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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cartagena

  1. I am a very heavy drinker. I probably drink at least 10 drinks of hard rum or whiskey each evening before bed. I do not drink wine or beer at all. The last time I went on a diet I did not drink for 40 days so I know I can quit for at least a while. But once the diet was over, I went right back to drinking. Every site I read says I should not have this surgery if I am drinking. But what would be the problem if I started drinking lesser amounts a couple months after the surgery? I read that after the surgery I could get drunk faster, so lets say I only drank 4-5 drinks a day. Would that be so bad? I know there are lots of calories in alcohol and nothing else. This I understand fully. But 5 shots of whiskey would have about 400 useless calories which really is not that much. Once I get down to my desired weight I should eat about 3000 calories so the alcohol is only taking about 12% of my calories. Or is there something else I should be aware of besides calories? And please, I am very serious about this and do not want to hear any "go to AA" comments because I enjoy drinking and own a bar so avoiding alcohol is pretty hard.
  2. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    Like I said in a previous post, if I go to a restaurant I will eat a whole chicken. If I eat less I will still be hungry. I see other people who are full after a piece. This is what I want.
  3. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    Because I eat way too much and for this I am fat. I know 5000-6000 is way too much but I am always hungry.
  4. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    I am male, I am very active and I lift heavy weights for excersize. 3000 calories may be too liitle. THe way I eat now I am taking in 5-6000.
  5. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    Some of you have looked into this too deeply. I drink because I like it! perhaps I am addicted now, if so, I do not care. Getting the band is too lose weight. There is nothing deeper than that into this. My question is purely function. Can I drink with the band? Not should I stop drinking because you all think I drink too much. Thanks to those who were kind enough to give me honest answers about drinking with the band. I will have the surgery soon. An alcoholic is anyone you don’t like who drinks more than you do. I am a drinker with writing problems. Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. Alcoholism is the only disease that you can get yelled at for having. Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. I drink therefore I am. Alcohol is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol. I can’t die until the government finds a safe place to bury my liver. Irish coffee is the perfect Breakfast because it contains all four adult food groups: fat, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. I’m not as think as you drunk I am. Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make Water, a vital ingredient in beer. There are better things in l
  6. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    I find all your comments interesting. The fact is I live in South America so the doctors here will do anything if they are paid. I had major cosmetic surgery and just told the doctor I drank less these days. He was only concerned I would quit smoking before the surgery. I did in fact quit smoking for the surgery and did not start back up, and it has been over three years. Now, my motives for the lap ban are to get thinner because things like sleeping are getting more hard and I am just too fat now. I have no doubt I can cut down on the weight if I eat less. I eat a lot now. If I sit down for a diner I will eat a whole chicken before I feel full. Other people will eat one piece and be fine. So I know if I can get rid of the hunger I will lose. On my last diet I only ate 800 calories a day for 2 months. I lost 35 pounds which is about 1/2 I need to lose. Besides the booze I eat pretty well. I do not eat any sweets or junk food. So I am thinking with a good diet, some Vitamins and lowering the alcohol to say 5-6 drinks I will be able to balance everything. I am not expecting the lap ban to help me drink less. I am just thinking this could be an added bonus if I had less tolerance. My real concerns came out of reading on one web site where the doctor said the person should never drink again. I was like "never" :omg:. Obviously this doctor was one of those anti-alcohol guys since from what the people here on the forum are saying drinking should be ok if it is controlled. Maybe I have an addictive personality. I have never thought about it too much but when I do something I do it 100%. I have always been that way and I do not think this is a bad thing as I have been very successful in most things. Maybe I will quit drinking some day, but right now Iam just too bored in the evenings. I do not know what I would replace it with. Other drugs make me feel sick.
  7. When I am on a diet and reduce my caloric intake I feel extremely tired. At times I just cannot think clearly. As soon as I eat something I feel better. Will I still experience this tiredness if I have the surgery? Eatling less is something I can do but the tiredness worries me.
  8. cartagena

    Drinking Lots of Alcohol

    If I can go out and get drunk on 2-3 drinks instead of 10, well, I think this is a good thing for my health. I could still get drunk and enjoy life without such bad hangovers and less work for the old liver. The money I save on the booze over a couple of years would pay for the surgery. I have drank heavily for over 10 years and I am not going to quit now. This is a reality I have learned. I can quit for a couple of months after the surgery but once I am down to a certain weight it will be happy times again! I do not know what pickling means. But I do not spend my days drunk 24 hours. I start drinking in the late evening until I am happy, then sleep. I then will not drink again until the next evening. If I could have the same effect with 3 drinks I would be one happy camper! Drinking is effecting my weight so getting drunk on less will also be a good thing. But the big way it effects my weight is I tend to eat a huge Breakfast to fight off the hangovers. I am hoping with the band I will not eat such large breakfasts and also have less of a hangover due to smaller alcohol consumption.
  9. cartagena

    Tiredness from Lap Band

    I wonder if my tiredness is psychological due to the hunger I feel while dieting? The type of food really does not make a difference for me. I can feel so tired and week that I become dizzy. I am hoping this will not be a permanent thing if I have the surgery.

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