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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Primadonah

  1. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hey any Cali-Bandsters out there!! I just got banded yesterday. I'd love to give and recieve support. Anyone interested????
  2. Primadonah

    What, if anything, do you collect?

    I collect the fancy 3 dimensional refrigerator magnets from places I've been and from countries my friends have visited. The are pretty cool. I also collect stuffed animals monkeys, especially if they have a banana. I always wanted a chimp when I was a kid. My parents wouldn't get it because someone told them they throw their poop across the room, so I had to settle for the stuffed ones. I wonder if I can get a REAL one now....HHMM??????
  3. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hey Plumptous!! Love your name!! I'm in Chula Vista. I've heard of Fallbrook but I don't know exactly where it is.
  4. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hey Shanna, I'm in Eastlake. Would love to catch a class if I can work it into my schedule. Do you go on weekends??? What time is the class???
  5. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hello Bandsters, I've been MIA for a while now. Going for my 2nd fill on Tuesday. I'm a little discouraged and very embarrassed by my S_L_O_W_progress but I'm recommmitting myself to continuing the journey! I take full responsibility for not following the bandster rules over the holidays but I know I would be much worse off if I didn't have the band. I'm usually certain to gain 15+ pounds over the holidays :hungry: (Thanksgiving through New Years). This year, I only gained about 6 pounds. I'm trying to look on the bright side but I welcome any other words of much needed encouragement!! By the way, I live in Chula Vista.
  6. Primadonah

    Help! eating like there is no tomarrow

    That's Totally Normal!! I can't tell you how many last "favorite meals" and "last suppers" I had 2 weeks before my surgery. I was so scared I was never going to be able to have them after the surgery. I now know that it wasn't necessary to do that. You can still have most things, just in moderation and you will be satisfied with much smaller amounts.
  7. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Welcome, I would encourage you to do lots of research and ask lots of questions. The boards are a great source of information. I am newly banded and so far have no regrets. I don't have a lot of personal experience but I'm a nurse and would be happy to share what I do know about it. What part of town do you live in?? I'm in Chula Vista!!
  8. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Penni, Unfortunately, I won't be able to join you ladies this time around. Maybe next time. Thanks for the invite!!
  9. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Thanks for your reply Muffin, I've seen your before and after pictures. You are a personally a great inspiration to me. I can't imagine being down to 125!! You're AWESOME!!!
  10. Primadonah

    Looking for Fill Doc

    Hi Dani, I was banded with you on July 23 by Dr. Kuri. Just wanted to say hello:)
  11. Hi Rebecca, I'm glad I didn't see it before I had my surgery. I probably would have been scared off from going to Mexico....Nah... I would have still taken my chances
  12. Primadonah

    TV - Skinny teen got a Bypass in Mexico

    It's called Grey's Anatomy and she survived the repair surgery. The doctor turned her mom into Child Protective Services for being emotionallly abusive. Good show!!
  13. It's called Grey's Anatomy. It's kind of like the shows ER and Chigago Hope. It comes on Sunday nights.
  14. Did anybody see the show last night??? One character was a college student who secretly went to Mexico for barriatric surgery. The problem was: 1) She was not over weight. She had an eating disorder because of an overbearing, controlling mom who made her feel like a loser for gaining the freshman 15 pounds. She had the surgery to not have to worry about gaining weight. 2) Of course, because the surgery was done in Mexico, her body was riddled with infection. I thought this was very unfair propaganda. First of all, it lead the viewer to believe that a doctor in Mexico would be willing to do WLS on someone who is not overweight AND it's not safe to have surgery in Mexico. What an ethnocentric crock of Bull!!!! Just wanted to vent!!
  15. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    As far as I know, you just eat "regular food" after 30 days. I am going back to Jenny Craig. It really works well if you stick to it. I like it because you don't have to worry about what you're going to eat. You plan your menu for the week and simply follow it. The food tase good and it's portioned controlled. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes max to prepare any meal. I'm pretty sure it will be consistent to the bandster lifestyle. P. S. Glad you figured out the Ticker!!
  16. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Well, it's been exactly two weeks ago today that I got banded. I'm feeling a little better each day. All of my wounds have pretty much healed with the exception of the port site. It's more numb and itchy than painful. It's still tender. I'm on soft foods which is fine. I'm stuck on cream of broccoli Soup. I'm really watching my intake. I know this isn't a weight loss phase but I'd like to drop a few pounds by the time I go for my first fill. No regrets so far. I just hope I get good restriction early in the game. I feel like I have no time to waste!!! I'm sick of carrying this weight!! I'm gonna start excercising on Monday. I hate working out but it's a must!! Well, that's it for now. How's everyone ele?????
  17. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Anybody care to share where they are in their weight loss journey or what their banding experience has been like so far??
  18. I had surgery last Saturday, 7/23/05 and was back to work on Monday. I'm doing fine!
  19. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Hey, I wish I did own Primadonna Casino... I'd have a free band program for the uninsured!! Well, I'm 4 days post op. I went right back to work a day after my surgery. I have a desk job so it hasn't been too bad. It's hard to sleep at night because I like sleeping on my side. That's sort of painful right now. I don't like sleeping on my back. My scars are healing beautifully. I don't think they wil be noticable at all. I am still numb around the port site. I'm sticking to the clear liquid diet but man, is it HARD. I think I'd be OK if I could at least have the mushy foods. It seems like that period is never going to get here. I've heard so many different things about when you can have what the first 4 weeks after surgery. I don't know what's best. For now, I'm taking it day by day. I'm just continuously sipping on tea, juice and eating Jello. I just pray that it will all be worth it in the end. I still fear that I am going to be the one person in the whole wide world of bandsters that this isn't gonna work on!! I'm really working on having a new mindset that food isn't going to be a major factor in my daily life now. I can now eat to live instead of living to eat. Thanks for listening!!
  20. Primadonah

    Cali Bandsters Unite!!

    Thanks for responding. I'm in San Diego. Do you think we can round up some folks and get us active???
  21. Primadonah

    Going back to Work????

    I was banded yesterday and I'm going to work on Monday. I have a desk job but I will take it easy.
  22. Primadonah

    July 2005 band dates????

    Hello All, I'm scheduled for pre-op Friday, July 22 and surgery on the 23rd. This is my last hope. I'm afraid I'll be the only person in the world that this doesn't work for. Anyone one else feel like that??

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