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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Woohooo but then when I get to a weight I dont have clothes to cover this money will be on shopping sprees!!
  2. Roheryn

    Tell Us About You!

    Hi I'm Lisa and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 30 ooops nope I'm now 31 (today) :eek:, single with no human children though I am mum to a greyhound Ebony and a labradoodle Buffy! I work full time as an analyst so spend a LOT of time at a computer. I have been 'bigger' since puberty hit but really began to have battles with my weight when I wrecked my knee dancing and had to have a knee reconstruction at 15!! I love my dogs, gardening, renovating, reading and I love TV and Movies. I also love to travel and have been lucky to travel to every state and territory of Australia and I've been to quite a few states of the US! ALso Bali and Fiji... I am getting banded the same date as my dad and Kathy and Laura it appears (AUG 27th) and mum will likely follow in the future! My brother is the freak of our family with no weight issues!
  3. Roheryn

    Last supper?

    I think that is a much better choice!! My last celebratory 'meal' was tonight for my birthday from now on I will be better behaved and will stick the the pre op when I start it on the 10th (a few days early but i wanted to start on a weekend)!
  4. Roheryn

    Breakfast a no go

    I'm not a fan of Weetbix, I like Vitabrits but now I have discovered I love the new Oatbrits...I find that once the milk has softened the cereal, it is nice and mushy :eek:
  5. Roheryn

    Got my Operation date today!

    I am sure it will....I just noticed on my ticker that I am now at 30 days until surgery!! Had the counsellor consult today which was fine. Just the doc and the pre admission nurse to go!! Oh and the leave was approved...I love when my team leader doesn't ask questions and just signs away!!
  6. I think it is totally normal to have these freak outs...it is a HUGE decision and will involve changes but I we have all reached that moment when we say enough is enough, we don't want to be like this anymore (the moment that usually comes before going on diets which invariably fail in the long term). It is what I keep telling myself when apprehension and doubts come into my mind. And I think about what life will be like as a thinner person and that is what I focus on. I know it will be hard and i am expecting that but I am determined. As for telling people, my family all know. Luckily my family is very supportive but I know not everyone has that and I figure you will know who you feel comfortable in telling. The one suprise I got was from my cousin who has a BMI of 31 and she would have liked to get this done but is too small so she began saying negative things about it to my face but I think deep down this stemmed from jealousy. I KNOW she'll come around but i was kinda shocked that she who should understand what being overweight is like couldn't be supportive. My workmates won't know except for probably 2 colleagues who I know are caring and supportive and I am pretty certain will be good about this (i've told one so far and she was good about it). I just want someone at work to know so I can have a buddy to back me if there is a need. I have also told a group of my friends, one who I know wants the surgery and another who's had it, and another whose mother has had gastric bypass so I figured they would all have positive reactions and I was right. But everyone reacts differently some will suprise you some not but if you want to tell people trust your gut instinct. On a side note, I have decided post surgery and maybe pre to begin eating with a little spoon :tt2: I figure it will slow me down and ensure smaller amounts of food are going into my gut and hey it is appropriate for the mushy 'baby food' stage!
  7. Hey Donna, I think it is quite normal to feel a little apprehensive and even discouraged when you read certain things, especially as the day creeps closer but I think you have to try and focus on the positives. I have been feeling a bit the same...then I take a moment to think about what I will feel like when I am thinner and healthier and how many other ways I've tried to do this previously that have failed. Then I start to feel more positive again. I think for me it is the fear of the unknown...but I am determined! I think the really important thing is to seek support when you need it and not brave it out and don't feel stupid or embarrassed asking questions. Also if you can find a local support network of fellow banders it will give you the opportunity to speak to someone who has been/is going through what you are going through.
  8. Roheryn

    Finally feel like things are moving.

    Congrats Sunwyse great to hear you got your date!!
  9. Roheryn

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Oh great news...I hope I am as good as you...I have had a few surgeries and usually come out of anaesthetics ok but haven't had laproscopic surgery before!
  10. Thanks for the encouragement Candle!! I am going to be banded a year to the day after you. I hope I am just as successful
  11. Roheryn

    A good sign?

    Well Hey you can watch the Olympics and be inspired!! YAY!
  12. Roheryn

    Got my date!!

    Hey everyone so I was waiting to see if I would get an August or September date for surgery before I posted and.....I am now booked in for the 27th of August!!!! YAY! My dad and I are going in the same day and have my AWESOME mum to look after us until I feel up to going home! It should be good doing this with dad as we'll be experiencing this together and hey when we get to solids and are going out for family meals we hopefully can share The hard decision will be what we both feel like :scared2: I just can't wait until mum gets banded too!! I went to the shopping centre afterwards and was walking through the centre and looking at shops and was thinking OMG in the future I will be able to walk into some of these clothes shops and actually be able to buy stuff and I couldn't stop smiling. :thumbup:
  13. Roheryn

    I need to share this

    dagnabit I probably should have read this post...now I am hungry :thumbup: Oh well it is bedtime so I'm willing my hunger to dissapate and my tiredness to kick in! Ohhh Lellow only 8 days!! That is exciting! and just think 8 more days of Optifast ... that is one part I am NOT looking forward to...I've tried it before ... but I figure hey at least I know I only like the chocolate shake and the berry bar so I don't have to do trial by error!
  14. Roheryn

    Australian Bandsters Chat Thread

    Hello everyone I'm another newbie. I'm a Victorian and I have just started the process, had my consult with the surgeon and the tests...all things should hopefully be ok just waiting on results! I just want it DONE!! Although I occasionally have a bit of worry and apprehension, I think that it will be TOTALLY worth it! I can't imagine being 40ish kilos lighter..I think the last time I would have been at my optimal weight....would have been maybe when I was 13..... Hopefully once full approval is given it won't be too long a wait for a surgery time. *fingers crossed*

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