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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by flipbarnett

  1. flipbarnett

    can't keep warm

    Got most of the results back. I am anemic, low Iron, low folic acid and b12. I also have a fibroid on my Uterus and a cyst the size of a baseball on my right ovary. No pneumonia. I'm hooked up now getting 2 units of blood. Not as cold but got a headache. Guess I really need to watch that iron. lol
  2. flipbarnett

    can't keep warm

    I've been having cold chills and can't seem to keep warm for several months now. Today I had 2 jackets on, cold chills, shaking and thought it was my sugar dropping. I thought I was going to pass out. I went to dr and he is running test to see where the infection is. Does anyone else stay cold all the time? Oh and I eat ice all day long!! Thanks
  3. flipbarnett

    Where is your port??

    My port is just under my sternum. I had lapband in 2008. It took me 3 to 5 months to get used to it. I wore a sports bra for the longest. It tends to get sore lately. The wire bras don't bother it anymore.
  4. flipbarnett

    Help I ate chips and now I crave them!

    Thanks, I did a little better today. I wasn't hungry at breakfast. So at 11am I ate 1/2 a tomato and some cucumber slices. I knew we were going out later today and I didn't want to ruin it. I ate 4 pieces of shrimp and a little bit of salad at 2pm, then at 8 I cooked fish for me and my nieces, nephew and hubby had pork chops. I just keep telling my self no and I'm not going to ruin what I've worked so hard to have done. I like the no choice card. I think I'll try that. I also started drinking more water. Didn't think I could do that but yesterday I drank 120 onces of water as compared to 80 the past few days. Each time I think I'm hungry I'm gonna make myself get some water. Oh and I crave chocolate during the "month" thing badly. I thought that would end after surgery but it didn't. I still get chocolate but not the biggest bar I can find. I used to eat 3 candy bars a day during that time of the month now I do good to eat a whole one. Thanks for your advice. I'm looking forward to the next fill. Felicia:thumbup:
  5. I have done very well since my surgery on Jan. 8th. Then on July 4th weekend we were camping and I had brought food I could eat but I slipped up and ate chips with french onion dip and now I can't stop wanting them! I go for another fill next week, my 5th and I wanted to be 5 more pounds lighter but I've gained 3 just this week. I'm dealing with "head" hunger really bad right now. I get idle hands and my brain wants to eat. I slipped up but now how do I stop so I can continue to loose? Thanks, Felicia
  6. flipbarnett

    Finally Approved!

    Congratulations! I too had a long road. Mainly because I couldn't decide if I wanted Lapband or gastric. I'm glad I did lapband. I hope you have the success you are looking for and welcome to the best forum. Don't be afraid to ask a single question. Many of us have been through it and can help you. Felicia
  7. :clap2: I am so excited and nervous. My dr's office filed the paperwork with Cigna yesterday, Nov. 16th. I hope to hear from them soon!! It's been a long and hard road. I thought I'd never get to this stage. Now if I can only get my ticker to show up on here. I really like this board and all the people I have chatted with. I only know of one more person in my town I can talk to. Good thing Lynchburg is small, easy to find her. Thanks for the support. Felicia
  8. Hello all. Today I woke up with the dry heaves! How do I deal with it? I have been sick all day, stomach cramping, few chills, and I think I need to vomit and it's only dry heaves because I haven't got an appetite. I have had a sinus infection and getting over that. The flu and stomach virus is going round my school. I was so used to grabbing a coke to help settle my stomach, but since I can't drink them anymore what settles your stomach? Thanks, Felicia
  9. flipbarnett

    Why no caffeine and no carbonation

    I thought I'd be begging for a diet dr. pepper by now, but I don't miss them. I was banded on 1/8/08 and I've had caffiene but not cokes. I drink a lot of water with Crystal Light, the Wal-Mart and Kroger brand mixes for water, 1 cup coffee in the morning, and I also like the Kellogs Protein water, lemon tea flavored. It actually has so much in the pouch I can mix it in 2 bottles. It's 5g protein each pouch. The hardest thing for me to remember is to not drink while eating.
  10. flipbarnett

    Saltine Crackers??????????

    I put them in my soups. I am almost 3wks post op. I just tried them with crab and tuna salad and as long as I chewed well it was ok. Good luck.
  11. My husband got me the small food processor at Walmart. I think it was less than $15 and he got me the hand mixer for the shakes. I have a blender and it works well too, but it's his margarita mixer. I put chicken, eggs, tuna, fish and vegtables in mine. No it doesn't hold alot so I mix most ingredients separately. It is similar to my large processor. I just like using it when I'm making a meal for myself. I haven't gotten the magic bullet yet though. I hope you find what works for you.
  12. flipbarnett

    It's Starting to Come Off!

    Congrats Heather. I know how you feel. I've lost 14 as of yesterday ( got to up date the ticker). I almost lost it a couple of times already. I have a 2cc restriction, and for the past few days I didn't feel like it was there, then this morning my oatmeal was too much, at lunch I ate 1/2 of a piece of chicken tender, no mid day snack, and then ate crab/tuna wrap. I've got to also learn to sip more water. I'm only getting about 40oz of water in lately, not including a cup of coffee and glass of tea(not every day). I can't wait to loose more.I go for a fill Feb. 7th and I can't wait. I've almost gotten depressed, but then I thought, 14 lbs in less than month is good. I hope I can loose 14 or more next month. Good luck to you. Felicia
  13. flipbarnett

    Lump Crab Meat

    Tonight I wanted the crab meat for supper. I decided to "experiement" with it. I didn't measure it I just guess o matted. I added a cup of crab meat mixture of onions, red and green peppers, 2 eggs, 1 can of white tune in water; drained; 1/2 cup of sour cream and ranch dressing, about a 1/4 of a cup give or take a little. I also added salt, pepper. I mixed it all up in the food processor, separately, then hand stirred it all, then add 1/4 cup of cheese. I ate it with a flat wrap that I toasted and rolled up. It was pretty good. Oh boy now I think I'm "too" full. yummy though. :rolleyes2:
  14. flipbarnett

    A question for all teachers.

    Hello all. I went back to work last Monday and it went well, I thought. I was a little tired and sore, but I hurt more after my gallbladder surgery than the band. By Friday, I felt all went very well for the week. I"m battling the constipation thing this wkend. I don't mean to be ugly, but all this protein.... welll... Hubby went and got me some Miralax and I hope it helps. I go back Thurs. for a check up. I wish I could get a fill, but I not to get one till Feb. I"m trying some solids, but mostly mushies. Good luck to everyone. Felicia
  15. flipbarnett

    Lump Crab Meat

    I also like the crab meat. I buy the Flaky or Chunky Kroger brand. I had a cup for a snack today with a little ranch dressing. I have put it in salads as well.
  16. flipbarnett

    Lapband And Pcos

    I too have PCOS. I had my surgery 1/8/08 and I have lost 16lbs on my scale. (I'll change my ticker when I go to the dr next Thurs. with what he tells me.) My left ovary is so full with cyst. I don't have regular cycles unless I take provera. I wasn't supposed to start till the 12th of this month, but on the night before surgery I started. I was so embarrased. I thought they would cancel but they told me no it wasn't unusual for women to start their cycles during surger. I can't wait to loose more so I can hopefully ovulate and conceive. But that wasn't my only reason for having the surgery. I love life. I decided that if I couldn't have a child I'd get myself healthier. I'm happy I had the band. I have 2cc in the band already and I do feel some restriction. The restriction isn't as tight as it was the first week, but I have that full feeling. Good luck to all. Felicia
  17. I was just banded Tues Jan. 8th and the gas pains are bothering me also. Today they have eased compared to last night. I wanted to burp so badly. My dr called and I told him about the gas, he said to just walk, walk, walk, gas x might help but it just has to work it's way out. I tried the gas x, I think it is working, but I am also walking and doing light housework to try and get that mess to MOVE! My port area is sore and I ate half of 1 scrambled egg this morning and I was full. My doc already put 2cc's in. I didn't want to overdo it. When I breath I can feel the soreness in my esophogus. Other than that I feel ok.
  18. flipbarnett

    A question for all teachers.

    I teach Transitional Preschool, Special Ed and I am taking only a week off, using sick days I have built up. I had the band on Jan. 8th and I told my principal. We are close friends anyways. My aides have been calling me and keeping me informed and the kids can't wait for me to come back. If I feel like it I will go back Monday. The only thing bothering me is the air and the port area, but it's not bad. I want to burp but it just wont move, so I walk, walk, walk, and do light housework hoping it will pass. Good luck to everyone. I've lost 12lbs so far, can't wait to loose more.
  19. flipbarnett

    January Surgery Dates

    I got banded Jan 8th! YIPEE! I stayed overnight and did just fine. I did get a little sick to my stomach as I got up the first 3 times to go to the bathroom, but it eased up during the night. The air in the body is my most complant. It's in the left shoulder and driving me nuts. My port area is sore and my dr put 2 cc's in it for restriction already, and my throat is sore from the tube. Other than that I'm rather amazed at how good I feel. I'm so amazed at how I'm not hungry. I've lost 12lbs since the preop started on Dec. 26th. Good luck to all. Felicia:clap2:
  20. flipbarnett

    Big Medicine

    I love to watch Big Medicine. I have been watching discovery health all this wkend. They are doing shows on Brookhaven tonight. I hope I remember to watch that on Jan. 9th. I am having lapband on the 8th in Nashville. This show is so informational. I am so glad this show is on. I can't wait for the new season.
  21. flipbarnett

    Paperwork submitted!

    GOOD LUCK! I hope you get approved soon. My surgery is next Tuesday Jan. 8th. It took about 2 1/2 wks for mine to get approved, but Thanksgiving Holiday was also in the middle. GOOD LUCK Felicia
  22. flipbarnett

    Tennessee Lap Banders

    Kim you aren't that far from me! I live in Lynchburg. I have friends in Shelbyville, and we go to Duck River during racing season. Congrats on your great weight loss. I hope that I can achieve that by this time next year. I want to loose 120-150lbs. I start the liquid only week long diet tommorow and I am dreading it. I think my mind is saying I'm not "chewing" so I'm not eating, but I've had 45 grams of protein today and 80oz of water. Happy New Year Felicia
  23. flipbarnett

    Centennial or Baptist

    THanks Kim. I am hoping to attend the meetings in the Boro after surgery. It's a lot closer for me. I didn't know until my pcp referred me to Dr. Spaw that the Boro did lapband. That's great. You have made great progress. I set my first goal to loose 30 lbs by March. I've lost 5 on the preop. I am struggling with the preop diet. Last night we played Rook with friends till after midnight. We had beef stew and I had mostly broth with a few carrots and celery. But what got me was the snack tray. It had pickles, cheese and Ritz crackers on it. I did good threw the day with only protein shakes. I start liquid only tommorow. I just made up my protein shakes for the day. It may get better after school starts back Thursday. Happy New Year! Felicia
  24. Crackedpepper, I know what you mean. I did so well during the day yesterday. I am to have 2 protein shakes and a low cal, low carb meal. I think in my head I have to be "chewing" to be eating. I ate grilled shrimp and a salad last night. Today I opened a can of health choice soup and added a can of broth. I drank the broth twice today, and had 3 sf, ff popsicles. I have tried not to drink while eating supper, but that's hard. I also am trying to count my chews. My husband says I am doing just fine on the preop diet and he thinks I am beating myself up over it, cause I am so used to eating a lot. I think when I go back to work, ( I teach preschool special ed) that my mind will be on the kids and not wondering what I'm gonna eat, and can I eat that. I start the liquid only New Years Day. Good luck to you, and I'm gonna do the soup like you said. I need more flava. hehe Thanks. Felicia
  25. flipbarnett

    January Surgery Dates

    :clap2:I am being banded January 8th Nashville, Tn at Baptist hospital, Dr. Spaw. Felicia Lynchburg, TN

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
