked it. The airplane incident is one that I'm sure all of us can relate in some way. Good luck on your journey. I look forward to more of your video posts!
  23. The Candidate

    "You'd be much prettier if you lost weight"

    Or tell them that the view gets better the further away you get, so how about we keep as much distance between us as possible.
  24. The Candidate

    Apologies. Not returning. Mea Culpa. Breast beaten.

    I think if someone openly apologizes, as the OP did, it should be accepted in the spirit it was given. If instead it is greeted with distrust and ultimately quitting the forum, then perhaps the person leaving is right - this isn't the right place for you to be.
  25. The Candidate

    December 2014 updates~photo encouraged!

    It always amazes me how much younger people look in their after pics compared to the before. I can't wait until I join the losers bench. Great job. You look fantastic!

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