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Everything posted by Roheryn

  1. Roheryn

    Newbie to Lapbandtalk.com

    have you been on a preop diet Luv2prayz?? I am looking forward to having some liquid that isn't a Protein shake!! :biggrin:
  2. Roheryn

    Newbie to Lapbandtalk.com

    hehehe and it is the lucky month after all 08/08
  3. Roheryn

    Finally Banded :)

    Yay JDsGirl you are on your way!! Congratulations and I hope your pains are soon a memory!
  4. Roheryn

    hello everyone!!!

    Hi Jason and Welcome!! You'll find a lot of helpful hints on this site and it is nice to have some people going through the same things you are to bounce ideas off! Not long now!
  5. Roheryn

    Newbie to Lapbandtalk.com

    Hey and welcome!! We're band buddies!! Not long now at all :smile:
  6. Hehe Fair enough! It is great about your motivation to exercise!! I think for a while that will be one I'm going to struggle with!! i go through lazy periods with preparing meals but the money I save motivates me to cook at home ;) Being just me though it is hard! And sometimes I just can't be bothered and have toast or cereal for dinner! :)


    It would be a LOT to be dealing with everthing and having to go to Uni! What course are you doing??


    I have my Auntie's bday tonight. I want to go so I am going to suck it up, take my dinner and cook it there (and I have managed to hold off on a shake so I will be able to have a shake and the 2 cups of vegies for dinner!) Dad is too so we'll prop one another up! Another trip to Bunnings this weekend and had to ignore the sausages (by basically power walking past the front entrance and weaving my way around people to get in there quick and away from the SMELL!!) lol


    One more day of work and then organising some stuff Tuesday before I head over to mum's where I'll be for a few days after surgery! (I am so glad we are in Australia! our Leave situation is so much better and we can take those 2 weeks without too many worries!!)

  7. Congrats guys!!! And by this time next week all those being banded in August will be DONE!!! WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  8. Roheryn

    Started my 10 day liquid diet today!!!

    The protein shakes can cause constipation or diahorrea (Go figure). you could try adding Benefibre to a shake and see if that helps. It may just be constipation!
  9. Roheryn

    Did you tell people?

    And with pictures!!
  10. Roheryn

    Did you tell people?

    My whole family knows and have been really supportive! I have also told a few of my close friends who have also been great! My main people I didn't want to know was my work collegues because I know a few can be judgemental and I really don't want to get into it with them. Only one collegue knows (I told her because I beleived she would be supportive and I trusted her to keep it quiet! so far so good!) WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! Go the Kookaburra's!! They're on fire!! (sorry watching the hockey )
  11. Congrats you are on your way! The first day was the worst for me on the preop but I am nearly there and have lasted the distance! Now I jsut can't wait to have it over and done with! I've lost 7.4kgs on my preop so far which helps the motivation no end!!
  12. Roheryn

    Pre-Op tomorrow...(what to expect?)

    As far as I know we all stay overnight here in Australia. I think it is good because they can keep an eye on you and manage your pain etc. As much as i'd love to go home to my own bed I actually feel better about staying in that night!
  13. Roheryn

    Tell Us About You!

    hahaha I typed it up a while ago because there were so many people wanting to know how and I figured it would be easier to direct them there than write it out when asked
  14. Roheryn

    I'm scheduled!!!

    :thumbup: That is awesome!! Does it feel more real now that you have a time as well!? It really isn't long now at all!!
  15. I know how frustrating it can be when we don't lose weight! I am sure I'll be feeling like that soon too! Just keep telling yourself you'll get there in the long run! Those exercising and not losing much may be putting back on muscle which weighs more than fat so I wouldn't stress too much, like lellow said your measurements are probably going down you are just starting to tone up which you will want in the long run! We'll get there peoples!!
  16. Roheryn

    Tell Us About You!

    http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f183/how-guide-creating-your-weight-loss-ticker-72359/ Try these instructions if you still get stuck!
  17. Roheryn

    Last Appt today...nearly there...

    :tt2: You are such a recruiter Lanakila I saw WICKED the musical here in Australia (recently opened) after hearing rave reviews when I was in New York a few years ago but didn't have time to see it there! I LOVED IT! That song is one of my favs! and I also loved 'Im not that girl' and 'Popular' :thumbup: It is good that you've started the diet so It will be a little less of a shock to your body! I was also glad I didn't have to have the gastric cleansing!! :sad: As for the shot....I hinted that the last time I needed it the anaesthetist was nice and gave it to me under anaesthetic she said "I won't be that nice!" :tt1: I'll deal but I don't think I'll be able to help being tense!!
  18. Had my pre admission nurse appt today, the final appointment before surgery on Wednesday!!:wink2: Answered the numerous questions 20 times over, explained about my non tolerance of morphine...we'll try tremedol with antinausea meds I think! She explained about the injection in stomach or leg for anticoagulant. (I had one in ymy belly when I had my knee reconstruction OMG OUCH!! She says it is likely to be a different one that doesn't hurt like the one I've had previously:unsure:...i hope so, I'm not afraid of needles but I don't like them in my belly :cursing:) I'll suck it up though.... Had some discussion on what we'll be on during the liquid phase which is pretty much anything that will go through a thick McDONALDs straw..so pumpkin Soup (thinned with milk) or other Soups that can be thinned out or are already thin enough to go up the straw, McDonalds shakes in moderation, pretty much anything that can be fitted up that straw. She said some people had even got spaghetti bolognese that they added milk to and blended to a thin enough consistency to fit up the straw (that didn't sound to appetising to me though). So I am looking forward to some tasty food again!!:tt2: I don't care if it is liquid I just want something tasty!! Nearly there!!! Bring on the 27th!!
  19. Roheryn

    Last Appt today...nearly there...

    he seems to be excited! Mum is suprised at how much energy he has at the moment!! It will be good having dad getting it too...I wish mum was but she is going to be looking after us:smile2: Though she will hopefully be being done soon too!
  20. Congrats to those recently banded!! I can't wait until surgery is over so I can start to get some different flavours into me!! Potato soup sounds so great just now!
  21. Roheryn

    Questions for the veterans

    The physio today said that the gas gets trapped in your diaphragm area and that the shoulder pain is usually a referred pain from the gas being trapped in the diapraghm. Having not had the surgery, I don't know how long it will last but I think there will be differences depending on peoples ability to get up and walk and the amount of time it takes for your body to reabsorb that gas and get rid of it and how much was left behind post surgery!!!
  22. Roheryn

    Last Appt today...nearly there...

    I have to be in at 700am (and being in Australia, it will still be Tuesday night in the US when i will be going in!!)...I am not sure of the exact time I'll get done! Iwant to go in before my dad :wink2: but I guess that will be the surgeons decision!! I have the Tuesday off so one more day of work for me! :wink:
  23. Well done everyone!! We have all started our journeys now whether we are banded yet or not! :wink: This will be a year or more of ups and downs and when we look back a few years from now and put it all in perspective i am sure we'll be less critical of ourselves and the setbacks we face along the way! We will get there it will just take time!! :wink2:
  24. Roheryn

    New to site and 4 days post op

    Welcome and congrats on the band!! Great to hear you are doing well!
  25. Congrats Marie!! i saw my preop nurse today and she says the best thing for the gas pains is to walk and move around and manage the pain with the pain killers! The more you move the more the gas bubble is broken up and reabsorbed but you have to make sure you don't overdo it. Hope it clears out soon!

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