I am 6 days post op too. Lap band. My weakness level is crazy to me. But asking my doctors and NUT dizziness may come from the lovenox shots. They are a blood thinner. Headaches from being dehydrated. And pain. Well, my port incision is the worst of it for me. My husband is a triathlon nutcase and he has given me some of the electrolyte mix ins for my water. Since then I haven't had a headache and my urine isn't as dark. I feel like I am get more fluids even though I can only do 4-5 oz every half hour. Dr says when I'm done with the blood thinners and can start eating more solid foods the dizziness will subside. All of this is why weakness after surgery is reported. I felt relief that he had some answers instead of "we only can wait and see". I suppose that's what we do anyway. Take care everyone. This is the beginning of a new life we've always wanted to live. ((Hugs))