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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Thinjen

  1. Thinjen

    Help! I'm addicted!

    Thanks Kathy for the explanation of peanut butter. Lisa, I should have known better. The more I go up on my psych meds...the more I need them and me too. I think that people should do a search before they ask these questions that have been asked 10,000,000,000,000 times. New threads should only be started for new topics. Have we discussed what is the strangest thing that got stuck in any of your orifices? or is that worthy of a new thread?
  2. Thinjen

    Help! I'm addicted!

    Lisa, What? I don't get it. Jen
  3. Thinjen

    Help! I'm addicted!

    Hi everybody. My name is Jen and I'm an LBT o'holic. (Everybody...hi Jen). Well, it first started back in July. It was very innocent at first. I was trying to find out info about the lapband. After visiting no less than 50 websites, one doctor said on his site....I'm not going to sugar coat this. There are some people that struggle even after the band. I am not affiliated with this site, but it may be helpful in your research...Lapbandtalk.com. Well, I went to this site. At first, it was free. They offered me a little and said, "It won't hurt". The next day, I found myself pacing around the computer. Should I go there? Well, a little won't hurt (like potato chips). At this time, it was still free (looking back, I see that I was being lured into the vortex). By the next day, I was on here 2-3 hours/day. Only now, it was like $10 a bag. Oh wait, I'm getting mixed up. I mean free. So here I am, now 4-5 hours a day. Still free!! Where else can you feed an addiction for free? So, welcome to my 12 step program.
  4. Thinjen

    2006 Lapband Awards

    Since I am currently fighting my insurance company, I nominate Renebean as best insurance butt-kicker!! She's my hero. :clap2:
  5. Thinjen

    Look! Snow in Arkansas!

    I wasn't pickin on you!! I was born and raised in Arkansas. I only have one brother....but he's not much to look at!
  6. Thinjen

    Look! Snow in Arkansas!

    Somewhere there's some brothers and sisters snuggling to get warm!! Babies in 9 months.
  7. Thinjen

    New CPT codes for Lap Band

    'Mona, Get ready to fight. I have BC/BS of Tennessee. I have been trying to have this done since last July. They denied it...told me to do 6 months of supervised dieting. I did it. Finished-resubmitted everything, including a food journal and 5 years of documented weights. Just found out this week that it is denied again- not medically necessary. That's a bunch of bunk. I just wrote an appeal letter. We'll see. Next, I'll appeal to the insurance board. Then I'll get an attorney. Heck, if it's too much longer, I may be an attorney by then. Let me know what you find out. We'll get through this together.
  8. I'm trying. See the round 1 thread. They make me sick...literally. Jen
  9. Thinjen

    round 1

    bump, bump, bump. Well, finished my 6 month diet. Submitted all of my stuff. Guess what...."not medically necessary." What? I am in bed 14 hours a day on a heating pad and in the recliner for 6 hours a day on a heating pad...and not medically necessary? I called my husband's human resource department and they agree with the insurance company's strict guidelines. I do too. Hey Mr. Smartee, you have none of my medical data, history, test results and you agree with their guidelines. See, here's the deal. I've met all of their stinking guidelines. So, I came on here and found posts from Alexander and GeezerSue. Between their two posts (thanks, gals) I have formulated one heck of an appeal letter. We'll see if it works. After this, I'm going to the insurance commission. Then, I'll get a lawyer. See, I am a nurse, but currently am not working. I'm also a law student. I have nothing better to do than to fight this. Stay tuned... and thanks for all of the support. I love you guys. Jen
  10. Thinjen

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    Do any of you have a man that changes the light bulb? When I go into the bathroom, I can't even see the empty toilet paper roll on the floor in the dark.
  11. Thinjen

    TrimSpa baby!

    I say, cocaine, baby.
  12. Thinjen

    Erosion, The Real Facts

  13. Thinjen

    FOR ADULTS ONLY (x rated)

    I'm pre-band with no libido. Say, if you don't use it- does it grow back together like newly pierced ears with no rings?
  14. Thinjen

    Prejudice, who me?

    Well, not against color or religion. Or any other major way. Nope, I think I have a thing against skinny people. I bought my husband a TiVo for Christmas. I'm a Food Network junkie. I love Paula Deen. I'm a big southern girl...so she's right up my ally. Bacon grease, butter..yum. So my husband thought I would also enjoy Sandra Lee- semi homemade - I guess for the convenience. I tried watching it a few times, but just couldn't get into it. She weighs about a buck o five. It shows her tasting her dishes...then it usually cuts to commercial ( I think so she can spit it out). It also gets on my nerves that she wears clothes and redecorates her kitchen to match the food that she is cooking. This means window treatments and all. Who has the time for all of that crap? I have replaced Sandra Lee for Barefoot Contessa. I find comfort in her size and it's easier for me to relate to her. She, like me, has a passion for food- just like Paula Deen. I'm sorry, but I don't trust a skinny chef.
  15. My husband would never wear those for me. Oh wait, they're for you? Now, I get it. :whip:
  16. Thinjen

    Prejudice, who me?

    Hey, maybe that's why she's skinny. If all of my food tasted like a big pile of crap, maybe I'd be skinny, too. Wonder what it would taste like if you put ranch dressing on crap:confused:
  17. Thinjen

    Help, I need a formal gown!

    Lisa, You look like a size 14..tops. Wow!! Absolutely beautiful!!
  18. Thinjen

    Prejudice, who me?

    I see what you mean. I know there are nice skinny chicks. Now, I hate me and I am fat. I certainly don't want to hate me when I'm skinny. I just don't dig skinny chefs.
  19. Thinjen

    Aetna said "NO!" - HELP!!!

    I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield in Tennessee and they denied me too. They wanted to see that I've been fat for 5 years. I can show them 33 years worth. Anyway, maybe documentation from ob/gyn visits for the last 5 years will do for the 5 year thing. My company also wanted 6 months supervised diet with my doctor. I just finished that. I kept a food journal and my doc scanned it in. Gained some, lost some....such is life. We just resubmitted to BC/BS...so we'll see. I think most of them tell you no in the beginning just to weed out some folks that aren't willing to pursue it. Good luck to you. A healthy you is worth the hassle.
  20. All band surgeons had a first patient. They have to start somewhere. I would take into account his extensive surgery experience. I imagine he's done more complex stuff than the band.
  21. Thinjen

    The #!@#$%^&* Scale Thread

    Scale, what scale? We don't need no stinking scale.
  22. Thinjen

    I hate insurance companies!

    I just finished my 6 month diet. This followed my other undocumented 33 years of dieting. They are resubmitting to my insurance company. So, we'll see. I kept a food journal and my doctor scanned it in my chart. All to show that I've been doing it. I know it sucks to wait...but like you said, "I've been fat this long, what's 6 more months". Well, it was over with before I knew it. Good luck to you. By the way, they are hoping you will give up. I think it is standard to deny at first. KEEP FIGHTING.
  23. Thinjen

    Where were you banded

    Hey Tammy, I'm going to be banded at Vanderbilt. I had to do 6 months diet with my doctor. We are now resubmitting to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Should hear back within 2 weeks. I can't wait. Seems like I've been waiting forever. All of my other stuff is done. Do you, by chance, work at Vanderbilt? I'd love to know more about your experience. Please feel free to pm me. Jen
  24. Thinjen

    I hate my Mother-in-law!!

    My MIL is Everybody Loves Raymond's mom. Enough said. I saw this thing on the learning channel about dirty jobs. One girl actually has a lucrative business sending poop with cute little cards. Her only 2 employees are dogs. For obvious reasons. Anyway, the one that is most requested is a big turd that says...Just thinking of you. A lot of folks send this to Ex's but it would be a great gift for those hard-to-buy--for MILs. In case you're looking for a gift for your MIL. The second most requested turd is "Your dog left this in my yard." Just goes to show, you can sell almost anything. :rofl:
  25. Thinjen

    Band for sale on eBay!??

    Why does he need a soap dispenser? Not like he needs to wash his hands before he puts in a germy band. Oh, I see, maybe he'll need to wash his hands after he touches the germ infested band.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
