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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nip50

  1. My teenagers think my arms are really gross - we call them bat wings. When I hold them out they spread out just like a bat's wings.

    Georgia girl - Sorry no great secrets here on the weight loss. I have just been very diligent in following the bandsters rules, I very seldom over indulge anymore. I just don't seem to have the desire anymore. My husband likes blizzards once in awhile and all I'll have is 3 or 4 bites of his and that takes care of me. I don't even exercise that much. I try to do the treadmill 4-5 times a week and that's about it.

  2. Count me in. I may be setting myself up for failure since I'm going on vacation next week and also the week of July 4th, but this may be the incentive that I need. It might also help me be good on vacation. What I probably really need is a fill, but thought I'd see how it goes next week. I don't have an appointment until just before the end of the month so I can't count on that helping me with this.

    Starting weight: 193

    Current weight: 193

    Challenge goal weight: 185

    pounds to go: 8

  3. I had three hernias repaired and was self-pay and no the insurance didn't cover any of the lapband even though he was doing other repairs. The doctor did file for the repairs, but it didn't cost me any additional costs. I felt lucky to get them repaired with no additional cost. If I would of had them repaired later it would cost me $$.

  4. Kat - Its great to hear you're doing so well. And a big thanks for all the details. I'm waiting to hear from the insurance company and your post (and others) really helps to educate us. I've had quite a few surgeries in the past, but for some reason this is the one I'm most nervous about. Posts like yours just confirms that I really can do this. Thanks so much.

  5. Kat - Glad you're doing so well. I'm reading everything you post. I want to know everything since I'm hoping to have a tt soon. I've never heard of a pain ball, is this something new? How is it getting up and out of bed? The ps I had a consult with said I wouldn't be able to lie in bed for at least 10 days, only a recliner.

    Anyway, it's great to hear you're up and moving and that your dh is taking such good care of you. Hope things continue to go well for you.

  6. Becky - Fight, Fight, & Fight! That's the only advice we can give you. Like other's have said, the insurance companies almost always deny it at first, but be persistent. My tt will be submitted within the next week or two and I expect it to be denied, but I plan on fighting tooth and nail to get it overturned. I can't imagine how they can say it's not medically necessary with all you've lost. You've done an outstanding job! Be proud of yourself and tell yourself you're worth the fight.

    Now, I want to hear come Tuesday morning that you've filed an appeal, so work yourself up to it. Be strong! I already know you're tough (otherwise you wouldn't have lost all the weight). My prayers will be with you.

  7. How much are you eatting? Sometimes it's not enough. When I find myself getting into a slump I bump up the amount I eat for a day or two. For me, this tends to trick the body and my metabolism. I normally eat 800-900 calories a day, but will bump it up to 1000-1200 when this happens. I don't normally drink Protein Drinks, but when I want the extra calories this is how I do it. I'll drink a low-carb slim fast just to get the extra calories.

  8. I had my consultation last week even though I'm about 30 pounds from goal. Both the ps and my pcp thought it was time to start the process, I'm hoping to get approval and have a tt by the end of June. The ps said he would push it through on his end. As we figured it, I could probably loose 5-10 pounds before surgery and the tt would remove between 10-15 pounds (I have a very large panus), so then I would be within 10-15 pounds of goal weight after the tt was healed. I work for a local school system and this would give me thru July to heal. If I can't do it now, it'll have to wait until next summer. I hope all goes as planned.

  9. Marie - that all depends on the individual doctor. I asked the same question when I attended the seminar. My doctor mentioned that it would be worked out that he would write off the cost and that the hospital would do the same. I know there are a lot around the states that don't charge as much, but I felt it was worth it with this reassurance. The hospital where I had it performed is committed to the surgery and has a obesity clinic as well. Due to this the price included free fills (up to 5 per year) for life.

  10. I just needed to share my NSV for today. I hit onderland. I am so thrilled. Its been over 27 years since I've been below 200. My husband has never even known me to be under 200. Isn't the band just wonderful!

    Leslie isn't it great buying new clothes now. I was in the mall last Saturday with my husband and he made the comment about how much easier it is to find clothes that fit now. I had been a 26-28 and now am a 16-18 in pants and an XL in tops. No more land bryant for me, I can find plenty in the misses departments.

    One last comment - I went to a ps on Tuesday for a consultation. I'm trying to get insurance approval for a Tummy Tuck. I have a horrible fat apron with lots of rashes and back aches. Wish me luck. I don't know what I'll do if insurance won't pay. Since I was a self-pay for the band there's no way I can afford the tummy tuck.

  11. I just had to share my excitment - This morning I finally hit onederland. The scale read 198. It's taken me 110 pounds to get here. I've been married 26 years and my husband has never known me to be under 200. It is such a good feeling. Thanks for letting me boast a little. I love my band and this site.

  12. I've suffered for over 15 years with rashes under the panus and if I can get insurance to pay for this it will have been well worth it. Tomorrow I have to see my pcp to have him write a letter also to help convince the insurance company that this is medically necessary. I also told the ps that I will fight this tooth and nail and he stated with how bad my rash was that he would too.

    Wish me luck.

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