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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thinkthin

  1. thinkthin

    Haven't lost weight!

    Even though weight loss is a "simple" equation-expend more calories than you intake - it sure isn't an exact science! I tell ya - there must be a million other factors!!! I went in for my first fill today (I was sweating on the table and the doctor had to work the needle a little to find the right spot. Fortunately, I had novicane, but still, I was so nervous!). I thought FOR SURE I had lost 5 or 6 lbs. over the past 3 weeks of calorie counting, workouts burning 500-680 calories, etc. TWO POUNDS. That was all I'd lost, 2 lbs! I remembered what I'd read on the site . . . "The first weeks are just healing, don't worry, you don't have any restriction anyway . . . " Still, it was a bit disappointing. But I can still be pleased with overall loss so far & with the NSVs! I appreciate your post today because I need to avoid having unrealistic expectations, or maybe any expectations about the number of pounds I "should" be losing. I need eat right everyday, and trust the results will follow, at their own pace and own timing! Patience is the hard part because I'm so anxious for the FAT TO MELT AWAY LIKE WAX OFF A CANDLE!
  2. thinkthin

    Bad, Bad, Sad News

    Oh dear Daniela, I, too, send my condolences . . . I'm so sorry to hear of this terrible loss, and in the midst of your undergoing this surgery. Please let us know when you're rescheduled. I prayed for you just now!
  3. thinkthin

    What kinds of exercise do you do?

    Just wanted to add that I joined Planet Fitness - check it out if you have it in your town. I pay only $10.60 per month!!! No classes, no frills, but also NO JUDGEMENT!! They have tons of different equipment and weights. I use the treadmill & eliptical trainer, but they have bikes, etc. and the best part is that they have Television Sets you can plug into at nearly every station . . . that's what helps me stay interested! I watch TV and set myself on a 45-60 minute workout 3 or more times per week. I'm so happy to say that I see improvements in my endurance already!!!
  4. I was banded just about a month ago. I also thought I wouldn't be able to do the liquid thing (and the 1000 cal. pre-op for 2 weeks which was very difficult!), but the good thing is that you know it will be time limited, not forever. I kept reminding myself that there is a reason that I am doing this afterall - that nothing else has worked and that I must be willing to undergo some discomfort to see the results that I want. I was amazed that I got through it, and you will too - you will find strength you didn't think you had! I made sure to drink the Protein, and I got through (plus, initally, you won't really feel like eating probably for a few days). You may also find that you have strength to quit smoking that you didn't think you had. Since you're making major lifestyle and health changes, this may be the perfect time to let the cigarettes go as well, to leave behind any further physical damage. Check out the thread that Ladysplenda started, as she, too is struggling with a smoking addiction. There is a great deal of help and insight on the thread. Have you thought about or talked to your doctor about using the patch or medication to help? There sure isn't anything wrong with getting some help!
  5. thinkthin

    Lap Band Not Covered???

    I agree with Alex's guidance. Ask Pacificare to fax to you the medical necessity criteria for Bariatric Surgery. Apart from the criteria for the patient to meet (BMI, health issues, etc.) my insurance company (Oxford) also had specific guidelines for the MD performing Lap Band Surgery. In fact, the MD criteria was more extensive than the patient's for approval. Pacificare may not have Lap Band as an option only because they have yet to design the criteria for the MDs performing the surgery as well since it is newer, etc. I agree . . . explore every angle from your insurance company to your health benefits administrator at your company to get all the infomation you can to make your case! Good Luck!!!
  6. I don't know how I would have gotten through the first two weeks without Protein drinks - I would have been starving to death!!! I was allowed "clear liquids" only for the first week, of which there are at least 2 Protein Drinks that I was able to have - Isopure (like Kool-Aid with a bad aftertaste), and Myoplex clear (tastes horrible I thought). I stuck to the Isopure, which saved me and I still continue to have it occasionally because it has 40g protein in a 20 oz bottle for 160 calories. I added the Atkins type shakes the second week along with the other high protein options. With my doctor and nutritionist, there has always been a "protein goal" that I am to meet everyday. Its easy now that I'm on a regular diet. Also - in the early stages of my recovery, I noticed that I had difficulty distinguishing hunger pangs from general surgery/belly pain from gas/bloating. Your body is definitely undergoing a lot all at once, and I wasn't sure what I was feeling. It quickly passed though for me.
  7. My pre-op diet was 1000 cal per day for 2 weeks (very difficult) and clear liquids only 2 days pre-op. Post-op continued for a week on clear liquids (isopure protein drink), then full liquids, mushies and so on. I used the protein drinks for my 1000 cal per day pre-op because it was a good way to stay on track and get enough protein. We should always be getting enough protein - pre and post-op. If you're eating enough protein and taking vitamins, probably won't have any additional hair loss.
  8. thinkthin

    New NSV's for me!!!

    That's fabulous! 50 lbs. is nothing to sneeze at! That's a huge change and its good you're feeling rewarded in ways other than the scale!
  9. thinkthin

    I am thinking I made the wrong decision...

    I agree with the increase Protein suggestions - that is the only thing that got me through 2 weeks of liquids only - and I was sooooo ready for mushy food! I drank Isopure - have you heard of it?? You can get it at GNC & places like that - it has 40 g of protein in a 20 oz bottle. It tastes like Kool-Aid with a pretty bad aftertaste, but honestly, it will curb your appetite. I was supposed to have at least 40 g per day of protein on the second week, preferrably more. I am now on week 4 post-op, which is soft foods and my protein goal is 60-80g per day (which isn't that hard on soft foods, but I still drink protein shakes). I agree - talk to the nutritionist about a protein goal and other things to curb appetite. Hang in there!
  10. thinkthin

    just getting on board with this site

    Hello Julie! I just had my lap band done also on 8/16 and have lost my first 21 lbs. We're is the same boat - I'm very aware of my hunger and the lack of restriction. I'm scheduled for my first fill on 9/16 and I have done a lot of reading on the site about fills, etc. The general consensus from all those with experience is that the band is made to work with a fill and that very often, people then feel fuller, etc. Someone referred to a website of a guy that lost so much weight - lapbandtransformation.com - and under "adjustments" he talks about what the "perfect" restriction should be like and fill like as well as how to work with it. I have been getting myself prepared because I think that is when the real adjustment will begin for me since I have very little restriction currently and only feel tightness when I eat too quickly. I have been told by my doctor that I will not continue to lose weight so quickly since a lot of initial weight is Water, etc., but that if you have the proper fill and follow all the rules, the weight will continue to drop. I'll remember you're name - and will be interested in how its going for you!!
  11. thinkthin

    My first fill & lots of PB's

    Betty stated "Also remember that when you pb, you need to do liquids for 24-48 hours before adding food back again." What do you mean? Could you get a little more graphic for me about "productive burping"? I thought that it is OK to continue eating once things pass through. I am going in for my first fill in a couple weeks - and I currently feel just like Diane said before the fill - that I can basically eat anything. I know that the fill will be when the real adjustment for me begins!
  12. thinkthin

    Need some prayers. Please.

    Oh my Estela, how stressful! Of course I will pray for your mom, and for hope and strength for you to get through this. Your mother is so fortunate to have a caring daughter like you, and its good that you're reaching out to get support for yourself, so that you're able to impart support to her as well. I agree with Bubb and Ray - don't let yourself go down the road of despair, but trust that the Lord is in control and that there is great hope and possibilities for her! Don't forget to take care of yourself as you care for her!
  13. thinkthin

    Just a question...

    I've noticed this about myself many years ago, and I have been guilty of not eating breakfast (thinking if I'm not hungry, why eat, maybe I'll lose weight? Which, obviously, never worked) and waiting until lunchtime or even later for many years. I've finally figured out why . . . Many people experience a lack of hunger in the morning, and an increase in appetite when they eat. This has to do with insulin levels, which, when triggered, increase hunger. This is simplifying matters - but it has a lot to do with WHAT a person eats in the morning. If they eat primarily Protein, and very low or no carbohydrates, usually they will not experience an increase in hunger, but a decrease, because protein does not spike insulin levels like carbohydrates do, thus creating hunger (This is why low-carb works for so many people). In fact, it is not good to wait until after noon to eat for several reasons - your body (& brain) obviously needs fuel and it can begin to think that its starving, thus slowing down your metabolism (making it harder to burn calories and lose weight). When your body does signal a need for food, generally, a person is then ravenous, and first thing to satiate is usually quick carbs - thus spiking insulin (blood sugar) levels into wild swings that are difficult to get regulated which perpetuates a cycle of hunger that is difficult to satiate. So - the long and the short is that if a person can just eat protein in the morning (low or no carbs), your metabolism will be working (i.e. burning calories), your body will have fuel, and it will set one up for better lunchtime decisions. That's my take on some of the medical stuff I've read. I'm sure it is far more complex than this . . . but I've started to really value the fact that I have to have some protein in the morning, and too little early in the day sets me up for greater hunger later in the day. I used to also die for a cup of coffee in the morning, but that craving went away when I started eating something for breakfast - because I did need food to wake me up!! So - just my thoughts on it!
  14. thinkthin

    Ok What Are You Guys Eating?

    Hi Just Being You: I just want to compliment you on taking such a brave step for your health and happiness at 14 years old! I am a psychologist (I was just banded 2 weeks ago, so I'm new at this), and I work with a 15 year old girl that has lost 100 lbs. from 8th - 9th grade. She's now in 10th grade and weighs 110 lbs. Not that you should end up at 110, but it is inspirational. She learned a great deal of weight loss skills from going to weight loss camp during the summer for 2 years (I know summer is over now - but you could consider it for next summer), and she wants to go back next summer, even though she's maintaining her weight loss because camp was so helpful and fun. She is also working with a nutritionist, but has fallen into traps such as not eating Breakfast or lunch, then being too hungry after school. Have you thought about going back to your nutritionist who could try to really look at your lifestyle and taylor a program (food and exercise) for you that would fit in with school? A nutritionist could also give you the more strict guidelines that you said you do better with. Bringing a lunch doesn't have to be a big deal of course - like someone else mentioned, throw a power bar in your bag or a yogurt or smoothie. If you really don't want to take a lunch, check out www.calorieking.com where you can look up the calories for any food, including fast food. Since this is a whole-life change, I suggest that you take the time and effort to work with a nutritionist to help you find something that really works and will keep you on track! I'm sure that things will also be different after your first fill. Have a great school year - you'll be changing a lot this year and people will really begin to notice (which can be cool, but maybe also a little scary). Good Luck!
  15. I'm newly banded, almost a week ago (8/16/05), and bored to tears on the "clear liquids only" diet! Thank God I am permitted to move to "full liquids" and enjoy some soup tomorrow. However, I've been wondering, those of you who are experienced with this now, do you find that you enjoy food the way that you used to? I find myself fantasizing about sausage pizza and donuts, and maybe its just because I haven't tasted anything delicious for over a week, but I wonder, will I ever really enjoy food again, or will I wish I could eat more? I have been thinking about the mechanisms of hunger and satiation, and have wondered what satiation really is - is it just feeling full, or does it also have to do with tasting certain foods? I am committed to doing the right thing with the lapband, but I am well aware of my own tendencies to revert back to unhealthy eating. My dream come true would be if the band helped me to really, really enjoy small portions of food and lose weight! I welcome your thoughts!
  16. thinkthin

    Feeling sick lately

    Wow - so it was your gallbladder!!!! You'll be back on your feet in no time. For me, I have found no difference being without my gallbladder, except for some initial gastrointestinal adjustments. Take care, I hope you're feeling better right away!
  17. thinkthin

    I'm gonna do something

    Oh, how very sad about your dog! I don't know if you should ride the horse or not - why not call your doctor just to ask him/her if it is safe? I, personally, wouldn't want much jostling . . . and as they say, the first 6 weeks are really about healing.
  18. thinkthin

    Risk of Internal Bleeding?

    Dr. Hieker: Thank you for answering the question - however, could you explain what EROSION actually means. For some reason, I thought that erosion did have to do with the Lap Band somehow eroding into your stomach or bowel (i.e. getting incorporated into it somehow). Someone else on the site here recently asked what is erosion, and no one could really answer - maybe you could help us!
  19. thinkthin

    For struggling new bandsters

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! I too, needed to hear this . . . as I am only one week out and have fantasies of amazing, immediate weight loss. I needed the reality check that this is a lifelong lifestyle, and these first weeks may not fulfill those fantasies! I, too, will print off your message, and thanks for the link too - I did not get that pamphlet.
  20. thinkthin

    Do You Still Enjoy Food Like You Used To?

    Thank you, thank you all for the wonderful insights and encouragement! I can see that the band really does help you feel satisfied - not one of you mentioned feeling deprived of feeling full or of enjoyment! Above all, I really appreciated what several of you have said about not being OBSESSED with food anymore - the FREEDOM from wanting, thinking, seeking, obtaining, eating food has made you FREE to appreciate food and explore so many other/new aspects of your life. I am soooo looking forward to experiencing FREEDOM, which is what this is all about for me! LoopyLou - I also had a dream like that a couple days after surgery! Thanks again for all your replies!
  21. thinkthin

    How much time off needed from work!!

    I had my surgery 6 days ago (banded on Tues. 8/16), and feel great - went to the gym today, shopping, car wash, etc. and would definitely be fine to go back to work today, or yesterday. I'm going back to work on Thursday, but I have found the recovery to go very easily and if you can schedule your surgery on a Tues. Weds. or Thursday, where you'll be able to take advantage of a weekend, I bet you'll be fine with only having to take 4 vacation days.
  22. thinkthin

    Feeling sick lately

    I have two thoughts: 1) Is it possible that you've contracted a little flu? Do you have any fever or other flu-like symptoms? You may also have some infection somewhere. 2) Do you have your gallbladder? When people begin to lose weight quickly, gallstones tend to act up and you may be having acute gallbladder attacks. I had these for some time (I thought they were gastric reflux or something else), and during them - you feel like you're going to die with horrible stomach pain that can radiate to your back, sweating, etc. I was often doubled over in pain (for me, which is unusual, Zantac helped). Not until the pre-op work-up during the abdominal ultrasound did I learn that I had gallstones. My doctor insisted that I have the gallbladder removed before I could have surgery because of the very fact that gallstones are aggrevated by weight loss. I suggest that you be sure to watch the situation closely and call your doctor! It may be a simple answer, or it may have nothing to do with the way you're eating! Hope you feel back to normal ASAP!!!
  23. thinkthin

    Looking For August Bandsters....

    I'm scheduled for August 16th, and like the rest of you, I'm anxious, excited, scared, ready, and hopeful! I am hopeful about the possibility of actual, longterm change!
  24. Oh yes! How stupid are the things that thin people say to overweight people. Hellooooooo don't they think that we KNOW that we're overweight?? I was at the nail spa, recently, having a manicure and pedicure. The technician barely spoke any English, but managed to indicate her disapproval of my large calves and suggest that I needed to exercise because being overweight is not good. When I didn't respond, she said, "Oh sorry." Then proceeded to grill me about my marital status, finding it difficult to believe that I am unmarried. "You no like man??" I will not use her again!

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