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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nip50

  1. Here's one more down. I know I won't make the goal, but at least it's slowly moving. Leslie starting weight: 224 current weight: 219 challenge goal weight: 204 pounds to go: 15 Nip starting weight: 185 current weight: 179 challenge goal weight: 173 pounds to go: 6 Sheryl Starting weight: 225.5 Current weight: 221 Challenge goal weight: 205 pounds to go: 16 Jeannie Starting weight: 201 Current weight:198 Challenge goal weight:180 Pounds to go: 18 Pamela Starting weight: 247 Current weight: 243 Challenge goal weight: 235 Pounds to go: 8
  2. Hey everyone - it seems like everyone's doing quite well - and all the exercising is fantastic. My Wii exercising has been put on hold this week. I fell at work Tuesday and now have a bum knee. It's black and blue and huge, but not broken. Just a lot of Fluid behind the knee cap that they might have to drain off this week. Hopefully in a week or so I can get back on the exercise band wagon. My house is suffering also, talk about a mess. The knee doesn't bend very well so you know how it goes with teenagers in the house, they never pick anything up off the floor. As I sit here I see shoes and socks everywhere, I may have to crack the whip with them today to help out a little. Welcome Kristi, I'm not in Albany either. I'm in Douglas so I haven't met any of these wonderful people either, but really enjoy chatting with them. Hopefully they'll get a support group going and I might make it to one of them. Good luck and keep up the good work. It's sure nice to see everyone posting again, keep up the good work.
  3. New NSV today - While at church today one of my teenagers came up to me and said he had looked all over the chapel for me and couldn't find me. He then stated that he realized he was looking for the fat me and not the skinny me. He said that it use to be so easy to spot me in a crowd, but not now.
  4. Thanks for all of the positive comments, they're really appreciated. Bamboobabe - size 12 are slowly coming into sight, but not quite there yet. I did buy a new pair of jeans on clearance yesterday and I bought a size 12. I can get into them and buttoned and zipped, but too tight yet. I figure by the time the weather cools down enough to wear them, they should be just right. Even when I started this journey I never expected to get into a 12. I only hoped for 14-16's. RosieJo- I don't have any specific exercise routine, I just try to keep going at something. It use to be just walking on the treadmill 3-5 times a week, but then I got a Wii and that's my main exercise at the moment. I have dance revolution and Wii fit for it and love them both. Right now I've been doing Wii fit 4-5 times week. When I get tired of this I'll go back to either Dance Revolution or the treadmill again. I like having different things to switch back and forth with.
  5. donniej - welcome to the group. The nurse at the clinic changed a couple months ago and if I remember correctly her name is Leslie(?). I've only met her once, but I really liked her and I believe she's been banded as well. I like that, she can really relate to whats going on with us. I hope you can get in soon for a fill and jump start your loosing again. Good luck.
  6. Here are my befores and current pics. Started out 10 months ago a size 26/28 and now wearing size 14 pants.
  7. Here are some before and current photos. Starting size 26/28 and now size 14 pants.
  8. Yaya - Welcome to the group and congratulations on being banded. Tell us about yourself - are you from Albany? I'm over in Douglas, and we also have people from Moultrie and Tifton. Have you noticed any difference with your first fill? For most people it takes a couple so don't get discouraged if you don't. Good luck with your band.
  9. Okay - I can finally say the plateau has broken. Yeah! I'm down 2 pounds this week. Leslie starting weight: 224 current weight: 219 challenge goal weight: 204 pounds to go: 15 Nip starting weight: 185 current weight: 180 challenge goal weight: 173 pounds to go: 7 Sheryl Starting weight: 225.5 Current weight: 224.5 Challenge goal weight: 205 pounds to go: 19.5 Jeannie Starting weight: 201 Current weight:198 Challenge goal weight:180 Pounds to go: 18 Pamela Starting weight: 247 Current weight: 244 Challenge goal weight: 235 Pounds to go: 9
  10. Hey everyone - glad to hear from everyone. I haven't been around much lately, I've had problems accessing the site, some days it's fine then some days not. Now with school starting back up, I'm back to work and things are getting a little crazy. Maybe getting back to work will jump start my weight loss again. I've only lost 1 pound in about 3-4 weeks.
  11. Leslie and Mia - Thosre are great NSV's, congratulation. I haven't posted any lately since I've been at a stand still for so long and I haven't been anywhere or done much. But, I did start back to work at school today and I've changed schools and there were a couple of people who haven't seen me for over a year, and a couple of them didn't recognize me. That was quite nice. Leslie - I know you must be thrilled to wear a size 14, It is such a great feeling. I was shopping Saturday and I still get amazed that I can shop in the regular misses sections. I always thought that if I could just wear a 16 that I would be happy, but now I have 12's in sight. I can wear quite a few 14's and am thinking that 12's would be wonderful. So that's my next goal.
  12. Well I have nothing to update. Its now been 3 weeks with no change. I'm so tired of this plateau, but its not the first one I've struggled through. They usually last about 3 weeks with me so I'm really, really hoping that I'm close to the end of it.
  13. Good going Georgia Girl. I wish I could say the same I thought my last fill might help, but not much. The last 2 weeks I've been at a stand still. Keep up the good work.
  14. nip50

    Who has the labpand AP 14CC Band?

    I have 6 cc's in a 14 cc band with 3 fills, and I can't imagine having another fill. I don't think the size of the band has much to do with getting stuck. I think it depends more on how big of bites you take, how well you chew, how fast you eat, and the amount of restriction you have. If I am careful, I can eat just about anything I want. When it comes to my medications I do have to take them individually where I didn't have to before.
  15. nip50

    Wii Fit

    Someone once said to watch the Target ads and when you see one be there when the store opens on Sunday am. Well, that's how I got one today (or I should say that I called my mother and she got it for me). Anyway I get the Target ads thru email and notice that they were advertised today and since I don't have a target within a hours drive my mother went and picked me up one. They were all gone at the store she went to within 30 minutes. So now she'll have to ship it to me, so hopefully by weeks end I'll be exercising with the Wii Fit. I also love the dance revolution even though I get a lot of boos.
  16. Brina - Thanks for posting - it's always nice to read your posts. I'm sorry things are going so rough for you at the moment. That work schedule would be hard for anyone to handle. I just want you to know that I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and don't give up. God has given you a great talent when it comes to expressing yourself and don't be affraid to use it, even if its only here, we all love to hear from you.
  17. This certainly does sound interesting. I've never been there. When you get the info be sure sure to post it, maybe I'll be able to work it out.
  18. Activity is also my biggest problem. Even though I have been walking, it seems the rest of the day is laundry, computer, tv, etc, quite boring. It's too hot to do too much and too expensive. That's why I think going back to work will help. At least I will be on my feet most of the day and a lot more active.
  19. Becky - I don't post very often, but - you look absolutely GORGEOUS. Also, Happy Birthday!
  20. Okay - where is everyone? Are you having so much fun over the summer that you're not here? Are you doing so good that you don't need any help? Are you so frustrated that you want to give up? Or...? Just wondering. Now with me, I'll be glad when school starts back up (can't believe I'm saying that). I haven't lost much this past month, even with a fill, and am hoping that once I'm back at work it will help. At least I won't be around the house all day and maybe a little more active. Is the Dalton walking group still walking? I've tried increasing my walks. I've been getting up early and going to track and walking 2 miles in the morning and when I don't do that I usually walk in the evening with my husband. Once school starts I'll only be able to walk in the evenings or on the treadmll. I wish I could convince myself to do some weights, but haven't succeeded at that yet. I keep telling myself that's what I need to start loosing again, that I need to push myself a little harder. I think these last 20-25 pounds will be a real test of my determination. Hopefully we'll start seeing a little more action here, good luck to all of you.
  21. nip50

    I got APPROVED

    findingme- did insurance pay for the whole tummy tuck or only a panniectomy? I've tried getting insurance coverage (rashes), but they say I have to wait another 6-9 months and my ps says they'll probably only approve the panniectomy portion of the procedure. Glad to hear you're doing so well and keep us all posted.
  22. noahsmomm - low carb will not damage your band. Eggs and low-fat cottage cheese are great for this stage. They fill you up and you get protein. Your protein should be your first priority. You should try and stay clear of the potatoes, the refried beans are alot better for you. For the mushie stage, I ate most things, but used my boat motor/or food processor to mush them up. Try chicken with a little lite mayo or with Tostitos spinach dip, yum. Tuna salad, egg salad, etc., very high protein and still mushy. Good luck.
  23. nip50

    Dr. Kent - Brunswick

    Mel - I live in Douglas and had my surgery in Albany. Had a great experience,they really know what they're doing. Anyway, last time I was in Savannah I noticed that a group out of Memorial Hospital that was now doing lapband - have you checked into them?
  24. nip50

    Anybody from Ga.

    Welcome and Congratulations - I was banded last October in Albany. What part of GA are you from? I live in South Georgia in Douglas,sort of in the middle of no where. I love my band, it's been a great journey so far, better than I ever expected. You might want to check out the Georgia site under local usa support groups. You'll find quite a few in the atlanta area and then there's a group from the Albany area under special interest groups called Bagnatos Bandits. Since you were just banded 2 weeks ago, you're probably just starting your mushies or soft foods- is that correct? Doctors vary on this. How is that going for you? A lot of people don't loose much during this time, so don't worry if you don't. They say it's only important to heal properly. If you have any questions, just ask. Good luck.
  25. nip50

    LDS Bandsters

    If you figure it out, please pass the info on to others. Thanks.

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