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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Good luck Tomorrow!! Hope you have no pain this time!
  2. Roheryn

    First Fill

    Woohoo! Keep it up!
  3. Woohoo Lellow!! That is cool! I am glad you are feeling positive
  4. Roheryn

    Friday weigh in October 31

    Yay Lellow!! Plus you are also getting lower in your BMI and I think once you hit about where we are now the weight does come off a bit slower....that is what I keep telling myself anyway:lol:
  5. Roheryn

    Getting obsessed

    :thumbup:Hehe I have started one too....currently have spinach, lettuce, Basil, Spring Onions, Tomatoes, Oregano and Sage growing! So far only the lettuce and spinach is ready...oh and the oregano and sage also
  6. Roheryn

    To weigh or not to wiegh?

    I weigh usually every day...I can't stop myself But I only take note of my once a week weigh in! I am not one to stress overly on my weight loss, yeah I can get frustrated, but I know this is going to take a while especially with little or no restriction so I don't beat myself up over it! And if I make bad choices I don't kick myself continuously over it. Here in Australia most of the docs say eat a sensible well balanced diet, and if you eat something unhealthy that is ok just don't do it all the time! Everything in moderation. My doc says he doesn't want you to feel like this is a diet! I think it is a personal choice as far as weighing in goes and you should do what you are comfortable with, don't feel pressure to do something because others are!
  7. Roheryn

    Friday weigh in October 31

    I lost 600g (1.32 pounds) this week...hey at least it went down!! That is a change on the past few weeks...no excercise as I've been sick....got my first fill....no real restriction...next fill 2 weeks away. Got an extra long weekend this weekend :teeth_smile:
  8. SO mum had her appointment yesterday with the doc (my doc) for her last preop visit! (She gets done next Wednesday) He was telling her he recently went to a conference with docs who have been doing the banding in Australia. He was saying to mum that they have come to the conclusion that a lot of the problems they have had with the band slipping etc stem from people eating TOO QUICKLY!! His message...it is imperative that you eat your meals slowly...over 20-25mins, because eating too quickly means eating too much in one go and you then stretch your stomach, etc Anyone else having trouble slowing down??
  9. Roheryn

    NSV (Non Scale Victory!!!)

    Got a call from my mum today to tell me that she'd gone into our local Chemist to get a prescription and the lady there started Gushing..."Your daughter came in the other day and I didn't recognise her at first she is looking great!! She is gorgeous!" Then had a friend at work come up to me and say "Mate I just want to say you are looking great, keep it up!!" Today I noticed that the jeans I have on today that I thought would last for a while are becoming loose, i could probably take them off without undoing buttons if I wanted!!
  10. Roheryn

    Message from my doc...

    Oh Lellow {{{{HUGS}}}} I am trying to eat slowly but i think at times I am still eating too quickly (after hearing that message from my doc though I have consciously tried to slow down more!! and I think it is working) Some nights, i have started making my meals so I have it over a period of time, ie I eat my salad or vegies 1st while I wait for my meat to cook and then I eat that....or I make myself take a few bites then do something then take a few more then do something....it slows me down
  11. Roheryn

    OTC meds question

    I didn't think there'd be any issue with taking OTC cough and cold meds....I went to my doc on Friday coz I wasn't well (I hate that I have to go for the certificate!!) anyway, he told me to take cold and flu tabs. He knows about the band. I just got the ones that are in capsule form! THey went down a treat and I'm feeling much better.
  12. Roheryn

    How much so far - total?

    Two months before surgery I was 112kgs (246.4 pound) i was down to 102.2kgs (224.2pounds) on surgery day total loss of 9.8kgs (21.56 pounds). Since surgery I am down to 95.8kgs (210.76 pounds) So 1/07-27/8 - 9.8kgs (21.56 pounds) 27/8-24/10 - 6.4kgs (14.08pounds) so that is a total of 16.2kgs (35.64 pounds)
  13. Roheryn

    Post -op 4 days out

    Welcome to bandster hell!! You are losing the restriction you got from the initial surgery as you heal! It is hard, I know but you are likely to be this way until you move onto the next stage of foods and then you'll most likely get hungry on that too as your stomach heals further. Until we reach the sweet spot you are bound to go through this again. I don't want to discourage you but you need to know the realism of this band. My doc tells me they don't expect much out of you weight loss wise when you have no restriction and not to beat yourself up, make good food choices but don't stress yourself out over it. As for feeling hungry, you may need to drink more or drink things with protein in them, they make you feel fuller for longer! And keep busy, go for walks, watch TV, do things to get your mind off it! And worst case if you are really struggling, call your doc!
  14. Roheryn

    confused surgery in 40 hrs now

    I think it is completely normal, especially when you don't have that support. But like everyone here I am sure you've done the weight loss thing before and it DOESN'T work!!! We lose then gain back and usually more than we lost. As for me, I wasn't feeling too bad until they wheeled me into preop..then I started to get really nervous...I am 8 weeks post op and feeling so much better in myself, I KNOW I made the right choice! and though I have had moments of frustration, I know that I will get there in the long run. This band is a journey of ups and downs and you are bound to have some downs again just remember that it is a long process, not a quick fix and at times you may be discouraged (the weeks of plateauing weight, waiting for those fills, gaining back due to no restriction), especially if you have that negativity! Just make sure you come on this site and get your support from here and from co workers if you can! finding that sweet spot will take time so hang in there. we will all get there in the end! I love my band!
  15. Roheryn

    Two days out and really sore

    My doc said for liquids that I could have anything that fit up those thick Mcdonalds straws. I could add milk to things to make them thin enough to drink but things like Tomato Soup, Apple juice and Big M's were easy! Other Chunky campbells soups I was able to add water or milk to and bamix to thin consistency. You just need to make sure you get fluids down so you need to drink regularly, I felt like I was drinking something all the time. My doc said he didn't care what I was drinking during this stage (well except for fizzy drinks), ie he was happy for me to have Mcdonalds shakes and the fruit juices etc. It was more important for me to heal and get some calories in therefore drink what I could and the healthier choices can come later. As for feeling better, people vary, I was done the same day as my dad and he was up and about the next day and out of the hospital feeling great but I was really blech for about 4 days (I stayed in the hospital 2 nights, it is a bit different here in Australia) until I started to feel somewhat better and by about day 10 I was almost back to normal. General Anaesthetics take a lot out of you so you are bound to be tired but you do need to keep moving!
  16. Roheryn

    Friday weigh in october 24

    :wink_smile: I lost half a kilo this week (1.2pounds). Finally some movement!!!! Fill on Monday, restriction waning already...next fill 11 Nov. Been doing the Burlesque class and walking. No excercise the past 3 days because I have a virus and have spent it on the couch and sleeping, just starting to feel a little better tonight!
  17. Roheryn

    OUCH - Too Tight!!

    Oh no!!! Glad to hear you could get back and get relief relatively quickly Claudine!! Hope you are doing ok!
  18. So wish me luck people's I am FINALLY going in for my first fill tomorrow morning!! I cannot believe it has been 7.5 weeks since my surgery and I have managed to last this long without gnawing on my arm!!! Please little Kaylee (my band) give me some relief and work for a period of time to give me restriction for a while!!:w00t: I need to get this thing kickstarted again....it has been too long between losses!!
  19. Roheryn

    About freakin' time!!!!

    Well I do feel a little restriction today though being on liquids this time and actually feeling ok in myself I think I am getting hungrier quicker...then I don't know if it is in my head!...I can't wait to eat something a little more solid! :thumbup: The nurse did my fill. She asked if I minded, I replied "So long as you are a good shot I don't mind!!" It didnt' hurt and was over very quick! She then said book in for your next fill between 3-4 weeks. I booked in at the 3 week mark :biggrin: Doc was in a long consult and they usually do a quick face time and a hi how are you going on your first fill....they said you can do it next time if you don't want to wait...I was like great! out of there and off to work! I got 2cc's put in my 10cc band! Oh and a NSV today...one of the guys at work has been sick and off for the past 8 weeks. He came in today and when I walked in he said hey you're looking great you've lost a bit of weight *Really loudly* I said yes I have...then some of the other guys start saying "oh yeah I guess because I see you every day it isn't as obvious!!" then my friend who knows what I have had done said and your pants are getting SO LOOSE!! hehe maybe it is time I raided the wardrobe again!
  20. FINALLY!!!!! My scales saw movement this week!! I lost a kilo (2.2 pound) this week YAY! And the weekend weather is going to be gorgeous! Going to a Burlesque class tomorrow with a fellow Bandster....should be HILARIOUS! (this is my teacher [ame=http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=WwiX34sbzUk&watch_response]YouTube - Burlesque Beat TM Dress Up Class Part 2[/ame])
  21. Roheryn

    Friday Weigh In Oct. 17, 2008

    I put on 400g (nearly a pound) this week :rolleyes2: but on a positive note after weeks of not losing and staying the same then losing 1 kilo last week I am still under what I was on those plateau weeks and didnt gain much during this whole lack of restriction phase!! it is only 400g.... But on a positive note, I GET MY FILL MONDAY!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I feel like I am the last of us to get one! I am hoping I get at least some restriction! Good thing is though i have a wedding tomorrow so I can eat
  22. Roheryn

    Beware of metamucil tablets!!!

    I went in June before the official opening and loved it too!! I love how the street is lit up green!
  23. We are about to become a family of bandsters...well except for my freak of a brother. Mum is getting banded on November 5th!! I am excited for her! I hope it helps her medical probs!
  24. Roheryn

    Friday morning weigh in...10 oct 08

    It is from the Healthier Choice Menu Options here. They have a few different roll versions with a certain amount of fat that get the Heart Foundation tick of approval...you can also get Cereal in the Breakfast menu and less fattening choices. But that roll was HELL!!
  25. Roheryn

    My mum's got her band date

    They have a shop together and couldn't take the time off together. Also she wanted to be free to look after dad and subsequently me :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
