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About melissa160

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    Advanced Member
  1. melissa160

    New face.. New Make up

    I have more make up than a sane person should have, lol. That said, it's all higher quality and primarily MAC, Bare Essentuals, Lancôme, Smashbox, Urban Decay, etc. I do believe the higher quality brands make a difference. More pigmentation, smoother application, etc. Good brushes make a difference too. As our face ages or gets wrinkly you really don't want too much sparkle or make up that settles in fine lines. A primer is a must for foundation. I'd make an appointment at MAC, they seem the most trained to me. IMHO
  2. melissa160

    Stomach feels full?

    I have days where I can eat a lot and some days hardly nothing. I am 4 months out. I would just make sure you focus on your liquids so you don't get dehydrated and call your surgeon if it gets worse, like it feels like you can't get anything down or are throwing up.
  3. melissa160

    Hating that I told my friends from college

    I've told most everyone, not interested in keeping it secret. Yes, plenty of folks had negative or scary things to say but my resolve was much too great. I also noticed some people are now dieting as well but I welcome that. I am happy if I've inspired people to try to be healthier, it's not a competition, I truly hope that have long term success. The only person I am trying to be better than is me from yesterday.
  4. It's gonna get better! Just gotta get over the hump. 11 more sleeps til my surgery and I keep telling myself that I just gotta get thru the first 3-6 healing months and then life will be easier. My sister went thru before me and at 10 months post op she has hit her stride. Can't wait! Keep up the good work!
  5. melissa160


    Yup, my surgeon has everyone do it. It was very easy, take a little nap, wake up, done.
  6. melissa160

    Problems with rice?

    A couple of RNY friends are 2 years out and rice still is awful for them. I plan on avoiding it like the plague. Have you tried "cauliflower" rice? Google it if you haven't. Assuming RNY can tolerate cauliflower (gas?) this might be a good option. I make it now and love it.
  7. Wow, very similar stories. I too went in August, have an oct 23rd date. I am 5'10" too and similar weight. But, I have 20 years on you. Looking forward to finishing all the pre-requisites.
  8. Natalie, what was your surgeons advice at your consult? Did it go well?
  9. melissa160

    App for apple freezing

    Yes! Freezes every time I use after viewing just a few posts. Glad there is a fix coming.
  10. melissa160

    Post-Op regrets?

    I think the regret stage may be normal. My sister regretted getting surgery a few months out and I swore I would never do it watching her struggle. Then she got over the hump, started to have an easier time and awesome results and sure enough, here I am signed up for Oct 23rd surgery. I agree, I can handle a few tough months for a life changing opportunity.
  11. I chose rny because it's been around longer with long term outcomes available. I sat thru two seminars at two hospitals with two different surgeons and while they both stated they see similar weight loss in both surgeries, neither had long term studies for sleeve and could only guess at the long term success of the Sleeve. Also, I know there are no guarantees of dumping, however, both recommended RNY for sugar addicts as the negative effect helps keep you honest. Sugar, candy, sweets, ice cream, all my downfall. Also, I have 5 RNY friends who all are successful and a great built in resource and compelled me to do the same. Finally, I know the sleeve can be revised to RNY, but for me it's one and done. I can't see going thru it twice and I'm lucky to have it covered by insurance, might not have that luxury again. That's pretty much it. I do recommend sitting thru a 2nd seminar with different surgeons/hospitals, this 100% helped with my decision as I too was very torn. Good luck!! I never felt better after I finally decided. 41 days til surgery but whose counting, lol.
  12. melissa160

    October 2014 RNY-ers :)

    October 23rd!!
  13. Thank you so much everyone!! I am really excited to start this journey. I have an amazing support group of friends and family that have blazed this trail before me. Decided on RNY. Looking forward to a great future.
  14. melissa160

    love or hate

    Wow, truly inspiring!! You look amazing.
  15. I totally agree, I don't think the surgery is a silver bullet. You definitely can't rely on it alone. I am kind of hoping that dumping will help me be strong. Maybe that is not a possibility. But I have a ridiculous aversion to puking. Someone has the stomach flu and I put myself in a bubble for a week. I would not touch sugar with a ten foot pole if puking came with it. My sister (8 mths post rny) thinks my aversion to puking will help me eat the right foods, chew slowly and thoroughly and not overstuff myself. I hope so. I know it's hard work. I watched 3 best friends and my sister go thru it. Still got to make good choices, exercise, drink Water, and battle head hunger all the time. I'm ready for that. Just really scared that I'll eat the sugar stuff before the Protein and suffer. Just trying to be realistic. If I could quit sugar, I would have by now. It's not for lack of trying. But I know I'm singing to the choir as we all have our struggles. Thanks again everyone!!!! I so appreciate your help.

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