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Oh 2 Be Free

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Oh 2 Be Free

  1. Oh 2 Be Free

    Woo! I'm sexy!

    Okay Okay !! I know I am hogging up all the space.. I think my sexiest body part is.... my hands.. don't know why.. just do.
  2. Oh 2 Be Free

    Woo! I'm sexy!

    I think you and I are long lost twins... you have just descibed me to a T! Wow! that's weird.
  3. Oh 2 Be Free

    Woo! I'm sexy!

    I admit, after the way you were talking, I did brace myself for your pic. But then I saw it and I was like "Are you kidding me??" I think you are a very attractive woman. You have alot working for you! Pretty eyes, a beautiful smile. Eighty pounds or not. I hope that someday soon, you see that for yourself. You are beautiful.. inside and out.
  4. Oh 2 Be Free

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    My first weekly weigh in.. 254.6 That's 1 1/2 lbs. Like La Madam said "GAME ON!!" I needed this motivation.
  5. Oh 2 Be Free

    Bye Bye Food... I have a new friend!

    LOL You guys are too much... Me and Wilson were just sitting here reading your posts. He says he is quite flattered with all the attention from the ladies. He thinks he might just like it here. I don't remember where I found the avatar, but I can send it you if you like just pm me.. I mean..Us!
  6. Oh 2 Be Free

    Name That Tune ?

    Ok no takers huh? It was Nirvana's " About A Girl" Here's another one... So, they sat down and made a drawing of their love, They made it an art to live by. They painted every passion, every home, Created every beautiful child. In winter they were weavers of warmth, In summer they were carpenters of love. They thought blueprints were too sad So they made them yellow
  7. Oh 2 Be Free

    Is this a normal request?

    I am going to be banded by Dr. Joya in Puerto Vallarta. He doesn't require a pre-op diet either. I think it's mostly the Drs. here in the states that require that. Good Luck with whatever decision you make.
  8. Oh 2 Be Free

    September 11th - Remembered

    The devastating events of 9/11 haunt our everyday lives. What sorrow for the families. What a loss for America. They are all in my prayers. And $300,000,000,000+ and 4 years later we still haven't put this psycho away.
  9. Oh 2 Be Free

    Picture Page

    Here is the Debut!! Our Little Ones.. Jessica age 11 months Anthony age 28 months http://www.lapbandtalk.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2265&stc=1
  10. Oh 2 Be Free

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures

    I am jealous too.. I can't stand it! I totally have to be there next year. You girls are such a tease!! Looks like Vegas is in trouble tonight!! Be safe and keep on having a great time. BTW...Next year you all will need a smaller raft.
  11. Oh 2 Be Free

    Help in VA

    I live right outside of Richmond. I have decided to go with a Mexican Doctor since I have no insurance. I too was looking for a local Dr. for aftercare. None of these local Drs. want to touch me with a ten foot stick if I get banded in Mx. So for me, I will be going back to Mexico for my aftercare. Let me know if you find out anything different.
  12. Oh 2 Be Free

    Looking Forward

    I think what I am looking foward to most is.. being able to see my reflection in a passing mirror or window and nodd in acceptance of how I look versus trying to adjust my clothes to better disguise my body.
  13. Oh 2 Be Free

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    __________________ __________________ I am the One one Our right, not with the sunglasses on the head, mine are on my shirt! Thanks for the compliment! I love baseball... it was fun . I don't know how to do the quote thing... Hope this worked.
  14. Oh 2 Be Free

    Fall Weight Loss Challenge

    I am in, although I don't get banded until Oct. 7th. I am at 256 now <thanks to my stupid scale!> My goal in 10 weeks is to lose 26 lbs. Putting me at 230, a nice kickstart into Bandlandia! I am on the right.
  15. Oh 2 Be Free

    Name That Tune ?

    Heard it in a Love Song. Marshall Tucker Band <now that's COUNTRY!> Here you go: I need an easy friend I do with an ear to lend I do think you fit this shoe I do what you have a clue I’ll take advantage while You hang me out to dry But I can’t see you every night free I do
  16. Oh 2 Be Free

    Pray For Storm Victims

    I spoke to my cousin last night again. He is safe. His wife being a nurse has not been allowed to leave the hospital. He told me that he was outside and saw 3 guys breaking into a Shell station and the owner opened fire on them with a shotgun! He saw the driver get shot. He says that violence is getting worse and that he will be sleeping, in the dark with a butcher knife in case he has to defend his belonging. How sad? He also told me that there is a Pawn shop across the road from him, he saw people breaking into it stealing things and then set it on fire. His Favorite guitar was in that shop. It was worth $1300 but he only borrowed $40 on it so that he could get it out easily. Now it is gone, because of looters. I can understand looting for survival, but looting for greed..unacceptable! It really bothers me, because my cousin has so little and he tries to live his life the right way just for his few prized possessions to be stolen from him... ugh! it makes me sick. I hope the people who got out stay safe and can rebuild, but the ones out shooting and stealing and killing should drown!
  17. Oh 2 Be Free

    Pray For Storm Victims

    My cousin and his wife live in New Orleans. He called me in the middle of the night last night to let me know they were okay. I hadn't been able to get in touch with them all day yesterday. He said they had something like 155mph winds and that trees are down everywhere. I am just glad he and his wife are safe.
  18. Oh 2 Be Free

    Monday Is The Big Day!!!!!!

    Best Wishes to You!!! You are a Diva, and you will do great!! Keep us posted. You are in my prayers.
  19. Oh 2 Be Free

    Favorite TV Programs - Then and Now

    okay.. let's see.. THEN: Silver Spoons The Facts of Life Little House on the Prairie ( I always wanted to get my hands on Nellie..lol.. I could'nt stand her.) Charlie's Angel's Woody Woodpecker Tom & Jerry Spiderman (not the cartoon) Batman NOW: CSI Big Brother Survivor Trauma Deperate Housewives ( LOVE THEM!!) Biggest Loser Paula Dean ( I want her to adopt me! lol ) The L Word
  20. Oh 2 Be Free

    Anyone watch Big Brother 6?

    LOL That's what makes the house interesting. I personally want Ivette to take the cash. I like her boldness. I am ready to see James go next.
  21. Oh 2 Be Free

    Anyone watch Big Brother 6?

    oh yeah.. and sorry to all you Kaysar fans... LMAO!!!! (sorry.. was that a little harsh? ooopsie!)
  22. Oh 2 Be Free

    Anyone watch Big Brother 6?

    Either one will be a great accomplishment!!!
  23. Oh 2 Be Free

    Game: This or That

    Sunset! (the romantic in me) lights on or lights off? LOL
  24. Oh 2 Be Free

    Learning Lessons

    YOU GO GIRL!!! You have to spirit that is going to make this journey successful. Good for you! Both of you! Have a great day.
  25. Oh 2 Be Free

    Name That Tune ?

    We Belong Together - Mariah Carey Well I know you want a lover, let me tell your brother, she's been sleeping in the Devil's bed. And there's some rumors going round someone's underground she can rock you in the nighttime 'til your skin turns red

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