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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by desdemona788

  1. I never comment on postings, but COME ON! of course you "shouldn't" do things, none of us "should've" eaten to the point that we had to have surgery....Let's get real, you're going to Mexico and chances are you're gonna party. I don't know how old you are, but its just like when you first start drinking. You gotta learn your limits or you will be sick and you will pay for it. I was always a beer drinker and knew how many I could have without being sick, after banding I switched to liquor (usually diet cran and vody) but I had to figure out how much was too much. I went to Hawaii and we drank from sun up to sun down and guess what...I got SICK! I'm not sure if others have had this, but I cannot throw up. I've slimed and PB'd but no actual vomit. So, there I was in Hawaii missing all the fun cuz I was dry heaving on the toilet. I COULDN'T EVEN GET RID OF THE ALCOHOL...BLAH....needless to say, I slowed down the drinking for the rest of the trip. So my advice to you is to do the same you've always done, know that if you play hard, you will pay hard.

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