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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Foofy

  1. Foofy

    What's your goal look?

    Right now, I have simple goals regarding my looks. I want to be small enough to shop in regular sizes. I haven't done that in 20 years. I would also (someday) like my waist to be much smaller than my hips. Right now it is only two inches smaller. I KNOW I will need to have PS to accomplish the waist goal. I suspect that once I get to size 14, I will want to be size 10, but I am not worrying about that now.... I am alreay strong, but my goal is to be able to do pull ups. I can lift a lot for a woman right now (bench press 100lbs, biceps 25 lbs each, leg press 300 lbs), but I am waaaay too heavy to do a simple pull up. We do a lot of rafting and other sports and strength is very important to me. I want to know I can save myself if I fall out of or under something or if I need to row away from something scary.
  2. Name............Start.............Current...............Goal... ...........To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............233.....................220 ..........13 Osangriared.....252...............252.....................232 ..........20 Skinny_Jill.......180...............180.....................168............12 Sades.............197...............197.....................185............12 kandiceb..........187...............187.....................175...........12 shortgal............183..............181....................175............6 TxArcher..........328..............328......................308...........20 Peaches11........217..............217.....................199..........18 Momto1plus1.....223..............220.6...............210.............10.4 zippykat...........173..............173.....................160..........13 Trixie...............219.5...........217.....................199..........18 Shalee04..........196..............196.....................185..........11 wnt2lose..........219..............219.....................209.........10 plump_princess....215.............213.....................199........14 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239........11 Foofy..............239.5............237.5...................230........7.5 Shalee04..........196..............195......................185........10 The 3-week stall is OVER!
  3. Name............Start.............Current...............Goal... ...........To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............233.....................220 ................13 Osangriared.....252...............252.....................232 .................20 Skinny_Jill.......180...............180.....................168....... ..........12 Sades.............197...............197.....................185....... ...........12 kandiceb..........187...............187.....................175....... ...........12 shortgal............183..............183.....................175...... ............8 TxArcher...........328..............328.....................308....... ...........20 Peaches11.........217..............217.....................199........ .........18 Momto1plus1....223...............223.....................210.......... .........13 zippykat..........173..............173.....................160........ ............13 Trixie..............219.5............219.5...................199...................20.5 Foofy..............239.5............239.5...................230...................9.5 OK. I'm in. I haven't hit any of these goals yet, but after 3 weeks of not losing a pound, I feel like a coiled spring waiting to EXPLODE in a burst of weight loss! Walking starts this weekend. Look out!!
  4. Foofy

    Where do I find....

    Check out www.makemeheal.com They have tons of that stuff.
  5. Foofy

    How much exercise do you get?

    I think you hit the nail on the head Jachut. It's not the planned "exercise" you do that keeps you thin, it's the constant movement. My internist is convinced that the widespread use of computers is as much to blame for the epidemic of obestity as our out of whack portions. We just don't move the way we used to. I will dig out my pedometer tomorrow!
  6. Foofy

    NSV for Me!

    That's why obese women don't get osteoporosis. We have fablous bones because of all the exertion they get. You knew there had to be at least ONE benefit of being fat. That's also why a 150 pound former obese person has less fat than a 150 pound never obese person. We still have a lot of the extra bone, skin, muscle, etc that we needed when we had to tote around all that weight. Yay for us!
  7. Foofy

    How much exercise do you get?

    Thank you all for your input! You all are doing so great. I just love to hear how people manage their weight loss. I am inspired to "shut my gob and move my ass" as Jachut would say. Really girl, 18,000 to 26,000 steps is freaking amazing. I sit at a desk all day. When I used to wear my pedometer, I found out that it was 400 steps to the bathroom from my desk. I saw drinking Water and peeing as an exercise program. Sigh. Obviously, it's no surprise that I average about 2,000 steps a day. Even when I was trainng for my marathon, I don't think I did that many steps except on long training days. My hat's off to you. Barbee, you seem to really be putting in the effort on exercise, I am sure that your plateau is probably just some water weight, plus a little stress eating. It'll start coming off again soon I bet. You've had great loss already. You can do that 10K. In 2005, at 250 pounds, I did a 5K, 10K, 12K, half mararthon, and full marathon. Then, I was so tired of endless training, I hung up my shoes and gained 25 pounds. Damn. The key, I think, is to not push so hard that you hate it. Kristen and Antsmith, your progress has been amazing. I am glad to see that you are doing all that exercise, so I can blame it on that. However, I know that Kristen is also scrupulous about her eating - a model bandster all around. Antsmith, you must be behaving yourself too. Shortgal and Hollyberries, you two have lost great, too! Now, we've got to egg each other on for walking or eliptical useage and catch up with these other crazy exercisers. Maybe we should set some weekly goals? I'm ready to go!!! I am sure it is the secret to moving me off this plateau.
  8. I've been thinking about arms lately. My biceps are 14 inches now. They were 16 inches at my highest. I love weight lifting, so I am sure I will have plenty of muscle, but I am wondering how small I can expect my arms to get (12, 10, 8 inches....?). You never hear much about arm sizes like you do about busts, waists, and hips. For those of you who have lost a lot of weight, how big were your arms when you started and how big are they now? Are you happy? I've seen some pictures of lapbanders with great looking arms from workouts (TamifromAl) and from brachio (Enterprise), but I have no idea how big their arms actually are. I'd love to get some feedback from folks....
  9. I've always had thin hair - my whole life. I tried Rogaine a few years ago to delay any more loss, but quit after a few months. I am now four months post surgery and I am dropping hairs everywhere. It's probably not a lot by the standards of people who have thick hair, but it has never happened to me before (just picked another one off the keyboard). My friend with really thick curly hair says she cleans more out of the shower drain each week than I have on my head. Anyway, I think it's just the body recovering from the surgery and weight loss. It seems like the more experienced bandsters mostly all report that it comes back. So, I am staying calm. It wouldn't do any good to worry anyway....
  10. Foofy

    A new medical issue for me.

    Gosh, it's good to get an update. Glad your spirits are high and that you are feeling engaged in the process. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp! Oh, I have a pair of Ariats, too. Love 'em. Don't the pointy toes make you feel fierce? Also, the heel of cowboy boots make a very satisfying sound when you stride through a room with hard floors. It's not a dainty mincing sound like you get from high heels, but a substantial sound that says there is a confident woman to be reckoned with who is coming through. Roar!
  11. Foofy

    can you feel the port?

    Chickie, Thanks so much for adding your pictures to your signature line. You are quite an inspiration to those of us who are relatively new to the process. What fabulous results!!! I'd love to be able to get thin enough to run. I walked the Portland Marathon in 2005 at 250 pounds (we won't talk about the time....). ;o)
  12. Foofy

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Good grief Karey. You look great. How exciting!!! You don't even look swollen. Wow!!!!
  13. Foofy

    can you feel the port?

    Absolutely you can feel it. But, you can't see it (at least I can't). Like Jeni, I like to touch mine to remind me what's going on inside.
  14. Good question Wheetsin and great responses. It's especially useful to see the pictures for comparison. I never had a flat stomach or nipped in waist - even at a normal weight. I am looking forward to it. It's a great motivator.
  15. Foofy

    Aspects of Blindness

    Hi Serenity, How about the news of the first legally blind governor - Governor Paterson of New York state? That's got to be an exciting milestone that will raise awareness.
  16. Foofy

    I didn't make my goal

    I thought it was a good show and am also trying to drill the concepts into DH's brain. He is 100 pounds overweight and eats food at a speed I never would have believed prior to marriage. That's why I gained 80 pounds after I met him - trying to keep up. The band slows me down. The show is also a great reminder of our band rules - eat slowly, chew, savor each bite, set the fork DOWN between bites, listen for your full signal. I was doing all those things last night and again at lunch today. I think it helps. Ease up on yourself Steph, you are doing great. If you didn't lose another pound for 3 months, you'd still be doing great. You have lost way more than I have. I am content to be the turtle. Someone told me once that you should not do anything to lost weight that you weren't prepared to do for the rest of your life to keep it off. So, I am just making little changes and letting it come off slowly. I also want to keep my gall bladder and I think that is more likely with slow weight loss. One other thing I have also started doing is eating with my left hand. I'm a righty and that really slows me down. I figure I am also burning new pathways in my brain at the same time - so, double yay!!!
  17. Foofy

    Kareyquilts TT, BL, Lipo & BA

    Karey, I don't think you are weird. You are right - that skin served you well for many years. It DID hold your babies and help you get through your life. I am glad that you feel some sense of connection to it. It's too bad it can't go on to do something for science or someone else, but I guess that's just the way it is. It sure is fascinating to see the network of blood and tissue just underneath the top layer. The human body is a miraculous thing. Glad you are feeling better!
  18. Foofy

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Go ahead and update me. I guess I am going to have to move my big caboose, if I am going to break this stall I've been in for the last two weeks. At least it finally looks like Spring here in Montana. Of course, now that I have said that, we will probably get snow. :thumbup:)
  19. For me, they covered everything except the $250 copay for the hospital. I am very happy with BCBS MA.
  20. LOL. Half an hour watching TV on TREADMILL. Then, half an hour watching TV on couch, chair, bed, or floor. Pace yourself. You were sawed in half for goodness sake. ;o)
  21. Foofy

    1st Sliming Experience! Ughhh!

    Cindy, Your doc is tough. I think what you just described is the problem with those super restrictive diets. You CRAVE something that you can't have and your body freaks out when it is exposed to it and can't listen to the normal signals to stop. If you let yourself have moderate amounts of carbs (along with your protien) you probably wouldn't have that response. However, there are obviously a million ways to approach weight loss and I am no expert (or I wouldn't be where I am now). As Hollyberries says - keep those chins up (LOL) - you will get there.
  22. I saw it last night and was thinking the same thing - how apropos to lap banding. He's right - if you listen to your body and give it time to tell you you've had enough (rather than eating everything that is plunked in front of you) - you will lose weight. The trick is paying attention. Setting down that fork or unprying your fingers from the sandwhich between bites. I don't know if I could have been that mindful before the band. I got excited after I saw it because my DH needs to lose 100 pounds and is NOT getting a band. He eats WAY too fast (which is why I gained weight after I married him). If he can apply the rules, I know he could lose weight. There is no way I could get him to weigh and measure things, but mindful eating just might be doable....
  23. Foofy

    Marchies Bandiversary Month

    Hey ThickChick and Gket - put worrying out of your mind. It doesn't help. Plus, it's likely to be nothing to worry about. I've had lumps momgrammed twice now, and they've just turned out to be cysts. I've also had several friends who have gone as far as biopsies and removals, and they were either cysts or fatty tumors. If it is something - you'll deal with it. Be glad you have doctors who are extra careful and that you have lost the weight!! YAY!!
  24. Haaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaa! I just snorted water out my nose onto my keyboard. Ow, ow, ow. Thanks for the laugh!!!
  25. Foofy

    Aspects of Blindness

    Debbie, that just knocked me over. The Docs always hide the needles from people, so they won't be scared. But you're scared of needles, and you can't even see them.... Wow. BTW, needles are a very small part of this experience. I don't think you should let that stop you. Plus, we all need needles at one point or another in our lives, and this might be a good way to help you get over the fear. Hang in there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
