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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bigdogdad

  1. Biotein was a life saver. Dry mouth from hell after surgery. Toothbrush tooth paste slip on slippers and robe. Everything else stayed in bag. Get up and walk as soon as possible and keep moving. Good luck and don't look back.☺️
  2. Bigdogdad

    Bowel Movements

    I'm 6 months out and still have occasional bouts of constipation. My go to is a combination of smooth move tea and colace. DW has no problems and she had surgery same day. Hope every thing comes out okay ????
  3. Bigdogdad

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Hey guys I'm 1 month post op and I was in the same boat. 6ft 1 in 425 lbs at my highest in September. Sleeved on November 24th. I'm down 55 lbs total so far. 6 lbs diet before program, 20 lbs liquid diet pre op and 29 lbs post op. It's tough the first couple days of the liquid diet and first couple days post op but it's been worth it for me so far. Work with the surgeon, NUT and the sleeve and you'll do great. Looking forward to the new us.
  4. Bigdogdad

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    Been a little ruff. I'm moving really well she having a little more trouble. She had a previous hernia so they had to put in extra stitches. Had some bm issues. Today we got bumped up-to puréed. Today is a good day.????
  5. Bigdogdad

    Bowel movements

    I'm 13 days out and just had my 1st real bm. I've been constipated with overflow diarrhea for 5 days. Just to be on the safe side take your colace and benefiber. This to shall pass????????????
  6. Wife and I had VSG ON 11/24. Yesterday was the 1st urge to used #2. Have been on colace and benefiber since Thur mourning. Yesterday afternoon made it to the bathroom with seconds to spare! Nothing but liquids but still feels like a rock stuck in there. Anyone else go through this? Any suggestions? Sorry if tmi just uncomfortable?
  7. Called on call nurse this am. Gave her details, my surgeon called back told me was normal and wanted me to do 2-3 enemas today and keep him updated. My surgeon actually talked to me on a Sunday mourning at 9:00 am. Really great Dr.
  8. Bigdogdad

    I can now say im post op Yeaaa

    I know the feeling I got to my room at 2 pm and wife got here at 4:30. Now we're both post op???????????? Walk 3 laps so far, pains getting better but still there Congrats to our post op er . It's a whole new us. Way to go ppl
  9. Just got the call from hospital, I report at 0730 and my wife is at 0800. Butterflies just erupted in my soon to be smaller stomach ????
  10. Bigdogdad

    gas x stips

    A wise man once said never trust a fart. I think it was Al Rocher. I've learned the meaning of that while on the liquid pre op diet. Keep going strong we can do this
  11. I quit after 15 years. I was up to 3-4 pack a day and it SUCKED to quit, but everyday out it gets a little easier. You can do it. One day, one hour one minute at a time. I can't believe I haven't had a smoke in 14 years. Good luck and I wish you the best.
  12. Bigdogdad

    Hungry or All in my mind

    Make sure you get your protein! It help keep you from feeling hungry. I try to have a protein shake every 4 hours keeps the hunger at bay. Keep the faith and we'll get there. I'm a full week in and doing ok.
  13. Wife and I both on the 24th here in NM
  14. Bigdogdad

    How Many Guys Are On This App

    I'm in with you guys. My wife and I are getting sleeved on 11/24 and cant wait. Both my parents are adult onset diabetics and my twin sister has been for 20 years. Now shes lost her eye sight and her kidneys are shuting down. I was 426# and my doc told me that the next time she saw me she was going to start me on a diabetic work up so i figured it was no or never. need to get more guys in here:)
  15. I've been at the same job for 25 years and have about 700 hour of paid medical ( never been out more than 3 days). My boss told me to take as much time as I wanted and my doctor said 6-8 weeks soooo???? I'm having surgery the Monday before Thanksgiving and go back the 17th of January. Friends who have had WLS told me they were good to go back after 3-4 weeks but plan for lack of stamina for another 2 weeks. Good luck and here we go ???? Oh btw a also due 12 hour hospital work.
  16. I found out that vanilla protein shakes are pretty good with a touch of root beer extract. Help my wife and I get through day 2 today. Tomorrow I'm going to try the Orange extract.
  17. My wife and I are both doing the VGS on 11/24/14. Every one that knows thinks it's a great idea because we won't have to be on separate diets or schedules. Just wondering if any on else had taken this road?
  18. Oh we're in Albuquerque, NM We started our pre op diet today also???? Lets get this done. WE CAN DO THIS!
  19. The wife and I are both scheduled on the 24th. I think this is going to our best thanksgiving ever. We can do this together.????
  20. Thanks everyone. We got our insurance approval Saturday, our FMLA was approved and my boss called me today to tell me I'm off the work schedule until 1/17/15. Our surgery is scheduled 11/24/14 and we started my pre op diet today. WOW ITS FEELING REAL NOW????????
  21. I'm scheduled 11/24. I did my barium swallow monday 11/3 the coordinator submitted my paperwork and I got my letter of approval today. Hope your comes soon to. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.
  22. anyone have WLS with their spouse?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HealthyNewMe


      No, but my husband has lost 60 pounds over the last year and a half by joining the gym with me. exercising 6 days a week, and eating a lot less refined carbohydrates .



    3. dlamp112
    4. lisacaron


      Yes we have! We were banded 3 days apart from each other and it's GREAT. Having your partner on the same page as you is a big help. There are things you will do differently and you will each have your own journey but you will understand each other and where you are coming from. Do you plan to have the same type of surgery? Feel free to PM me if you like.

  23. Bigdogdad


    Best of luck on your appeal also. You'd think they would want us to be a healthy weight, save them money in the long run.

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