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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Foofy

  1. Foofy

    Hair Loss....OMG

    Hey HollyBerries, Good to hear from you. I've been working out of town and just lurking occasionally on the site. Got back yesterday. A "hair hat" is foofy-speak for a toupee. I need a little rug to cover just the top. I found this site on the internet and one of the pictures of their clients was just what I had in mind. I just have to make the decision to do it or not, because - I suspect that once you start wearing a hear hat you are kind of committed to it. People are going to notice if you stop.... Before and After Photos for Hair Replacement Systems
  2. Heehee. I hope it works for you! As an added benefit for us 40+ folk, using your non-dominant hand for fine motor skill tasks is supposed to help your brain by making it learn new things. So, you get skinny and smart at the same time! What could be wrong with that?
  3. I bought the BEST bra this week in Denver. I can NOT believe how great it works. It's from Lane Bryant. It's a microfiber "balconette" style (whatever THAT means). Anyway, it has nice wide straps and a wide band and it gives great coverage while still having a bit of a plunge in front. The weirdest part is that it is slightly padded (which I NEVER would have even tried on - 'cause what obese D-cup gal needs more padding....). But, the padding gives it more structure and the structure lets it pick the girls up and hoist them out in front like a giant boob shelf. It's great. For the first time in at least a decade, the girls are not resting on my stomach. Really, it's like someone is standing behind me and holding one up in each hand. I feel 10 years younger!! You know how when you get something on your cheek and you keep seeing it peripherally until you brush it off? Well, that's how it is with this bra - I keep seeing the girls in their new position out of the corner of my eye and being surpirsed. LOL. I was so happy I bought one in my current size and one in the next size down. I thought I'd share..... Here's a link to the bra Microfiber balconette bra at Lane Bryant - Visit lanebryant.com for women's plus-size clothing and lingerie in sizes 14-28
  4. Foofy

    I suck....:(

    Debbie, I've lost 37 pounds since November and I am thrilled. I'm down from size 24 to size 18 or 20, I have lots more energy, I am not starving all the time, and I don't feel like I am going to gain the weight back. I figure it will take me two years to get down to my goal. I am totally fine with that. This is a long-term journey. Some people lose weight really fast, and some people lose slowly. There are pluses and minuses to each way. Neither is the "wrong" way. Me, I'd rather lose slowly and eat fairly normally. That's just a personal choice. The point to this ramble is that you shouldn't feel bad about having lost the weight you have. Concentrate on making healthy decisions and moving more. Think of some non-scale victories. Molly is right, those bad girls will go off those pills and gain all that weight back - and more. You have made a change for LIFE. Snap out of it girl! You are doing great.
  5. Foofy

    Hair Loss....OMG

    I am at the point of looking for a little "hair hat". I really have very little hair in the front. I already had female pattern baldness before the surgery, and it's really awful now. The top of my head gets sunburned all the time and I notice that people look at the top of my head often when talking to me. I think a "hair hat" is going to be a good solution.
  6. Well, I'm definately not losing as fast as many of you fabulous Nymphs, but I'm not nearly as tight either (only 3ccs in a 10cc band). I can eat anything IF I chew it well enough. My surgeon recommends not being as tight as many people like to be, which suits me fine. I too am working on stopping when satisfied rather than when the plate is empty. That is REALLY hard, as I am fighting almost 50 years of training to "clean my plate." I definately think that eating slowly is the way to give my brain a chance to communicate with my stomach. My two favorite things for slowing down are putting the utensil down between bites and eating with my left hand (I'm right handed). Neither thing is really noticed by others when I am out in a crowd, but both seem to be very effective. Also, I was just on a 10-day business trip where we ate out THREE TIMES A DAY (kill me). Many of the restaurants offered "half portions", which I took whenever possible. Then, I still tried to leave something on my plate. It worked. I lost almost 2 pounds on the trip with no exercise. It's a journey. Happily, alhtough I am a slow loser, I have no fear of gaining it back. That's a first for me. Best wishes to you all!
  7. Name..............Start...........Current..............Goal........ To Go Lizzie_07.........233...............228.....................220 .........8 Osangriared.....252...............247.3.....................232 .....15.3 Skinny_Jill.......180...............175.....................168...........7 Sades.............197...............197.....................185.........12 kandiceb..........187...............176.....................175..........1 shortgal............183..............175....................175...........1 TxArcher..........328..............315......................308..........7 Peaches11........217..............208.....................199.........10 Momto1plus1.....223..............215.4..................210......... 5.4 zippykat...........173..............167.....................160..........7 Trixie...............219.5...........209.....................199...... ..10 wnt2lose..........219..............213.6.....................209........4.6 plump_princess....215.............209.....................199.......10 Mariegabrieleee....250............250......................239...... 11 Foofy..............239.5............236.....................230..........6 Shalee04..........196..............189......................185.........4 Hollyberries......267...............261......................254.........7 CindyG............215...............212......................199.......13 MollyBrown......258...............253.......................245........8 lindata............189?.............185.......................180........5 Yay! I finally broke my plateau and got a loss to report. I was in a fancy pants hotel in downtown Denver for 11 days! No scale, eating out three times a day, no exercise (locked in meetings from 7am to 7pm). Thank goodness for the band. I had at least 2 or 3 "reminders" from my little buddy NOT to eat what I was putting in my mouth. They hurt, but they worked. Down 1.5 pounds on the home scale. There's no way I'm making my Cinco De Mayo goal, but I'm moving down and that's what counts.
  8. Ouch! Maybe you need some hand or foot massages. At least those parts haven't been sliced, pulled, or suctioned. Hang in there. We will of course be expecting regular updates and lots of pictures! Best wishes.
  9. Foofy

    November Nymphs Pictures

    Every one is doing so well. It's fun to see who we've been "talking" to. Keep up the good work.
  10. Foofy

    November Nymphs Pictures

    Here's in progress at about 238 pounds.... I wish I could get them in the same post. Rats!
  11. Foofy

    November Nymphs Pictures

    Hope this works... Here's the before at about 275lbs.
  12. Foofy

    A new medical issue for me.

    That's great news Kendra! Hey, these wrist bands are supposed to work on accupressure points to relieve chemo nausea. It might be crap, or it might be great. It doesn't look too expensive, so it might be worth a try. Chemotherapy Nausea Relief can be found using BioBands wrist bands – a natural nausea remedy Keep stomping gal - we're all rooting for you!
  13. Foofy

    How much exercise do you get?

    I'm checking in. I started doing the eliptical trainer after work this week. I started out slow, so I wouldn't get burned out and quit. So, my goal is to do 20 minutes a night 6 days this week. Next week, I'll up it to 25 and then 30. I must say that I slept like a log the last two nights... DH and I used to walk to work with our dog and walk home at lunch. It's about a mile each way on a hill. Then, the dog got old (he's a 15-yr old border collie) and he can barely get around. So, we DRIVE him to the office and take him up the elevator. He used to be a great source of exercise, but now he is an excuse for us NOT to exercise. We keep thinking he is going to keel over any minute, and then we can start walking to and from work again. Maybe, in the meantime, I'll alternate with DH and one of us can drive the dog in while the other one walks. Man - I sound like a lunatic.
  14. Sigh, I am at my third week of no loss, so it is clear that I have to start exercising. At least springtime has come to Montana, and the snow is gone. I put off exercising for a long time so I would have that as my "ace in the hole". I'm curious about how much you folks are exercising and if you have been doing it the same level all along, or if you have ramped up as you lost weight. All input is appreciated. Have any of the rest of you hit long Patches of not losing that eventaully broke? I'm not too worried about it, just curious....
  15. Foofy

    All you people do is complain...

    My DH and I shared a house with another guy before we started dating. He was out grubbing weeds in the yard and got into some poison ivy (without knowing it). He later got some of it on himself when he went to pee. Later that night, I'm in my room and hear all this noise from the adjacent bathroom. Seems DH (then only nice roomate) had an "intersting dream" which caused certain parts to expand - parts that now were feeling the effects of poison ivy. He had run screaming to the one bathroom in the house and was leaning into the sink soaking the offending member in cold water and howling in pain. He was very embarassed. I was VERY glad that we had not started dating yet, because I knew where that poison ivy would have ended up if we had been!
  16. Foofy

    All you people do is complain...

    Ah yes, there's nothing like scratching your eye (or other sensitive area) after prepping jalapenos.
  17. Foofy

    All you people do is complain...

    OMG. Now I know what I'm having for dinner tonight. My stomach is growling like a bear right now after reading the 20-page discussion on fast food. I'm heading home to eat ,my 3 oz of tuna on miultigrain crackers. Sigh!
  18. Foofy

    First Plastic Surgeon Visit!

    LOL. $86000 for the thigh lift. For that much money, they ought to carry them for you too. At least you know we are paying attention.... ;o)
  19. Foofy

    Hollyberries is Halfway there!

    Txarcher and Hollyberries - you too are so inspiring. I can't wait until I lose 70 or 90 pounds. I just hope it happens within the first year. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have those changes happen as quickly as they have done for you two. Keep up the good work. I bet your blood pressure, heart rate, and other factors are showing similar improvements. Txarcher - you're gonna have to change your name again if you move! Scarcher? Doesn't sound right.... Get to work on that. ;o)
  20. Foofy

    Tummy Tuck Scar Pictures

    WOW!! I second what everyone else is saying. That's a fantastic difference. You are sizzling. What's the difference in inches on your belly before and after?
  21. Foofy

    Hollyberries is Halfway there!

    Cindy, I was changing the 5-gal Water bottle in the water cooler at work on Friday and it hit me that you have lost more than two of those bottles in weight. Try walking around the room with just one (pretty heavy) and than think about TWO!!! What a load has been lifted from your heart and joints every day! Way to go.
  22. My surgeon says that I should eat something about every four hours. It doesn't have to be a lot, but just enough to take the edge off. For me, that works out to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. My stomach growls like a BEAR from about 11 am to noon. It is really pretty amusing. It doesn't seem like "hunger" to me. I always think of it as proof that fat calories were being burned from my waist and hips because the old pink pantry is empty. I like your analogy of the big stomach talking to the little stomach. The big stomach is NOT to be trusted. :huh2:)
  23. I love my band! Most of the time, I have no problems at all eating whatever food I want. I just have to eat slowly and chew really well. The few times I have had trouble have been totally my fault. Usually, eating while distracted and swallowing too much too fast. Then, that little fist clenched on my stomach grabs me and lets me know that I have broken our agreement. It hurts, but it gets my attention and modifies the behavior. It's the only thing that ever worked for me and I am happy, happy, happy. I am probably embarrassingly frank about the band and regularly yank up my shirt to let people feel my port and admire my tiny scars.
  24. My two cents. I started out crushing all my pills because I was told to swallow "nothing bigger than a pencil eraser." Then, I accidentally took a big one and nothing happened. So I did it again, and again, and again. No problem with any pills. Maybe it's just a problem for freshly banded folks and for folks who gets their bands really tight?
  25. Foofy

    Hollyberries is Halfway there!

    90 pounds!! What an accomplishment!!!! You are looking good girl. That's quite a difference in your midsection! We have the same apple-shaped build. Keep taking pictures. You will want to remember the journey.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
