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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Roheryn

    not good news...

    DOH! Eat well, make good choices and keep up the exercise. If it is that you will need a new port and you put on weight whilst waiting for that, just try and think of it as a small setback and that you'll be back on track in due time!
  2. No loss this week :wink2: Didn't get a fill at my last appt either. They are wanting to see how I go for a bit...I feel if I am not at my sweet spot now I will be very shortly.
  3. Well done everyone!! And great news Liquidbluegal! You must be relieved!
  4. My mum was banded in November 08. She hasn't had any fills and I don't know if she'll need one as she already has pretty good restriction. But with this has come a complication because at night she has Reflux which has been waking her up and is very unpleasant. She hasn't slipped her band (this has been checked). The reflux medication she is on doesn't seem to be helping much. She REALLY DOESN'T want to have the band taken out but it is getting her down. Does anyone have any suggestions on combating nightly reflux?
  5. OMG This is me!!! I have had bad sinus infection/cold and my good restriction went beyond that and I am having more difficulty eating foods that were ok the week before, everything is getting stuck even though I am eating slow and I had my first PB! I will try having that drink before eating!
  6. Hey There LBG!! I hope you will be able to manage these next few months without being able to get that fill!! I feel so BAD for you!!! Chin up and vent often!

  7. Roheryn

    Pb'ing and Fill Level Question

    My doc said that the main cause of people's problems with their bands (ie. getting slippages) is eating TOO QUICKLY!! This is I think the hardest thing for most people to correct...I still struggle with whether I am eating slow enough and when I think I am eating slow enough I may soon realise too late that I wasn't and get pain. I think that provided you are steadily losing and you feel comfortable enough then you are at your optimal level and you know how much you can stand and what feels normal or ok to your body. if you think you need an unfill then try it! You can always put more back in if it doesn't work out!
  8. Roheryn

    A Scale Victory!

    Yay that is cool!
  9. Roheryn

    Struggling badly...

    I feel bad for you guys who haven't got restriction yet because I know how hard it was for me to survive and maintain that control over myself when I was SO HUNGRY all the time! The way I tried to conquer this was with making better choices food wise and eating fresh foods and if I was hungry snacking on fruit. It was REALLY hard at times but in the long run I had to say that until you get restriction you may have trouble losing, may gain and try not to let it get you too down! It was hard but when you get there, it will be worth it! Oh and I also made sure I didn't have junk food around me, I didn't keep it in the house, I planned my meals for the week initially too so that i would be less likely to try an easier less healthy option. Liquidblue I feel so bad that you have to wait that long for a fill!! That sucks big time!! And I can imagine how down that would get you, especially the long hours you work and the difficulty you have fitting extracurricular activities into your schedule!! I know that the shakes suck too but as a last resort if the other things don't work, do you think you could go back on them for a bit and manage the hunger ok?? I figure you could use them to help get off that weight that is coming on and it would at least keep you mentally more upbeat.
  10. Roheryn

    I'm Back

    Congrats!! That is great!
  11. Missed the weigh in last week, ....kinda not too stressed since I gained about 800grams (1.76 pounds) last week (that would have been christmas catching up on me!!) I have been sick and feeling like crap the past week and a half (so much for my break!! I haven't been able to enjoy summer!! ARRGHH!!) I don't know if it is this reason but for most of that week I have had trouble eating some foods and them getting stuck more readily so I don't know if the illness tightened the band a bit, I had my first PB but as I am slowly getting better I am now able to eat without food getting stuck after a small mouthful!! PBing isn't pleasant but the relief afterwards! OMG!! So this week was great I lost the 800grams plus an extra 800grams from the previous weigh in (TOT 1.6kgs or 3.52pounds!!) I am now the least I have weighed in eight years!! and I am in ONEDERLAND finally 198.88pounds or 90.4kgs!!! WOOOOOHOOO!!!
  12. Yay Lellow that is great!! I expected to gain or at least stay the same this week due to xmas eating habits but to my suprise I lost a little! I am down another 400grams (0.88pounds). I am SOOOOOOO close to onederland!! 0.65pound away!! Christmas was great...I couldn't overindulge like I used to I was happier about getting my photo taken and I had an absolute blast!
  13. That is great Andrea!! You must be feeling so much better!! I am down about 45 pounds so far! I have had 3 fills...I don't know how much i have in...I forgot to get the figure last time!! Though I finally have some restriction though this time of year sucks for food choices! I am not going to beat myself up though I'll get back onto it soon. I have had some port pain though...exercising, lifting things can irritate it a bit and it is painful at times, they said likely muscle scar tissue breaking down but we'll see. It isn't constant but can be VERY painful when I get the twinge. Hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  14. Roheryn

    Early Christmas Fun

    Merry Christmas EVERYONE!!! Being in Australia, our christmas is celebrated in the summer :tongue_smilie: I love this holiday so having it during my favourite time of year is an added bonus. Usually it is pretty warm on Christmas though we have had some years of cold wet and miserable days. My family and my aunties family and nanna Celebrate together and have xmas lunch. I used to celebrate it at my nanna's beach house whilst growing up and we'd have chrissie lunch then go down the beach and frolic and swim but since her divorce, the beach house got sold so now we alternate who hosts it between my auntie and me (the past 8 years anyway) (Used to be mum but I love doing it and mum loves not having to do as much so having it at my place works out). Instead mum hosts a Christmas breakfast at her house every year for friends and neighbours (many of our neighbours have been living in the same place for 32+years.) That was this past weekend and I still go to it and help mum set up. Now also with my brother married, his wife's family are joining us when I host it and my cousins partners/husbands family usually join us also. So this year it is being held at my place (I am cooking for 25+ people). Mum stays over the night before and we usually sit and watch the Carols on TV whilst doing some last minute things and then we are up early getting things in the oven. We have a traditional hot meal even though it is summer (this year we are expecting a fine day and a temp about 26 deg C) and it is kinda formal in its setting though attire is usually shorts/skirts and short sleeved tops. So I usually crank up the airconditioners from the morning to keep the house cool while I cook (yes I cook the whole meal for that many people)! My dad, brother and sister in law usually get to my place a little earlier and we open gifts to each other and then we open the other gifts when everyone arrives. These other gifts are from the Kris Kringle where each adult buys for one of the other adults. The menu is usually along the lines of; Entree: Prawns and Avocado on a bed of lettuce with seafood sauce Main meal: turkey, ham, pork, lamb and chicken, roast potato, roast pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower in a cheese sauce, honeyed carrots, peas. nanna's secret recipe stuffing and gravy Dessert: is pudding (I don't cook this nanna does them at the start of Dec) in brandy sauce (which I never eat as I don't like it!) We used to have breakfast of pancakes but this year mum and I figure we'll have a shake :tongue: It will be interesting to see how mum. dad and I go now we are all banded I'll be dishing up a teaspoon of each!! But hey, I guess there will be more leftovers, i'll be set for the rest of the week! After lunch my brother and dad usually fall asleep on the couch, others sit around and chat and a lot of us go for a walk to "walk off christmas lunch". Then on the day after xmas is a holiday called Boxing day (Boxing Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) so that day I usually have some friends over for another lunch of Christmas leftovers!! and we watch the Boxing day cricket match. Oh and then nanna and mum and dad usually come back too So every second year I now take the week off before christmas from work so I can get my house ready. I love setting the xmas table (I do a long L shaped table) and have crackers and glitter and tinsel, placecards and proper napkins :eek: My cousins 5 year old will help me with it this year Wow, this post is rather long but I can't help it I HEART CHRISTMAS!!!
  15. I forgot to weigh last Friday....probably not a bad thing....that TOM and 4 xmas parties I went to wouldn't have helped :tongue_smilie:~ ...I weighed myself this morning and I am up about 400grams (0.88 of a pound) but it does fluctuate throughout the week so......Not too fussed. I am looking forward to some time off work and the weather has FINALLY heated up here!! (tomorrow it is going to be 34 deg C!!) WOHOOO!!! Summer is here :tongue:~
  16. I have good scales ...Tanita brand ... they are digital and they measure your body fat too (don't ask me how :rolleyes2:) They Give your weight to one decimal place. Well done those who lost and for those who stayed the same or gained, we'll get there! I was actually sitting back and thinking about it the other day and though we've lost different amounts, I put it in perspective and realised that in the past 6 months i have lost over 20kgs and it took me 3 years to put that on. So I am ecstatic!! For those who are yet to get their restriction, just be patient. Mine has finally arrived on my third fill and seriously I could think I am in the sweet spot this past week as I have not eaten heaps and have felt full after a smaller amount of food. I have been able to stop myself from overeating due to this feeling. I have felt great!! I baked a cheescake for a work xmas party the other day and usually I would have licked the bowl eaten bits of chocolate etc as I went and I didn't even feel like it this time!! That head stuff wasn't there! I hope it lasts :cursing: I love my doc too he is very caring and his motto is don't deny yourself things. I don't want you to feel like you are on a diet, just make healthy food choices (luckily I did this to the most part beforehand I just ate too much of it!). So I have been! Every now and then I do have that chocolate or that slice of cake or that packet of chips, I don't want to feel wrong if I do or that I made a poor choice, I just make sure that it is in moderation! I feel so much happier in myself (and yeah it could be the season). I've admitted to myself that the last few years were really tough, I probably was somewhat depressed and really unhappy with myself. A few weeks ago (I think when I started to feel more attractive again, not just as the fat chick) I made a conscious choice to enjoy life a bit more. So I have been going out for the Friday drinks after work, trying to catch up with people more and generally making an effort. And I feel so much better! When I have told those who know what I have had done that I have lost 20kgs and that I hope to lose at least that again, they can't believe it (even mum). I get the "but you are looking great you don't need to lose that much surely!! You'd be too skinny!!" I laugh now. Well that is my goal but I will see how I go and how I look, but personally I would like to be at the higher end of the normal BMI and that means at least a 45kg weightloss overall! I HEART MY BAND!!!
  17. Roheryn


    SO I got my fill yesterday, getting to that point where I am taking fills slowly and being careful...and fearful of if I get overfilled. So I decided I'd take it easy and went to do some xmas shopping (I have a fair bit more to do DOH!!) but whilst there I tried on some clothes for myself. It is hard because my mind is still in 'fatter mode' where I think that certain sizes will def NOT fit. but I thought what the hey I'll give it a go. So I tried on two tops and they fit!! I haven't been able to buy a size 16 in years!!! So I had to buy them...I realised I need some tops to get me through the summer :tt1:~ I also have a pair of pants I bought too small for me for $5.00 (that were on sale having been $100) I didn't try them on thinking I had a lot more to go before they'd fit but I tried them on a few weeks ago and they were really loose and now I think they are too big!! ARRGHH!! Then I got a hair cut and colour...Amazing how a day can make you feel better about yourself :tt1:
  18. Roheryn


    I won't fork out on expensive clothes just yet either....but I have decided if I need some stuff to tide me over, what the hey, if I can find it at a reasonable price. I won't get much but I looked in my cupboard the other day and realised I don't have a LOT to get me through summer
  19. Hey Lellow, I put another progress shot under my profile. :)

  20. Roheryn


    Oh yeah Smokin!! HAHAHA Sometimes though, not such a great thing...work xmas party tonight consisted of many people plied with alcohol and feeling free to say how great I looked, which was cool, it is nice to be complimented....and then I get one guy come up and say before even saying hello, so are you married yet?? In front of 5 other people, and I am totally not interested in him and WTF!!!??? I turned tail and got out of there quick smart! Then laughed about it all the way home!! :wink2:
  21. Roheryn

    My Journey

  22. Roheryn

    Third time lucky!! I HEART MY BAND!!!!

    Third fill and finally I understand what it feels like to have restriction!!:biggrin: I LOVE my band!! Course it doesn't suck that I had a REALLY good loss this week but I feel great and I have been able to get by on eating not much at all. Taking things slowly so I don't PB and worrying also now about foods I've eaten easily enough previously! But it is all good so far! Nearly halfway there!! I have nearly lost the 21 kgs I put on over the last 3 years in 6 months!! WOOHOOO!!! Which would technically be classed as a success but I don't plan on stopping there! :biggrin:
  23. Roheryn

    Third time lucky!! I HEART MY BAND!!!!

    Third fill and finally I understand what it feels like to have restriction!!:blushing: I LOVE my band!! Course it doesn't suck that I had a REALLY good loss this week but I feel great and I have been able to get by on eating not much at all. Taking things slowly so I don't PB and worrying also now about foods I've eaten easily enough previously! But it is all good so far! Nearly halfway there!! I have nearly lost the 21 kgs I put on over the last 3 years in 6 months!! WOOHOOO!!! Which would technically be classed as a success but I don't plan on stopping there! :thumbup:
  24. I had a GREAT week this week and after the past few months, it was a pleasant suprise. I lost 2.6kgs (5.72 pounds)!!!!! :wink2::w00t: The week before I didn't post due to internet issues but I stayed the same then this week BAM!!! Also got my third fill (on Tuesday) and FINALLY restriction!!! YAY!!!

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