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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Roheryn

    Getting Banded on Aug 26th

    Hey Bryan and Welcome!! I'm getting banded August 27th and started my diet last Saturday. There is a LOT of information on here that you'll find helpful and if you have questions ask away we'll see if we can help! There are a number on here who have started their journey and a few like you who are excited about the upcoming surgery. :biggrin:
  2. Roheryn

    What was your preop diet like?

    I didn't like jelly at all my whole life but anything to fill my belly a bit more is good I found the Apple and Cranberry Aeroplane Jelly (diet/lowjoule) is really nice...the orange and mango (tolerable)...I have yet to try the rest (though I am NOT going near the port Wine flavour I consider that one $1.55 lost. Just the smell of the crystals was enough to realise I would hate it!) I never thought it was good to lose so much weight in a week but hey I'm really NOT complaining I figure in a way it is good my doc is strict as it gives me a good start on my weight loss Lamvmomof4, Day ONE was the WORST for me!! It is a little easier now though I am still hungry moreso at night...MIND OVER MATTER..I figure it is good training for the Head hunger though I really don't think I have any head hunger it is all real hunger!:biggrin:
  3. Roheryn

    chest tightness

    Glad you are feeling better innotu and that the antibiotics have started doing their thing!
  4. Roheryn

    At home and resting

    Congrats Nina hope you are feeling better soon!
  5. Roheryn

    OUCH!!!! it does hurt!!

    This is probably my main worry for the surgery is dealing with the pain afterwards. I have pretty horrid reaction to Morphine of Vomiting vomiting vomiting, in fact a few of the pain meds I've tried after surgery have led to the same thing. I hope they can give me something for the pain with enough ANTI nausea stuff to combat my reaction
  6. Roheryn

    Feeling Human Today

    That's great! When my dietician was talking about post surgery she made a suggestion for the mushie stage of Spaghetti Bolognese blended and risotto blended...I am already looking forward to giving it a try :biggrin:
  7. Roheryn

    1 Day til Liquid Diet... 8 Til Surgery

    I really must remember to do that!! My veins can be troublesome!
  8. I've been very well behaved and have cut back on my diet cokes (although I am allowed to drink it still!) as I figured it would be better than going entirely cold turkey post surgery (caffeine withdrawral wise). The only reason I am drinking it now is for something with a bit of taste as I get REALLY sick of water (especially being winter) and I hate tea and coffee! I think it will be easier to cut it out than I thought. Though I do understand the Diet Coke obsession Bryn!
  9. Roheryn


    Kaytaree have you tried benefibre or Prune juice??
  10. Roheryn

    It all starts today, Aug. 11th

    I hope my liver is!! I've already lost 3.6kg or 7.9ish pounds and I've only been on it 6 days...I keep thinking I'll slow down and I have somewhat but I am still losing! though I am really hungry at the moment ....but I've eaten everything for the day.... might have an early night :biggrin:
  11. Roheryn

    August Bandster

    Hey Ange, Was it the morphine that made you vomit?? I hope you are feeling better soon!
  12. Roheryn

    chest tightness

    Are you feeling any better kidney wise Innotu?? Hope the antibiotics have kicked in!
  13. Roheryn

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Cool edel!! Being a belly sleeper this makes me happy. I had a breast reduction years ago and I had to sleep on my back for over a month and I hated it!!
  14. Roheryn


    I'm not sure, Lellow suggested to me to try making it like a hot cocoa but I haven't tried it yet!
  15. Roheryn

    It all starts today, Aug. 11th

    Well done LB4life. I am doing ok too! I get a piece of fruit at morning tea (apple) otherwise pretty similar but I have my 3rd shake for arvo tea and then hold out dinner as long as possible...Oh and I am allowed diet Jelly too!
  16. Roheryn

    What was your preop diet like?

    I started out with a similar BMI to Lellow but my doc has made me do the 3 meal Optifast replacement. I can have diet Jelly, one piece of approved fruit, 2 cups of approved vegies. I'm on day 5, and doing ok...get hunger pangs but I am managing ok.
  17. Roheryn

    NSV the first day back at work

    Hehe so long as there are no moments Would a belt annoy the port sites?? I can understand the not wanting to waste too much money on clothes that might not fit for long!!
  18. Roheryn


    I am going to say to my surgeon (If I am still with it enough) in the theatre just before I go under, please be gentle with me, I don't know if it will have an effect but I figure hey if I say to him right before the surgery he won't hopefully forget it in a hurry :wink2: Some are a little rougher than others!
  19. Roheryn


    Hi Amanda, I am being done Aug 27th. I Have already started my preop, Tips hmmmm. - Persevere, It will get better - Use COLD Water when making the shake (try with boiling water and see what you think) but don't usewater straight out of the tap!! :wink2: - Acknowlege that you will feel tired and find it hard to concentrate at times and that you may get crabby
  20. Roheryn

    Stuffed feeling

    Hi jasmine and Welcome!! I hear everyone is different as to their restriction and what they can eat, etc. Only having had it done on the 9th, you will still be healing and probably have some swelling still and may already have some fill (Some docs already put in some fill whilst putting in the band). Lellow was done on 1 AUG 08 and she is I believe the first of us to have a fill in Early Sep 08. I think it really will be up to you as to when you think you'll need a fill. Oh and as for the ticker, try this: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f183/how-guide-creating-your-weight-loss-ticker-72359/.
  21. Roheryn

    NSV the first day back at work

    Yay Claudine!! That is cool! Did anyone at work know??
  22. Roheryn

    August 13th - the 1st Day of my NEW Life!!

    I will be having the optifast shake as my protein requirement post op, I know they are available over in the US (I'm from Australia)...but the guys over in the States have been talking about a protein bullet which those doing post op have recommended. So if you search on Protein Bullet, I am sure you'll find out more or alternatively hassle one of the American's on here and I am sure they'll point you in the right direction!! (I think you can order them online and they'll deliver to you anyway!) But given you only have a few days, you should be able to get the Optifast (I recommend the Chocolate flavour with COLD water) and you can find a place near you by going here http://www.optifast.com/Pages/find_an_optifast_clinic.aspx
  23. Roheryn

    August Bandster

    Haven't had it done yet so can't answer the hungry part but the shoulder pain is likely to have been caused by the gas. Some of the guys on here recommend putting heat on it. Also make sure you walk as walking is supposed to help dispel the gas!
  24. Roheryn

    It all starts today, Aug. 11th

    It is odd how there is so much variation! I have to do mine (Optiyuck) for 2 weeks before surgery (but I have actually done it for 2 1/2weeks), I started last Saturday...day 4 was much better!
  25. Roheryn

    Banded August 6, 2008 in Boston

    Hey everyone and Welcome!! The reason your largest port is the sorest is because that is where a LOT of the more 'energetic' surgery gets done through....having seen a surgery done, I can understand why the port incision hurts the most! They pass the band through there and use that opening pretty much to place the port with their own two hands...well fingers!.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
