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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nip50

  1. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    I've had to order mine online at either snackaisle.com or at amazon. I live in a small southern town and have trouble finding things like this.
  2. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    I've done pretty good on the carbs this week, but the scale sure isn't showing it. I started logging in everything I'm eatting to see where I'm going wrong. Today I've had 30 carbs and 76 protein with a total of 800 calories. B- 2 eggs, 3 strips turkey bacon L- 5 Kashi crackers, one slice swiss cheese, 1 slice deli ham D - 3 ozs. skinless chicken and 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese S - dry roasted endamame
  3. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    The dry roasted endamame can be purchased online at either snackaisle.com or thru amazon. I haven't found them at any local stores, but then I live in a rural community. I really like them and they have lots of protein and fairly low carbs. I keep some at my desk for when I have the urge to nibble.
  4. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    I did pretty good yesterday. B - 2 scrambled eggs with taco meat and sour cream L - 8 kashi crackers, sliced ham and swiss cheese D - salad and grilled chicken breast S - cottage cheese and dry roasted endamame Total carbs for the day was only 22, protein was 65, but my calories for the day were a little low. I'll have to watch that. I need to keep them between 900 and 1000. Was only 790 yesterday. My carbs are up a little today at 45, (toast for breakfast and brown rice for dinner) but once again my calories are a little low (709). I'll have to sneak in some extra protein or a low carb slim fast to boost my calories.
  5. nip50

    LDS Bandsters

    Welcome truckoholic - I've been banded just over 5 months and have lost 90 pounds. I love my band! Hope this works out for you.
  6. Mia - we are all different. You've done great so far. You've only been banded for 3 months and you've lost quite a bit. Don't be so hard on yourself. Once you get your sweet spot things will be alot easier. You will also find that you can occasionaly eat whatever you want but in smaller portions. I try to eat low carb, but its not always workable. I have teenage boys at home and just last night we made pizza for dinner and yes I had one piece (didn't eat all the crust, but most of it). Fortunately, I was completely satisfied with one small piece. Maybe this next fill with do it for you and don't think about how many cc's other people have. We're all different. Some don't need any and others need all they can get.
  7. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    If the wings aren't breaded your only carbs would be in the sauce. Example - bbq sauce has about 15 carbs per 2 tablespoons.
  8. I have my fills performed at an obesity clinic at the hospital where my surgery was performed. This works out great. It's right across the street from the surgeons office and I think he's on the same computer system as the clinic so he has access to my records. Also, as long as my fills are performed at the clinic they are free forever, up to 5 per calendar year. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  9. nip50

    Creamy Spinach Chicken Salad

    The spinach dip is definitely going on my grocery list. I love the stuff and I already have the canned chicken in my pantry. This will be great to take to work for lunch. My lunch is usually so boring. Tuna 2 or 3 times a week or turkey and ham with cheese. Have you tried some of the whole grain crackers like Kashi or wheat things (8 of them are around 8-10 carbs if I remember correctly). I still like a little crunch once in awhile. This spinach/chicken dip would be great on them. Thanks for the idea Georgia Girl.
  10. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    Welcome birdee - Today went fairly well. B - 1/2 piece of whole grain toast (6 carbs) and Peanut Butter (2 carbs) L - Turkey, cheese, 1/2 piece of whole grain bread (6 carbs) S - cheddar cheese and turkey, 1/4 cup dry roasted endamame D - Taco meat with cheese and 1/2 cup lettuce with sour cream and taco sauce Managed to keep carbs around 20.
  11. I'm right there with you all. In the past week I've bought tops and a skirt in size XL and I can't remember the last time that happened. Maybe 20 years ago. It is so nice, I can hardly believe it! I really want to buy some jeans, but with spring/summer coming I figure it would be a waste. I'm looking forward to summer clothes and maybe even a swim suit. My next goal is I want to hit onederland before June 1st. That's another 20 pounds, which should be doable. I haven't seen my parents or brothers and sisters for over a year and they haven't seen the new me. That will happen in June and I'm quite excited. Wish me well. Thanks for all the support.
  12. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    My internet hasn't been working very well so I haven't posted for a couple of days. Well yesterday was - B - 2 scrambled eggs L - can't remember, but was low carb D - beef roast and carrots S - dry roasted endamame Today easter was B - 1 egg and 1 piece sausage L - 1/2 whole grain bread with Peanut Butter D - turkey, green Beans, 1 tablespoon potatoes S - desert (angel food cake, berries, and cool whip; it is easter after all, can't be all good; only 100 calories a serving) Hope you all did well today.
  13. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    It's been a good day. B - 2 scrambled eggs. L - Tuna and Kashi whole grain crackers (8 carbs) S - string cheese D - 1/2 cup salad, 2 hot wings and 1/2 chicken strip (8 carbs) S - 1/4 cup Dry Roasted Endamane (2 net carbs) This should do me for the day.
  14. nip50

    low carbing it? come join me

    I'm going to join you all. I try to stay away from the white stuff, but there's always room for improvement. Today - B-one scrambled egg; L-low-fat yogurt (13 carbs) Kashi crackers (7 carbs) and one slice swiss cheese; D-undetermined; Snack - low carb slim fast. Good luck to us all.
  15. I had my 2nd fill 12 days ago, and I'm very happy with it. I now have 5 cc's in my band and so far it's feeling just fine. I almost have too much restriction in the morning, but it's fine later in the day. I can live with that as long as I keep loosing.
  16. Allykat - absolutely no carbonation. I was told that from the beginning and just last week when I was in the clinic I overheard Elizabeth telling another patient the same thing. She stated that it was an absolute NO! Never again. I guess it can cause havoc with the band. The gas can expand and stretch it or something.
  17. Jonathan - LOOKS GREAT! You should be proud of yourself. I love to see everyone's photos. Keep them coming.
  18. Allykat - are you asking the hours of the obesity clinic? If you are, they're open till 4 on m-th. If you can make it at 10 you should try and keep it. I know for a fact that they are already booking into the mid-end of April. You always want to schedule ahead. They'll let you make 2 appointments at a time if they're at least 2 weeks apart. I try and do this so if I need to cancel one I know it won't be 6 weeks until I get back in. Sometimes if you speak with Malik directly she can try and squeeze you in somewhere, but prepare to wait longer when they squeeze you in.
  19. nip50

    Cash Pay Patients

    I spent 17K for mine, more than a lot have paid, but it did come with free lifetime fills and was local. The money did not come easily and I still owe a realtive for 10 of it, but I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. There has not been one thing that I have been unhappy about in regards to my lapband, I only wish that I could have had it sooner. I love my band!
  20. allykat-it sounds like you did great at lunch today and yes baked fish is considered a soft/mushy food. Paragirl - It sure does make us feel great to get over on the students sometimes. Have you tried this one? At recess time you make them sit quietly for 1 minute, but everytime someone talks (or makes a sound) the 1 minutes starts over again. It can take the whole recess time to get the 1 minutes of silence. Then the kids get mad at each other for ruining it for them. Try it you might like it.
  21. Mia remember you don't have any fills yet so you'll have trouble eating smaller portions. Don't beat yourself up over this. The weekends are harder for most everyone. When you want to eat out, just try and make better choices than you would have before. 3 slices of pizza is definitely better than 4 or 5 and if you make it thin crust you're doing even better. Find the little ways to cut out some of the bad. We love a place called Tokyo Express, which can be very bad, but I've found that I'm very satisfied with ordering a side. This leaves out the rice and sweet carrots they serve and is a smaller portion. Remember the goal is still to eat what we enjoy, but to do it smarter. I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with the clothes that can be very depressing, but remember one day and sooner than you realize, you'll be able to go shopping anywhere and they'll fit. That may not help right now, but it is going to happen sooner than you realize and you'll be so proud of yourself. Keep up the good work
  22. Tiger50 - I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I was self-pay and Dr. B also repaired 3 hernias during the lapband. He didn't charge me additional for the surgery, but there were some additional office visits after the surgery due to the hernias and my insurance did pay for these. My insurance did pay for an extra bill I received from a pulmonary group also. I hope this is helpful.
  23. I haven't been posting much lately. Haven't had too much to report and Georgia Girl's so good at giving all of you newly banded members support that I figured there wasn't much to add. Keep up the good work Georgia Girl. Anyway, I finally got my 2nd fill and hope it helps. Elizabeth doesn't figure I'll need much more in my band since things have gone so well so far. I sure hope she's right. She did put in an additional 2cc's for a total of 5, so I'm on liquids for a couple of days and we'll see. Everyone needs to keep up the good work and I want to thank everyone for their support. Keep up the great work!
  24. nip50

    Georgia help

    If you're in south Georgia try Dr. Bagnato in Albany. He's highly recommended. You'll find many happy Bagnato's under the Georgia link Bagnato's Bandits. I believe he doesn't required anything more than what your insurance company requires. I was self-pay and had my surgery 2 weeks after I had the money.
  25. Everyone looks fabulous. Keep up the great work, you should all be proud as can be. Here's mine. The first was last summer. The second at 75 pounds lost.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
