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Everything posted by Foofy

  1. Glad we're all in this together! I'm a chewing MACHINE now!! :biggrin:)
  2. Mamajava, I had to laugh at your post and am pasting in my post from two days ago on the Nov 2007 page. I swear, if I had not read about getting stuck on LBT, I would have been at the emergency room demanding that they save me. It was scary. I don't want to do it again, but I am not POSITIVE that I can avoid it. Man, I read Hollyberries post about getting stuck a few days ago and thought, "right-right, chew slowly, of course, yada yada yada." Then, at lunch today, I got a piece of ahi tuna or rice or brocolli (left over from last night) S-T-U-C-K!!! Oh cripes. It hurt like the dickens!!! I had tears, slime, burps, hiccups, and stabbing pain in my chest. I spit about a gallon of slime into the sink and hung from the bathroom door (to stretch out) while breathing deep and slow. My DH got so upset that he drove to the store and bought me papya enzyme (by the time he got back - it was over- but I love him for it). Even the pets were freaked out. Nothing but slime would come up and NOTHING would go down. It lasted for about 30 minutes. At one point I was thinking "What if it moves up and gets wedged in my windpipe - I'm gonna die!!!!" In the end, there was a big flash of pain and then it was gone. Dang!! I don't EVER want to do that again. I can't quite figure out what caused it. I was eating last night's leftovers and I thought I was chewing pretty good. It would be a great motivator if I could figure out what I did wrong.
  3. Foofy

    Aspects of Blindness

    Good to meet you Debbie. Welcome to LBT. It's great that you want to broaden people's awareness and knowledge of what it's like to be blind or have low vision. We can all certainly learn from one another. It's great to have someone to check with about questions we might not have otherwise felt comfortable asking. Your signature doesn't say whether or not you have been banded. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey.
  4. Foofy

    1st Sliming Experience! Ughhh!

    Man, I read this a few days ago and thought, "right-right, chew slowly, of course, yada yada yada." Then, at lunch today, I got a piece of ahi tuna or rice or brocolli (left over from last night) S-T-U-C-K!!! Oh cripes. It hurt like the dickens!!! I had tears, slime, burps, hiccups, and stabbing pain in my chest. I spit about a gallon of slime into the sink and hung from the bathroom door (to stretch out) while breathing deep and slow. My DH got so upset that he drove to the store and bought me papya enzyme (by the time he got back - it was over- but I love him for it). Even the pets were freaked out. Nothing but slime would come up and NOTHING would go down. It lasted for about 30 minutes. At one point I was thinking "What if it moves up and gets wedged in my windpipe - I'm gonna die!!!!" In the end, there was a big flash of pain and then it was gone. Dang!! I don't EVER want to do that again. I can't quite figure out what caused it. I was eating last night's leftovers and I thought I was chewing pretty good. It would be a great motivator if I could figure out what I did wrong.
  5. Foofy

    I've had my moment

    Bandpal, I can totally relate to waiting for that moment of clarity. My father had a massive heart attack when I was 14 (he was 40). I was the only one home when it happened. He died while the ambulance was pulling up in the driveway. The good news is that they shocked him back to life and he recovered, changed his lifestyle, and is now 76 years old and (since age 55) has been retired and has devoted his entire life to wind surfing. It's possible that he will out live me. Anyway, the BAD news is that (after witnessing my father's rescue and ressurection) I developed an inflated belief in the capabilities of medicine (if you got to the ambulance - you were saved) and I believed everyone got a second chance. For 30 years, I ignored all warnings, waiting for a higher power to send me the "REAL" warning. After which time, I reasoned, I would clean up my act and get my second shot at life. You'd think that high BP, type II diabetes, morbid obesity, etc. would have been enough of a warning - but I just didn't see it that way. Then, one night, I realized that not only was it possible that I would not get my "second chance" but it dawned on me that I was WASTING valuable years that I was NOT GOING TO GET BACK. Damn it!!! I don't know why that thought hit me so strongly, but it was enough to get me to go to my doctor and demand the band. Now I try to see every day as a new beginning and know that I am doing my best to make the most of whatever time I have left. I hope that's a long, long time, but one never knows. I want to make the most of whatever I get.
  6. I had surgery on Monday and went back to the office on Friday. I didn't take any pain meds after I came home, and my biggest problem was the bloating and loose stools for about three days. I didn't have any staples (just dissolvable sutures and glue - yay!). Everyone is different, but I thought the surgery was pretty darn easy. My biggest fear was catching one of the many colds that were flying around the office and having to deal with coughing - but that never happened.
  7. Thanks for the update Diane. Your honesty is a big help. We all experienced ups, downs, and plateaus. Hearing again that it is "normal" is comforting. You've had so MANY changes over the last couple of years, it's perfectly understandable that you would like to stay still and nest for a time. There is NO shame in that. What's really great is that you can see what behaviors you need to change when (or if) you DO want to move forward. You'll do great, whatever you decide. Thanks for sharing.
  8. Foofy

    3 years ago today

    I agree with Jack - more photos! When I first started reading LBT you were posting a lot, and you had great photos in your avatar. It was very inspiring for someone just thinking of the band. Then, there were fewer and fewer posts... I am sure your new life is bustling and you have less time for LBT. However, I just wanted you to know that your posts DO matter and that you are an inspiration to many, many people (most of whom you will NEVER know about). Congrats on three successful years and here's hoping for many more.
  9. The above are all good pieces of advice and definately worth heeding. I can say that (for whatever reason) I haven't been tempted to eat "bad" foods. But, I am definately a "bowl cleaner/plate licker" from way back. It has taken me some time to LISTEN to my new pouch telling me that it has had enough to eat. I eat slowly, chew a LOT, and set that fork down. However, I still have trouble stopping when I look into the bowl and see food there. It's generally only a few ounces left, and I have already weighed it out and counted the calories, so my old voices tell me that I SHOULD eat it - I DESERVE to eat it. I have finally come around paying attention and listening for that little "satisfied" whisper and then SETTING DOWN THE BOWL. To make this possible, without seeming like deprivation, I promise myself that IF I am hungry later, I can finish it up. But, if I am not, I just saved some calories and gotten closer to understanding what "satisfied" is all about. Mind you, I said "satisfied" not "full" - that is a whole 'nuther topic. It may seem like a small thing, but multiplied over three meals a day for the rest of my life, it is a HUGE step to healthy eating. Good luck. You can do it.
  10. Foofy

    A new medical issue for me.

    Great news on the cysts Kendra. It's so nice to see your smiling face in your signature line, too. I'm glad you are feeling the love! Keep us up to date.
  11. I ditto what Maizemommy said, Dianne. You're one of our PS experts, and we want/need/enjoy reading your input. :sneaky: You've been quiet too long. How's everything going?
  12. Foofy

    I've swapped addictions...

    Heehee. The responses from various people are pretty interesting when I ask them if they want to feel it. I keep forgetting that it crosses into personal space issues for a lot of people. Ah well, I love to do it and it educates the masses.... Shoeaddict - you are almost in Onederland!! Yay!! I am jealous.
  13. Dear fellow bandsters, Our friend and fellow November Nymph, Kendra (aka. Longhorn), needs your help. She has recently been diagnosed with an agressive cervical cancer for which she will be receiving chemo and radiation. Kendra has always been a cheerleader for the Nymphs and others on LBT, but now she needs our help. She has asked her fellow Nymphs to visulize wearing pointy cowboy boots and kicking the crap out of her tumor. The Nymphs can't do it alone - we need your help! Please join us in helping Kendra win this battle. You can read her story in the November 2007 section (link below). Also, if you have positive stories of success in this area, I am sure she would love to hear them. I am always amazed at the breadth of information and positive support that comes from the members of LBT. Thanks in advance! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f99/new-medical-issue-me-53050/
  14. Foofy

    I've swapped addictions...

    Just so you don't sniff your fingers aftewards like the Mary Katheryn Gallagher skit on Saturday Night Live.:thumbup:
  15. Foofy

    Group Hug - I know I need one...

    Uuuugh. So sorry. What an awful experience. I hope you feel better today. Damn, now I'm back to being scared of root canals. :thumbup:)
  16. Foofy

    A new medical issue for me.

    Kendra, I hope you gave that oncologist a big wet sloppy kiss! I live in Montana and have three pairs of cowboy boots and lots of friends with boots. We will be "Kicking the Crap out of Kendra's Tumor!"
  17. Foofy

    Group Hug - I know I need one...

    Kat, you have probably already left, but I wanted to say not to be scared of the oral surgeon. I had to have a root canal through a crown and it was the most fabulous thing. I was in PAIN PAIN PAIN for two weeks before I could get scheduled (we have no endodontists in our town). When I got there, he said "You know that pain you are feeling now? That's all gonna stop in about 5 minutes." He was RIGHT!!! I wanted to cry with happiness. I will never fear an oral surgeon again. He was a god send. I hope you had a good experience.
  18. Foofy

    Sipping slowly ?

    I think the slow sipping is just for the newly banded - maybe the first week. I drink about 80 oz of fluid a day (mostly water) and I don't sip. I have no problems with my band. Do what feels right to your body.
  19. I keep a 20-oz bottle on my desk that I fill from the office Water cooler and drain 3 times during the work day. I also drink an 8 oz glass when I wake up (AFTER I weigh myself) and I drink a glass an hour or so before bedtime. I now hate artificial sweentener. I used to be a diet soda JUNKIE. When I gave them up, I gave up the sweeteners, too. They just all taste so fake and sweeeeet. Sometimes, I put a few ounces of skim milk in a glass and fill it up the rest of the way with water to flavor the water a little bit. Sometimes I add a little OJ with the milk and water and it reminds me of the orange juilius we used to drink as a kid. I also like iced tea with no sweetener. If I don't drink enough water, I retain water, and I wake up with headaches and cotton mouth. Water is my new best friend.
  20. Foofy

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    I agree. You have great skin! You are going to look fabulous when this is done. Thanks for sharing. Watching everyone go through their surgeries is so exciting.
  21. Foofy

    Share your NSVs!

    Wow Shalee - that's FABULOUS! That had to feel great!
  22. Foofy

    A new medical issue for me.

    Kendra, Sorry you have to go through this. I hope you feel the love we are sending. How fortunate that you have been on a healthy diet for four months now. You are probably in much better fighting shape than you otherwise would have been. From your previous emails, it seems clear that you are in good medical hands and that is a very big BLESSING. Like everyone else has said, feel free to vent all you need in this forum. Let us be your safe place. We are all pulling for you. Foofy (Karen)
  23. Hey all you folks who have lost a lot of weight. I am wondering how fat loss was for the "apple" shaped folks. I am a classic "apple" with a large omentum (internal body fat in the abdominal cavity). Even when I was normal weight, I didn't have a waist. So, did the weight come off from your abdomen first, last, or at the same time as everywhere else. If you were a big, round apple, do you now have a "normal" waist, or is your waist still bigger than it should be. If you feel like sharing, how big was your waist (measured at belly button) when you started and how big is it now?
  24. WOW! Even with the pain and puffiness it must be wildly apparent that it feels great to have that pannus removed. Just think - you will be able to run like people run in their dreams. Long, leaping steps bounding effortlessly through beautiful hills and valleys - free of that bouncing bag of yesterday. How fabulous it will be!! Best wishes and thanks for sharing the experience.

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