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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CocoPebbles1030

  1. CocoPebbles1030

    Sleep issues

    Try having a little magnesium before bed (Calm works like a champ). Also you might want to give your body some protein to feast on while you sleep. Both typically put me right to sleep and I sleep through the night. Magnesium and a protein shake! Sweet dreams
  2. CocoPebbles1030

    Update on a semi-failed weight loss success

    Thank you so much for posting your story -- mine is similar. I took a new job in a new state a year ago and food replaced all my friends and family. I've put on almost 40 pounds and trying to get back to the basics. Stay encouraged and keep posting. Maybe we can be send good thoughts to each other. Hang in there. I know you'll get to your goal!
  3. CocoPebbles1030

    Surgery on a "smaller" patient

    Yes this is totally normal. The less you have to lose the slower it goes. Pay attention to your clothes. At some point you will not lose weight on the scale but will lose inches. My starting weight was was 192 pounds. On the day of surgery I weighed in a 180. Sixteen months later I weight 145 and wear a size 6. I went down a pant size twice during a stall before the scale actually moved. Also remember you're building muscle as your body adjusts. Muscle weighs more than fat. Hope this helps!
  4. CocoPebbles1030

    Boobs Shrinking?

    They do shrink. Went from a 40DDD to a 34D.
  5. Thanks for this update. I'm just about to hit my one year mark and can definitely eat more than before. I get so worried about going back to visit the "fat girl who used to live here". This made me feel much better. Thanks again and I wish you continued success!
  6. CocoPebbles1030

    My One Year Surgiversary

  7. CocoPebbles1030

    11 months post op - WOW!

    Wow. That's amazing progress. I started at 192 and I'm 5'0. I sure hope I get there when I'm at 11 months. Congratulations on your great success!
  8. CocoPebbles1030

    Hi everyone... 5 months post-op

    Congratulations on your great success. Keep up the great work!
  9. CocoPebbles1030

    4 months out "HAIR THINNING" OMG

    I'm six months post op. Started taking GNC's Biotin at 4 months. Thinning has stopped and hair is filling back in. Hang in there and keep up with your Protein.
  10. CocoPebbles1030

    6Months Post-op, check in!

    Sleeved on October 27th and am down 48 pounds and I feel amazing! Stay in touch. The encouragement is so needed!
  11. I agree with the Premier. It's been a lifesaver. I also have trouble drinking and eating early in the morning so I typically don't start eating until around 11:00 a.m. It made all the difference. Lastly, try greek yogurt Has the same 30 grams of Protein in it and you can even add a little sugar free syrup to change up the taste. Good luck!
  12. CocoPebbles1030

    What's on your play list?

    Every upbeat temp song from Beyonce, Jill Scott, Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift...!!!
  13. CocoPebbles1030

    How long did your STALL last?

    Nearly 4 weeks. It was awful... but this too shall pass... and it did. I'm now losing again!
  14. CocoPebbles1030

    One year, 3 day Surgery Anniversary

    Congrats. What an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Today is my 49th birthday. I bought my daughter new jeans for Christmas and one pair was too big for her. Today I was going to return them. Just before we put them in the box she said, "Mom, why don't you try them on." I took a deep breath and went for it. Guess what? They fit? A freakin size 5!!! They are the stretchy kind but they fit. I haven't fit into anything that small since high school. Happy Birthday to me!!! 49 years old and a size 5 jean. Can't think of anything better. Blessings everyone ~
  16. I wish I had known it could be this great! Every diet plan is hard. This is no different. It's hard but it's so great. I wish I had known I could feel this healthy and this beautiful.
  17. That's just plain rude! I'm always amazed at the things people will say. I try to be encouraging in every space because people have feelings. Some people, unfortunately, don't abide by that rule. And it's funny because when you call them on the behavior they are often hurt. My new favorite question to ask is, "is that a nice thing to say?" This calls attention to the rudeness and also makes them rethink and oftentimes change the statement. Life is all about lessons. Sometimes we have to teach people how to treat us!
  18. Today I Celebrate 2 months post-op. I started the journey at 192 and am now happily weighing in at 156. The last week has been a little tough. I'm finally feeling less restriction and I have to be a bit more conscious of what I eat. I'm able to eat less food but learned that I still definitely need to watch the carbs, they are the devil! Life is so much better. The holidays were just great. I didn't worry about what to wear and how it felt. Instead of celebrating with food, I am learning to celebrate with fellowship -- really learning to enjoy people! I'm still getting used to all the attention I'm getting but it's way better than the attention I used to get. "You have such a pretty face, have you ever thought about losing some weight?". Yes, I've heard that a few times. These days life is good. I'm learning to love the new me. Shopping for clothes that are not plus size is so much fun. Just after Thanksgiving I cleaned out my closet and now I'm slowly buying all new clothes. The Christmas sales were great. If you are considering gastric sleeve, take it from me, it's the best thing I've ever done for my health and my self-esteem. Did I mention I am prescription medication free? Yep, after 13 years of diabetes and high blood pressure, I am completely free from both. Well, that's my story and I can't wait to see what the next two months will bring. Blessings~
  19. CocoPebbles1030

    Blood Thinners

    I was giving myself injections for two weeks post op. The absolute worse part of the journey for me. I hated every moment of it but made it through.
  20. CocoPebbles1030

    Feeling like you're getting no where

    I think I can relate. I was sleeved on October 27th and I finally get to eat what I want...and boy oh boy have I tested the limits. I haven't eaten a lot but I have eaten a bit of everything. It's the holidays I think. I haven't planned well for the holiday gatherings. I'm also struggling to get the Protein in. I'm cutting myself a little slack because I'm still losing. And I'm determined to get the protein in before I eat any holiday treats. This way I know I won't eat too many bad things. Hang in there and be kind to yourself.
  21. CocoPebbles1030

    proudgrammy still proud 3 yr surgiversary

    Congratulations. So proud of you!
  22. Losing weight will definitely show you who your friends are. One of my pre-op requirements was for me to see a psychologist. He told me there would be people who weren't happy with my weight loss. He said there are people who's only link to me is my weight. I was surprised when he said it but I had surgery just two months ago and have lost 30 pounds. I've had some strange reactions and some real "haters". It's taught me to let go of the haters and embrace those who love me for me, no matter what size. It's also brought me and my "honey bunny" much closer. He's become even more of a protector which I love. Gravitate towards love and close the door on the haters. In the words of Jill Scott: "Hate on me, hater, now or later 'Cause I'm gonna do me, you'll be mad, baby Go 'head and hate on me, hater, I'm not afraid of What I got I paid for, you can hate on me" Do you my friend Read more: Jill Scott - Hate On Me Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  23. CocoPebbles1030

    No energy on soup

    It does get better. I remember falling asleep everywhere in the first 1-3 weeks. I'm now at the end of week 5 and am feeling great. So much energy I only need about 5 hours of sleep. B12 Vitamins help so much. Dr. had me order Jarrow B-12 from Amazon. The 3rd week I started taking 2 a day. One at 6 am and one at noon. By the end of that week, my energy was up. Don't forget the protein!
  24. CocoPebbles1030

    Calorie intake at 5 weeks PO

    I have to agree with Kiki on this one guys! My honey bunny is a happy man But to answer the original question, I'm at a little over 5 weeks out and my nutritionist says I should focus on the Protein and work my way up to 500-700 calories. I will live there for a few months and lose the most weight at this calorie range. Hope this helps!
  25. CocoPebbles1030

    Height, Weight, And Size Poll

    Started out at 193 and a size 14W and XL in blouses. Currently 160 and in a regular size 12 and medium blouse!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
