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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandramae

  1. sandramae

    HELP!!!! I'm gaining!

    :help: So, had my lapband surgery on November 1, 2006 and all was going okay. Lost 40 lbs up to about 2 months ago and then everything went downhill. Have had a few issues - surgery, death in family, illness in family....so stress level is really high! But I just can't seem to get on track. Even with good restriction, I seem to be making bad choices, chips cause they go down easier, etc. Anyone have any ideas on how to get back on track? Just seem to be letting the stress get me eating all the wrong foods and it's as bad as if I didn't have surgery.... Have gained 8 pounds in the last 2 months.... HELP!!!
  2. sandramae

    HELP!!!! I'm gaining!

    Thanks much for the response. I know everything you mentioned, but it sure does help to hear it again and be reminded. I start each week with a great plan and just start sliding - so far I'm on track for this week, so hopefully I can hold on and keep on track. Trying for 1 day at a time....

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