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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nip50

  1. I just canceled an appointment for Monday 5/19 at 3:00pm if anyone needs it.
  2. Brina - Thanks for the link - I didn't know about this either. It's quite interesting. I know how you feel since I told everyone also, but fortunately everyone was very supportive. My biggest problem is that eventhough I've lost over 100 pounds I still feel fat as ever. People are always telling me how great I look, but I still feel fat as ever. I'm always asking my husband if I'm as fat as someone else. I just can't picture in my mind that I'm not as huge as I was. It will get easier, people will get tired of asking and they will start leaving you alone and you will have to admitt to yourself that you are changing. Because you will be. You'll be surprised as to how fast and how often you need to update your wardrobe. Just yesterday my husband stated how much easier it is to go shopping with me. That we don't have near the trouble in finding things that fit me. I loved that. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  3. Where is everyone? I hope everyone is having a good mother's day and that's the reason no one has posted this weekend. I also hope that it's not because we're having a few bad days and making not too good of choices. Finally, I hope everyone is doing well and you all had a wonderful Mother's Day.
  4. I use the viactiv chews daily and don't think they're half bad. I sure enjoy them more than any chewable I've tried and as far as the sugar goes, I don't think its enough to really worry about. I haven't found the sugar free ones at my wal-mart, but will look for them next time.
  5. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet - I'll joing everyone else and say CONGRATULATIONS! I really enjoy reading all your posts, your comments are always right on the money. Thanks for your support.
  6. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Nonnadiana - I am able to eat whole grain bread, especially if its toasted, and have had pasta once or twice with no problem. I just don't normally eat these, I try to stick with the proteins and veggies. Also, I had to give up white bread totally, there's just no way I can handle it. You'll just have to wait and see.
  7. nip50

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Susan, Jess, & Suzzie - congratulations - doesn't it feel wonderful? Keep up the good work. Lexi - fills are very individualized, some have to have fills and unfills many times and others don't need a fill at all. I myself have been lucky and have only had 2 fills. Just be patient for once you find your sweet spot it will all be worth it. Good luck.
  8. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Yvonne - I also count calories and I log them on fitday.com, but with the mushie stage that's a little hard to do. Right now what's important is to let your stomach heal. I did watch what I ate and still managed to loose, but many do not during this stage. Don't get to frustrated. Give your band time to heal and you need time to get some fills. Many people have some restriction with just the band and others can eat most anything they want, so you need to be careful not to overeat once you're off mushies. My doctor says that once I'm at a sweet spot that I should only be able to eat 1/2 cup food at a time. Some of us get by with a little more than that. I probably eat 3/4 to 1 cup of food at a time and this works great for me. You will just have to wait and see what works for you. Good Luck.
  9. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Judie - No, I still can't stand turnip greens, grits, or fried okra and I don't think I ever will. Not that I'm bias or anything, but I do think Oregon is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. It just seems to have it all from the beaches, mountains, deserts, etc. Diane - I see your surgery is getting close. Good luck.
  10. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hey Judie! - Welcome! You're doing great so far and I just love this over 50 group. Everyone is so nice and supportive. I'm a southern transplant. I've been in Georgia for 14 years now, originally from Oregon. I love living in a small town, but really miss Oregon, it's like a foreign country down here. Keep up the good work.
  11. Brina - I can feel your pain. All of my family are 3000 miles away, but at least when I moved her I had my husband and children to keep me busy. Just a couple of thoughts on the subject - is there a newcomers group in Albany? I found that the one here meets once a month and was made up of mostly 30-40 year olds. The other thought is, if you can stand the thought about exercising, how about joing a gym? At least it would help occupy your time. I wish you well.
  12. nip50

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Jess - congratulations! I know how wonderful this feels you should be so proud of yourself. Keep up the good work.
  13. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I love this 50 and over site. It's so nice to read everyone's questions and answers. The support everyone gives to each other is wonderful and I just want to thank all of you.
  14. nip50

    LDS Bandsters

    Grace - All I can say is Keep Up the Good Work. Sometimes it seems that the harder we try to do what is right, the harder it gets. I admire what you're doing. Raising your kids in the Church, staying active, holding true to what you know is true and doing it all as a single parent. Now that takes a lot of work and not all of us would be able to do it on our own. You have a lot to be proud of, but none of this makes this fight any easier. In regards to VT and HT, it seems no matter where you live we all have that problem. I think the last and only time I saw ours was at Xmas, but then my husband isn't very good at that either. Keep us posted and let us know how the battle comes out. I hope they come to their senses.
  15. nip50

    Self Pay Patients

    I'm self pay and couldn't be happier. In fact, the doctor found 3 hernias when he did the band and repaired them at the same time at no additional costs and my insurance paid for the follow-up care on the hernias. As far as fills are concerned, everyone's situation is different. In fact, I have up to 5 free fills/unfills per year, forever, whether you have insurance or not.I would recommend this to anyone who needed it.
  16. nip50

    LDS Bandsters

    This band is like a dream come true. I just can't believe how great it has been for me. Someone e-mailed me this morning and asked what my secret was and all I could say is there isn't one. I just follow the lapband guidelines. I love my band!
  17. nip50

    LDS Bandsters

    Shinyhappymom - By looking at your ticker, you seem to be doing really good. All I've had is 2 fills and its worked just fine for me, I've been one of the lucky ones so far. Hope this restriction lasts for you.
  18. nip50

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Yvonneb3 - congratulations on the band and welcome. Its good to hear you're doing so well.
  19. I had it horribly starting with day 2. The doctor figured it was due to the IV antibiotics that I was given in the hospital. He told me to eat Activia yogurt (good enzymes) and if I wanted acidolpholus (herbal supplement you can get at wal-mart or health food stores). I took both and it helped greatly. Good luck with your band.
  20. nip50

    a shared moment of joy

    I'm right with you! I will be flying in June and in the past I've had to use a seat belt extension. That'll never happen again. That's so humiliating. Congratulations!
  21. Georgia girl - you only weigh once a day, I wish! How about morning and bedtime. I'm totally addicted to the scale. I'm sure if someone hid it from me that I'd run right out to the store and buy another. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to get on it, but something just draws me to it. I just don't understand how people can go a week without weighing themselves. I'm as addicted to the scale as I am to lapbandtalk.
  22. Has anyone out there had plastic surgery on their apron/tummy over age 50? I've now lost 90 pounds and my apron is pretty large and am thinking about having it removed and was wondering if any of you have done the same? And how bad is it? My thought is that once I hit onderland (20 more pounds) that I would think about ps, but am quite apprehensive about it. I know I sag all over, but the only part that really concerns me is the apron, I can live with all the other sags. How bad is this surgery? Any info you could give me would be appreciated. I know there's a ps thread, but I was interested in the over 50 groups opinions. Thanks
  23. Georgiagirl - isn't it nice to finally see that scale move again? Congratulations!
  24. Hollybelles - Now that you say it I see your bmi is 34.0 and mine is 34.1. How tall are you? I'm 5'5.5" and have 9 pounds to go to onderland. I hope to see onderland by Memorial Day. Let me know when you reach it. Onder-woman you asked about my secrets. I don't have any. All I can say is that I've followed plan at least 98% of the time. They say Protein first, than carbs and lots of Water. I only drink water with the exception of an occasional low carb slim fast (Maybe one every week or two when I find I haven't hit my protein level that I want). Dr. B told me that it was important to eat your calories, if possible, and not drink them. Another piece of advice is to log your food, I use fitday.com and it helps. I don't do it everyday, but it helps. Sometimes I find that I'm not eating enough calories (I never thought that would happen in a million years).
  25. StephC - whether its a tt or whatever the ps calls it, I have a fat apron that I need removed and that's what I told the ps office when I called for a consultation. I also asked them a few questions over the phone and that's when they told me that I would need up to 6 weeks off work, they said 4 if it was a desk job. From reading what others have said I was hoping for 2-3 weeks. I'm trying to get insurance to pay for this, I can't afford it after being self-pay for the band. Anyway, I work for the school system so am hoping to have it done over the summer. If not, it would have to wait until next summer. Wish me luck.

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