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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Roheryn

    Preop Mid Way...doing good

    So I am 9 days out from surgery and have been on the preop (3 meal replace Optifast, one piece of fruit, 2 cups vegies) for 8 days now. I am doing well, haven't gone off it and have lost about 5kgs (11pound) so far on it! It is getting easier though my tummy does growl a bit from time to time. I just tell it to shut up and deal with it. I seems to be working.:thumbup: A work colleague decided to heat up their lunch and eat it RIGHT near me today and it was some Thai dish that smelled AWESOME :smile2: and my tummy started up. I went and made my shake....not so tasty but I stayed strong. Appt with the surgeon tomorrow and preop nurse Friday! It's happening! :tongue2:
  2. Roheryn

    New to site:

    Welcome Okie!! It seems like the end of August has taken forever to come and it isn't far away now!!
  3. Roheryn

    New to the Thread

    Welcome Katina! Hope your surgery goes well!
  4. Good luck to katinafer, weightinggame, Bowertone, djw6171, laurab, jordanj, Josie040108, sassymama, tinkerbull, littlefroggy, carletonhoward, dacoz21 and fatmommyslim and anyone else being banded on the 18th August!! Our thoughts are with you all! Wishing you a speedy recovery! :smile: :mad2:
  5. Roheryn

    Surgery tomorrow

    :smile: I'm sure you'll be fine Weighting game!! See if you can find some other flavours it really does help!! I've been going on the preop about 8 days now! I'm doing ok and luckily i don't totally hate Optifast. I have tried their new strawberry shake which is nice and a change from the chocolate shake I've been mostly drinking! I'm pretty good with repetition though so I'll cope :mad2:
  6. Roheryn

    Surgery tomorrow

    Good luck weightinggame! Hope you get through the surgery ok and you recovery is troublefree!!!!!
  7. Roheryn

    My First Victory of MANY!!!

    That's great maleliz!! I know these losses make it somewhat easier to stay positive on the preop ( I have lost 10.1 pound in the first week). I have noticed myself slowing down in the past few days though!
  8. Roheryn

    Looking at people differently

    :mad2: I have been doing the same...mind you I do it when I am looking at ideas for my house (like selecting a certain tree or what panels I should have on the garage roller door!) As for strangers, well the lady at the Medicare office, where I claim back money I've outlayed on my health care, started asking questions when she saw what i was doing because she was curious for herself. I told her she should look into it. I think she might!
  9. Roheryn

    First Fill

    Cool Momto5, I think Lellow is being done the same day!!
  10. Roheryn

    Banded Yesterday

    That is great news Gary!! Nice to hear you are doing so well!
  11. Roheryn

    Loving Life....

    Thanks Memon it is great to hear these positive stories, especially when I'm still waiting to be banded I have lost about 4.6kgs (10 pounds) in the past week and I notice how loose some of my clothes have become! It is definitely inspiring!!
  12. Good luck to ahsem2beme, Auntie Suzie, dunna, htaylor1021, jack&kota, jenecye, legdxdlr, moonandstarzz, MyJourney08 and anyone else being banded on the 13th August 08 ! We're thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way! Look after yourselves! :wink2::thumbup::thumbup:
  13. Roheryn

    I am Banded (LONG)

    Congrats Heather it is great that you are doing so well!!!
  14. For sure a loss is a loss!! Your body will go through these stages of leveling out and I think it is healthier for you to not lost more than 1.5kgs per week anyway!! And Fee I know it is fustrating not to lose but don't beat yourself up!! You'll get there! As for me, having started the pre op last Saturday, I have lost a LOT more than I thought I would; Weight loss this week: 4.2 kgs (about 9.24lbs) Exercise: concreting other exercise....does watching the olympics count?? :biggrin:
  15. Congratulations Judie!! I hope you are feeling better soon and manage to stave off your mind!
  16. Roheryn

    Just had my heart broken....

    Oh Liquid that SUCKS what a :biggrin::cursing: asshole!! We are here for you I hope you move to the anger stage really quick and have some mates who can help you out if you need it! So vent all you want and look after yourself {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}
  17. Good luck Andrea20405, bunnburner, Cujo, donnaedp, GaryB, kezateit, dixiedoo, beautifult, Leslee, annika, bryn, Erniek38 and anyone else being banded on the 15th! Wishing you all successful and quick surgeries and recoveries!! :biggrin: We're halfway there!!!!!
  18. Good luck to Atenciym, agw504, bnjholub, eszymanski, hopefultracy, ibldenver and her hubby!, kristennmh, Grievous Angel, LSuval, ML in VA, MyJourney08, Nightstarworker, nursearizona, PaulaTX, Principal, Sirvine89, turtletears, vegasgirl, jandamom, charlie4171 and anyone being banded on 14th August 08!! We wish you well in your journey and hope your recovery’s go smoothly!! :crying::thumbup::thumbup::rofl:
  19. Roheryn

    What was your preop diet like?

    hehe Oh I am sure us Aussies will come up with a few more. Luckily we have so many American shows and exposure over here we are pretty well across a lot of terminologies used by Americans...although rooting and fanny pack have totally different meaning here :biggrin:. When I was a cousellor at a Summer Camp in Lenoir NC, I would TOTALLY confuse the kids by saying things like 'Pick up the trash and put it in the bin.' Now they got what I meant and I was trying to be helpful by using some American terminology but then my Aussie terminology would creep in and it was a bit mish mash....They loved it though SIGH that was a fun summer!
  20. Roheryn

    OUCH!!!! it does hurt!!

    Oh I will definitely be telling them...I have already sent in the stuff to the hospital and I think I forgot to add it to that but I'll be telling everyone I vomit on Morphine and Pethedine! I will even hang a HUGE sign around my neck if I have to. :biggrin: I just don't want to have to test the "what pain med will make Lisa vomit?"
  21. Have you tried to paste the bbcode into your Signature??
  22. Roheryn

    1 Day til Liquid Diet... 8 Til Surgery

    Is that the one you have before a colonoscopy?? If so it isn't pretty....
  23. Good luck Dixiedoo!!! I'm sure you'll be fine
  24. Roheryn

    What was your preop diet like?

    HAHA I hear you!! i concreted on my day one...though I REALLY don't think that was the smartest choice to make! This weekend I plan to finish making my new gate and finish cleaning up from the concreting...I don't know why but I just HAD to get this all done before surgery! I have to do some gardening and house cleaning to do too!! My dad is getting banded the same day as me and he has supposedly gotten all this energy from somewhere (which is annoying mum) so I am roping him in again this weekend to do the gate :biggrin:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
