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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lateese92

  1. Lateese92

    Holiday Challenge!

    Hi Susan please count me in also
  2. Well my weigh lost is not moving yet again cw 220 GW 210, getting a lil discouraged about this happening by thanksgiving. Thinking about returning to liquids.
  3. Hi Lisa we are doing a thanksgiving challenge just chime in with your current weight and your goal weight that your are trying to reach by thanksgiving. Two weeks left, you can still join.
  4. Wow that scares me. I can relate to being on your feet the entire 12 hours very well, and unlike u my days are scheduled in a row. So grateful for the first week back on 8 hr shifts. As far as my EXTREMELY slow weight lost, I also thought something must be wrong. I was considering going back to liquids as well, as much as I hate the thought. I was 240 lbs day of surgery and can't seem to get past 220. I try to stay positive and remind myself I was at 255lbs before this all started and I haven't seen 220 in quite a long time, but at the same time I've been stuck here for 2 weeks and this is my second stall in 6weeks. I must be doing something wrong.
  5. I'm at 6weeks also AlanaRN and I too have lost only about as much as you. I was wondering the same thing about my slow lost. How is work in the ER? Are you able to do 12hours without energy issues? I go back tomorrow, only doing 8 hours for the first week then we will see if I need 2 keep a modified schedule.
  6. I thought the same think for a couple of weeks AlanaRN, but it started coming off again, also I'm sure once you return to work and your constantly running around the ER the weight will fall off a lil quicker as well.
  7. Checking in at 219 Down 4lbs this week, woohoo !!!!!! GW for thanksgiving 210
  8. I'm due to return to work next week but I have just stat having issues with exhaustion. Does anyone have any suggestions? I work in the hospital and I'm on my feet constantly, at least 10 - 10.5 hours out the day. I usually get 30 min lunch if I'm lucky and on busy days I keep protein bars in my pockets for snacks. I was sleeved 10/1, I'm getting in 64+ oz of water daily, 60-75g of protein and 500-700cals, usually closer to 500, and I'm using celebrate Bariatric multivitamin and calcium plus But lately I get extremely exhausted, where I have to lay down and take a nap mid day. I know this will not be an option when I return to work. Any suggestions?
  9. I no what u.mean AlanRN my boss still suggest that I come back light duty when I return, at least for two weeks.
  10. GREAT NEWS!!!! Doc gave me 2 more weeks off. I'm so grateful, thx for everyone support. You guys are great!
  11. Not sure, have an apt with my surgeon today.
  12. Week 2 Checking in at 223 3lbs lost this week :-)) GW 210
  13. Lndrn723 I also stalled at 1.5 weeks out. I lost nothing for 10 days. I was sleeved Oct 1st and just stared loosing again 2 days ago. I read an article that someone suggested from here called The inevitable stall, it explains whats going on very well. I totally no your frustration. Just hold on and know that it will come off. Here is a link to the article, http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.php.
  14. I've been in a stall for 10 days now, looks like the scale is FINALLY moving again... YAY. I'm still at 226, a few ounces lost only.
  15. Hello fellow sleevers I was sleeved October 1st so today is postop day 6 for me. My surgery went really well and I was not required to have a drain. My biggest issue postop was nausea, that was the worst. I was discharged the next morning in the am. Since then I have been doing fairly good. I have been totally off all pain meds since Saturday. I've been feeling a lil bloated the last few days, which make it a lil more difficult to get my fluids in, but with the help of gasx I'm doing ok. I had my first postop appt. today and my surgeon said I look more like I'm 3weeks postop and he's very happy with my progress. I feel very blessed that thus far I've been managing well and I thank god and my friends and family for all the many prayers and support. I'm posting my early progress because I found that it was hard to find many people posting early progress reports, and this was an area that I was very interested in. Please post so pre op sleevers can see what to expect from all stages. Lateese92
  16. Lateese92

    Hunger or gas?

    Thanks, I will look it up.
  17. Lateese92

    Hunger or gas?

    Hi Melissayw816 where did you find the post, I've been having the same thing going on, I figured the liquids ( soups and shakes) doesn't stay in the pouch very long so I'm starting to get hungry sooner. Did you read something different from that?
  18. Not too late Goonie this is the first week check in, welcome
  19. Sacramento, CA Sleeved 10/1/14
  20. Hi, I'm 9 days postop getting my 60g of protein and 48 - 64oz of water in and having a huge sudden energy drop. Is this normal? For the 1st seven days I felt great, off all pain meds after 2 days then all of a sudden yesterday I felt extremely drained. Could it be due to my losing 1-1.5lbs a day? I'm getting in about 350 - 400cals daily also.Anything I should be doing that can help with energy? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. What soups were you allowed to have ? At 5 days out I only had broths. Like chicken, beef or vegetable broth, but now I'm on full liquids so Im eating tomato soup, cream of potato (soup broth only), chicken noodle (broth only) and things like that.
  22. Yes, I feel exactly the same.Ty
  23. Thank you so much, my symptoms exactly including the dizziness but with hot flashes also.
  24. Lateese92

    What to expect postop day 6

    I know exactly how you feel Melissayw816. Get you self some gasx strips that desolve on your tongue, they work great.
  25. Lateese92

    New to site, 8 days post-op NZ

    8 day's out seem to be really soon to be able to eat fruit and puree foods. Did your doc not have a diet progression plan for you? I'M 6 days post op and still on clear liquids. Day 8-14 I'm allowed full liquids. Day 15-30 is the pureed diet, this is the stage for cottage cheese and cooked cereals.then day 30-45 is my soft diet which is where the canned fruit and soft meats come in. Maybe your progressing too fast and not giving your new tummy time to adjust. Lateese92

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
