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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ~Trixie~

  1. ~Trixie~

    Hello out there.........yawn

    Hi all. I'm a little over three weeks out and I haven't had a good night sleep since the night before my surgery. I'm a side/belly sleeper, so sleeping on my back (even with a cloud of pillows to prop me up) has been a real pain in the ass...and back...and neck! The gas pain subsided for me around the 1-1/2 to 2 week mark. I paced back and forth in my apartment and pretty much had my heating pad glued to me. It does get better though. I find that everyday I feel better and better, and so will you!
  2. You all are doing great! I attend the support group meetings provided by the hospital where I had my surgery. I was required to attend at least two as a pre-op requirement. They are kind of annoying...every week it seems like the same people say the same things...and they are always right about everything...and their eating habits are perfect, yadda yadda yadda (sarcasm). I don't know why I keep going. I guess it's just to touch base with physical people who have the band...cause sometimes it feels like a very lonely road. I mean, my husband is wonderful! He is extremely supportive, tells me I'm doing an awesome job, and works out with me, but he doesn't know what it feels like to feel paranoid to eat and the sadness associated with food withdrawal. Does anyone else feel this way?
  3. I know this is a little personal, but have you been having bowel movements? I'm still having difficulty in that area myself, but once things get moving down there, I notice the scale moves as well. Don't get discouraged. Even if you have truly gained 4 pounds, you'll be able to get it off again. Don't give up! BTW, how often are you weighing yourself?
  4. ~Trixie~

    First Post!

    I'm posting here while I can... I'm less than six months away from 30.... EGAD!
  5. ~Trixie~

    Long Island Doctors

    Where on Long Island are you located. I see Dr. Kaczmarski in Smithtown and I have been very happy with him. He was with Dr. Brathwaite, who has recently abandoned the practice in a shady manner to become the head of Bariatric Surgery at Winthrop. A new doctor has recently joined Dr. K. I think his name is Dr. Gilbert (?), but I have not met him and do not know anything about him. If you're interested, Dr. K.'s telephone number is 631-862-3801. Good luck!
  6. ~Trixie~

    Logging Food and Activity?

    Wow, I'm so slow lately! I thought Actitrainer was just like an online calorie tracker. I had no idea that it was like the Bodybugg. I'll wake up now, LOL! :rofl:
  7. ~Trixie~

    Week of Decemb er17th

    Congratulations! You're doing an awesome job! Keep up the great work!!!!
  8. ~Trixie~

    Week of Decemb er17th

    That's great, but you're posting in the wrong area. Try reposting this in and "Introductions" thread.
  9. ~Trixie~

    Revitol Stretch Mark Cream

    NP! Let me know how it works!
  10. ~Trixie~

    Revitol Stretch Mark Cream

    You sparked my attention...so I did a Google search. Hope this helps: Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention Cream Review by Diva Skin Care - We talk about Solutions to Stretch Marks, Stretch Mark Treatments, Stretch Mark Creams & How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks.
  11. ~Trixie~

    100 Pounds in 5 Months!

    Congratulations! You better show off your success! You worked damn hard to get where you are and you have every right to flaunt it! Awesome job, man!
  12. ~Trixie~

    Logging Food and Activity?

    I use Daily Plate for both calorie counting and fitness tracking. I tried using Fit Day and I didn't like it because I found that I had to add a lot of custom foods. Steph, do you find that Actitrainer is better than Daily Plate? If so, what do you like better about it?
  13. ~Trixie~

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    Cute picture, Jaymie. You look so young! You look 25 and not 35!
  14. ~Trixie~

    Nina's Plastics journey

    Hi Nina. Your PS journey is bound to be life changing and absolutely wonderful. Congratulations and the best of luck to you! I'm curious, what do "Ken dolls" and "dog ears" mean?
  15. ~Trixie~

    Wow, this is actually working!

    I love the positive energy! Thank you for sharing it! Congratulations on your epiphany and keep up the great work!
  16. ~Trixie~

    I am quitting smoking

    Congratulations!!!! Supposedly it takes 21 days to break a bad habit, so you're almost there!!! Keep up the great work! :clap2:
  17. ~Trixie~

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    You can do a Google image search for a picture that you like, and you can get the glitter graphics at glittermaker.com.
  18. ~Trixie~

    November Nymphs Valentine Day's Challenge

    I'm in! BTW, this is my new username. It used to be Tishbite2, but for privacy reasons, I had one of the mods change it. Good Luck, Everyone!!! name ............. starting# ..... current#........goal#......togo# Hollyberries.......... 298............ 298.............. 285........ 13 Momto1(Wendy)... 241............ 241.............. 229........ 12 Hungryforchange.. 227............ 227.............. 215..........12 Cagstorm (Craig).. 360............ 360.............. 345......... 15 Teresajo............. 252............ 212.............. 205.......... 7 Skinny_Jill............195.............195...............180......... 15 Foofy ................ 273.5..........249...............237 .........12 want2lose...........236.8...........236.8.............225..........11. 8 sades.................229.............199.7.............189........... 10.7 chiqui.................246.............231................220......... .11 MarieGabrielle.......268.............268...............256............ 12 Trixie...................264.............264...............244...........20
  19. ~Trixie~

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so fabulous! I am so happy for you!!! :clap2:
  20. ~Trixie~

    I need your help

    Did you have the surgery, Justin?
  21. ~Trixie~

    How about December BEFORE Pics?

    I believe that is the one that I have. My surgeon merely said that I have the newer model (sounds like a car, doesn't it?!). According to him, the only restriction that I have is from the band being in place.
  22. ~Trixie~

    November Nymphs Lets Talk Weight Loss!

    You all are doing fabulously! I was finally banded 12/17, so Christmas wasn't too difficult because I couldn't do anything! I was still on liquids and sore, so my husband and I spent Christmas day with our kitties. Yesterday was my first post-op appointment and I am officially down 15 pounds from my surgery weight and 27 pounds down from the middle of September when I was at my highest. I can't get a fill until mid February due to scheduling issues, so hopefully I will be able to maintain my current eating habits until then.
  23. ~Trixie~

    The Future Of Marriage Gets A Lift

    Come to think of it, this is a fabulous idea...I'll take at least five! One to cook and clean, three to go off to work and bring me back their money, and one to take me shopping, rub my feet, and paint my toe nails...you know, all those things my husband doesn't want to do.
  24. ~Trixie~

    The Future Of Marriage Gets A Lift

    te he he... Are there dildos that can thrust on their own?
  25. ~Trixie~

    The Future Of Marriage Gets A Lift

    I second that, sister!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
