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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by Lifeafterfluff

  1. Surgery on Monday, so nervous....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeLiGhTfUlLy DeTeRmInEd

      DeLiGhTfUlLy DeTeRmInEd

      Hope all goes well, good luck!! Let us know how it went.

    3. Lifeafterfluff


      Thanks guys...will do. @bobbyswife great suggestion, i will def. do it!

    4. JerzyTomato74


      Mine is on Wednesday and I'm nervous as well. At the same time I can't wait to be post-op and start this new journey! I definitely agree with @bobbyswife. I started journaling a couple days ago and it's been a big help to put my feelings down. Can't wait to hear about your experience afterward! Lots of luck!!!

  2. I feel so wierd being back at work!

    1. ms.mitchell39
    2. LAG50


      Stay focused and be encouraged.

    3. Pac-woman


      How are coworkers treating you ?

  3. Tough day today...

    1. friendly5


      Tomorrow is a new day :)

    2. ☠carolinagirl☠


      i feel ya there on that statement


  4. I walked 4 miles for Boobies today!

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