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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ~Trixie~

  1. ~Trixie~

    November Poll

    I absolutely love it, too!
  2. ~Trixie~


    Thank you for posting the link to that thread! I too have PCOS and have been wondering how others with it have been fairing.
  3. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I absolutely will! :evil:
  4. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I went into a semi-tirade for you... http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f13/do-i-need-fill-not-45083/#post623745 Am I out of line?
  5. ~Trixie~

    Do I need a fill or not?

    Julie, are you a doctor or something? Shouldn't Leena consult her surgeon and nutritionist regarding how much she should be able to consume and whether or not she needs a fill? I know that you mean well, but just because YOU can eat 1/4 of a cup of food and be satisfied, not all people can. I have been under the impression that each journey is highly individualized. Although we are all after a common goal using similar tools, we each have our own paths that we must follow. You could be giving people the false pretense that they should be at the same level that you are. In turn, your judgmental comments could be doing more harm than good not only to a person's moral, but also their health.
  6. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What a great name for a punk band.
  7. ~Trixie~

    Why is there no name???

    P.S. The male counterpart to the "November Nymphos" could be the "November Satyrs." According to Wikipedia, satyrs "are often associated with male sex drive and vase-painters often portrayed them with uncontrollable erections." I know I'm going to get yelled at for this generalization, but what guy wouldn't want to be known by those characteristics?!
  8. ~Trixie~

    Why is there no name???

    LOL, that's a nympho! "November Nymphos"...te he he...that works, too!
  9. ~Trixie~

    Why is there no name???

    Silly girl, no one is going to laugh at you! I think it's pronounced like new-voh...that's the best phonetic spelling I can come up with. :biggrin1:
  10. ~Trixie~

    Why is there no name???

    I do like the French theme...and yes, we are all sophisticated! What if we incorporate the flower for the month of November (which is the Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthème in French)into the name?
  11. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    HA! That's great!
  12. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Duh, I know what a ticker is, but how do I get it to show? Also, what's a bodybugg? Is that like a tapeworm that makes you loose weight?
  13. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You should bypass the fish. I heard there were nails and screws in it, thus causing many to gag.
  14. ~Trixie~

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Why are you attempting to censor someone? Maybe you should get the "hell off this site" if you have a problem with someone's queries in the rants, raves and off-topic section of this forum. Your negativity is not healthy and could be hindering the success of others! :angry
  15. ~Trixie~

    If money were no object...

    I would: 1. Pay off students loans and other miscellaneous debt. 2. Buy my parents a home to retire in. 3. Set up college funds for my younger brothers and nephew. 4. Get a tummy tuck, breast, thigh and mons lift. 5. Make DH quit his job to pursue his dreams. 6. Buy tri-coastal homes; Hawaii, San Diego, east end of Long Island. 7. Start an event planning company, animal shelter, and free tutoring service. 8. Go back to school to be a Vet or Marine Biologist. 9. Build a dark room. 10. Travel.
  16. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What'sWrong WithEating. Nails? Aren'T They A Good SourceOf Iron? Isn't IronThe Same Thing As Protein? I Think You'll Be ok To Eat 1/2 A Cup OfNails A Day, Atleast! If You Have Trouble Getting.It Down, You Should Drink Some Soda To Help It Slide Through Your Stoma Faster. GumAlso Helps. You"RE Doctor Doesn'T KnowWhat He Is Talking About, Marjon9. You Should Go To My Doctor Because My Doctor Knows Everything And Has.Better Methods Than Your Doctor. My Doctor Said To Avoid All FruitAndVeggies. They Are Bad For You And Will Cause Your Band To Slip And Actually Fall Out! You Should Stick With Nails. They Have AllThe Nutritional Value That You Will Need. Please See Above. You Are Write About Not Needing To See A Doctor After Your Surgery, Tho. Especially If You Go To Mexico. You Don't Need To Follow Any PreOrPost Op Diet If You Go There.In Fact, They Advocate The Tequila Diet. If I Could Do It, Anyone Can! Thanks, Losingjusme! I Think It's Mostly WaterAndOther Compacted Bodily Wastes Weight, Though! I've Been Doing A Colon Cleanse To Rid My Body Of Toxins And To Loose Some Weight Before My Next Appointment With My Surgeon. I Think You're A Better Looser Than Me By Far. You Have Loosed (Isn't That The Past Tense Of "Loose"?!) An Amazing Amount Of Weight And Must Be So Proud Of Your Accomplishments! You're Before/After Pictures Are Incredible And Quite Inspirational! :clap2:
  17. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Losingjusme, you're a frickin' funny gal. I like you...wink, wink...
  18. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I Am SOOO OfFeNdEd! HoW DaRe YoU CaLl Me A LoOsEr! Do YoU KnOw ThAt BeInG A LoOsEr Is A ReAl SeRiOuS PrObLeM ThAt So MaNy PeOpLe SuFfer FrOm AnD StRuGgLe WiTh? HoW InSeNsItIvE! WhO Do YoU ThInK YoU ArE. YoU'Re ThE LoOsEr, LoOsEr! te he he...
  19. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Don't forget the all too fabulous way of spelling "losing" as "loosing." That is something that drives me mad.
  20. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Faithmd, what does that have to do with fish or cat breath...geez, stick to the topic! j/k! Seriously, was that a real post?
  21. ~Trixie~

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    my cat's breath smells like cat food.
  22. ~Trixie~

    November Surgery Dates

    Andie, your surgery is going to go so smoothly. You will be back home with your guys in no time! Just think, with the surgery that you will be having later today, you will be adding many more years to your life that you will be able to share with them and all of the additional family members that are yet to come! Please let us all know when you are home and how your recovery is going. I know that you will be in the thoughts of everyone who has read your post.
  23. I have a brand new pair of roller skates that have been sitting in my closet for a year and a half. I was so excited to get them, but felt too ashamed to be seen wearing them. It's one of those vicious cycle things. You know, feeling too ashamed to be seen in public taking part in some sort of physical activity, so you sit on your butt and do nothing as the cellulite continues to adhere to its brethren on your thighs... That being said, I am so looking forward to wearing my skates with pride. What about you? What physical activity are you looking forward to once you are healed from surgery?
  24. ~Trixie~

    Gal Bladder

    If that is the case, I am never having children! Some also liken the pain to that of a heart attack...anyway that it is described, it still frickin' sucks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
