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Everything posted by nina874

  1. Cindy dont panic!!! I am nearly three weeks out and there have been times when I wanted to eat my own feet! The one bit of advice that I can give you is STAY AWAY FROM THE CARBS!!!! They are the devils food stuff, the minute I have some it just kicks off all the cravings again, try to stick to Proteins, I eat things like omlettes there are loads of things you can put into them, fish with all sorts of rubs on it, strips of ham,creamed spinach - homemade I can give you the recipe if you want. This will pass when we get that fill, you just have to be strong, I know it is going on a diet, I too have no patince with them but I keep reminding myself that it is only for another 3 weeks! Nina x
  2. nina874


    She thought it might be, damn shes good!! She said to tell you that it will work, but it may take slightly more sessions than usual as the hair tends to be more resistant, but not to worry as she has seen some amazing results, she reiterated that they PREFER the area to be shaved. Completely off topic , but she also said that the weight loss will help hugely with the symptoms too, the more weight off the fewer the symptoms apparently - though I am sure that you already know that! Nina x
  3. nina874

    Should I have to

    Completly unconnected to the topic I know,sorry but I cant think how to ask you without hijacking! Which part of Queensland are you in Chickie? I only ask becuase the first time I saw you you reminded me so much of a good friend of mine who lives in brisbane , and then I saw you mention Queensland so I had to ask! Nina x
  4. nina874

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    I know it sounds like a mad one, but I cant wait to be able to do my bikini line - without having to look in a mirror!!
  5. Green, I would love to meet you to though the munchkins can be a little overwhelming en-mass!!! I love the phrase 'enabler' that sums up beautifully dads reaction to mums drinking, well that and 'ostrich' LOL How well do you interact with them now? Have you ever talked to them about it?I am sorry I dont know if they are both still around, and please feel free to tell me to keep my nose out! I only ask because I have had screaming matches with my dad, but my sister had chosen never to talk to him about it - more because she knows how much it would upset him - but then I was always the difficult one! It always amazes me that having had a hard childhood why anyone would then turn round and inflict it on their kids. The 'cyle of abuse' was something that I was determined to break, maybe that is why I had so many kids, the whole build my own family thing. My sister has been in therapy for a few years to sort out her issues with everything that happened, and her relationship with dad. I think that she has slain some of the demons.She had enormous difficulty expressing negative emotions, and ended up crippled with panic attacks for 6 years on and off, she still managed to build a multi-million pound company though - I am so proud of her!!!!We are very close, unnaturally so sometimes,there was a time when it was almost to the exclusion of our partners. I did actually have a lot of understanding for my mum and god did I love her, she was an only child from quite a wealthy very loving background, and in the space of 2 years saw all of them die from various forms of cancer.So she had no family, was griefstricken, and had pots of money - bad combination. I think that even in the 30 years that have passed, we have learned so much about the mechanisms of grief, and counselling is so much more 'socially acceptable' that if it had happened now she would have got the help that she needed. As it was she numbed everything out until one day she didnt need the drink to numb, she just needed the drink. I will always feel the burden of guilt that I didnt,couldnt, stop her.It becomes a process of watching someone that you love commit suicide over a period of years, until the person that you loved isnt really there anymore, there is just a shell that looks a bit like them, but all the things that made them your mum are gone. Phew!!! That was heavy but I feel better for it! Thanks for the freeby counselling green.
  6. What is the pro-life stance on IVF and embryo storage? Just curious really. Nina xx
  7. nina874


    Laurend- I asked my friend and she said that they actually insist that people shave the area the day before otherwise the hair just gets in the way. She asked me to ask you if you have polycystic ovaries? Wheetsin - I asked her about the pain, and she has treated parts of her own body and said it is no worse than waxing.She also said that you cant use lidnocaine(?) because the area to be covered is too large, though it would effect the laser. Apparently a girl in the UK covered her whole legs with it and went into cardiac arrest!!! NIna xx
  8. nina874


    I have just got to say first of all that when I saw the title of the post for a split second I thought it said something else entirely!!!PMSL I have a friend who is a trained cosmetic nurse, and she is being trained at the moment on one of the big lasers for hair removal, would you like me to ask her Laurend what she recommends? Nina x
  9. Well said Marjon! That has and always will be the fundemental issue to me, and I know for a fact that if it is made illegal, you wont stop abortions , you will just make more women die from them. There are already restrictions in place- some may think that they are too lax, but none the less the system is there and just because it is at time abused, is it fair to take that choice away from all? I think that they should offer earlier medical, as opposed to surgical, terminations and offer to fit an IUD to stop the repeat customers. Nina x
  10. Jodie, you sound so like me at 19.....! I got pregnant with my eldest then, by a totally unsuitable dad, I even married the rat, and before I left him made sure I had number 2 on board! I came from a ......dysfunctional....family and for me having my kids was the most improtant thing in the world. I was in awe of the lives that I had created, but it is a hard slog hon, when you cant leave the house to get a pint of milk when you have run out,cos your baby is asleep, when all your friends are telling you about the party that they went to , and you can barely keep your eyes open cos the baby has been teething all night.....that is when you will need to find your inner strength. I have never ,not even for a second, regretted my decision,but life has been kind to me.I met a beautiful man who has been the best husband and father to my kids and we have faced what life has thrown at us together. I have friends who were in similar situations who werent as lucky. Stay strong ,and always, even 18 years down the line, remind yourself that your child didnt ask to be born, it will ALWAYS be your responsibility. Oh and stay away from the dope head dad, how could he bring anything positive to that childs life? Other than getting you pregnant did he bring anything to yours? Nina x
  11. Green , I defend every womans right, my sister has always been almost OCD about her birth control ( before she got into a same sex relationship - that sure took the pressure off!!)and always said that if she did get pregnant she would terminate, as she knew catagorically she didnt want to be a mum. If it isnt a personal question,and feel free to tell me to sling it, have you ever regretted it? Most of my friends havent, and in fact think of it as a lucky escape, I was just wondering. Nina x
  12. Hi again gadget, yup they are 2 weeks ahead all the way through, you just have to add 2 weeks on to get the gestational age, if you look A Child is born you will see what I mean, their 7 week shot is for sure a 9 week gestation baby ,cos at 7 weeks it still looks a bit prawn like. You cant detect a heartbeat til 6 weeks , they are just 2 weeks out of synch, I dont know why but I have seen it before.
  13. Ooops I got distracted from looking back by this in wiki, it describes me !! Some pro-choice moderates, who would otherwise be willing to accept certain restrictions on abortion, feel that political pragmatism compels them to oppose any such restrictions, as they could be used to form a slippery slope against all abortion thats me then, a pro-choice moderate!!
  14. Which is what they show in pictures as 6/8 weeks , nit picking I know but huge differences developmentally. I forget why we got into it now? Was I advocating really early terminations *blush* Oh bugger I will have to check back wont I...... NIna x
  15. I love that book my copy is soooo dog-eared now. Happy memories....... By the way how early are these feminists that you are talking about? Are we talking pre vote? Nina x
  16. Thanks diva , those ultrasounds look just like my angels did at 8/9 weeks , as I said like a butter bean with the beginings of arms and legs. Jodie - with the greatest of respect, you have seen your baby on a sonogram ( BTW ultrasound is the english word for sonogram - you are talking about the difference between an internal and external ultrasound, one is done with a probe) I on the other hand have held an 8/9 week fetus in my hand and if you would like an in depth description I would be happy to provide it. Gadget get hold of a copy of a book called A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson and Lars Hamberger if you do you will see that at 4 weeks gestation the embryo is a ball of cells about the size of a pin head, that has just started to implant into the lining of the womb, a common reson for women thinking that they have had a period, otherwise know as implantation bleeding, it does not look like a very small prawn. Nina x P.S dont make me put up loads of links to prove the point cos you know how crap I am on computers
  17. nina874

    Starting over...

    Oh Kathy, Sometimes things happen for a reason that we havent fathomed yet, or wont know for years.Please dont beat yourself up over this, I hate the fact that people can be so ignorant and hateful, but that is their baggage to carry, not yours. Will it take long for you to go through the process?Had you already started in Atlanta? I know what a pain in the butt it is to live a distance from your nearest centre, I ended up flying for a hour to see mine and it sucks. Keep your chin up hon. Nina x
  18. I am fairly open with everyone about everything so there isnt a lot that would surprise people - other than the fact that I used to be a size 4 US!!! I looked after my alchoholic mum for about 15 years, she wasnt the nicest person to be around a lot of the time, and I had to kind of step into her shoes with my kid sister ( she was only 9 when mum started drinking) til we became the comedy duo. Its amazing what you can learn to laugh about. Part of me wanted her to die towards the end , when she had stage 3 childs (end stage liver failure) and I will always feel guilty for that. I put on her makeup and made sure she was dressed beautifully for her funeral - she always asked me to promise that I would- and then found that the hardest thing was NOT sitting with her in the funeral home, I hated the thought that I was leaving her there every night.....you can imagine how well I coped with the funeral. I have been pregnant 14 times, I have 8 angels and 6 gorgeous kids, after my 6th baby I did 3 rounds of IVF in a desperate attempt to get number 7.Guess that the powers that be knew best because I am very happy now,and very aware of how lucky I am to have the munchkins I have got. Most people are surprised to find out that my eldest 2 arent my DH's and that I have been married before, mainly becuase they are his kids IYKWIM. Well thats me! Nina x
  19. nina874

    Fred Phelps and Westboro Church

    I have to say I LOVE your legal system, if an $11,000,000 fine doesnt shut them up........ I have never read anything like that before we dont really have a far-right anything anymore in the UK, I was stunned that there are really people that twisted and frankly loony, who have FOLLOWERS??? Like the sound of the PGR, pretty decent people, we could do with some of them over here! Nina x
  20. nina874

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    At least you are all allowed to still be patriots....sigh....in britain now we have gone so PC that most councils demanded that their workers not hang Union Jacks as it may be 'offensive to some'. Ironic really when you think about it.....
  21. nina874

    What have you lost?

    Since October 1st I have lost the average amount of pizza that an American eats in a year. I have also lost my ability to eat pizza, win some lose some in every sense!!! Good one!! Nina x
  22. nina874

    Are you an unguided grazer?

    Hi Jessica, I am so sorry that your daughter is fighting lukemia, I will think of her and offer up a prayer.As Kat said, if you ever need to vent we will all be here for you. I hope that she is responding well to the treatment, and I will keep her in my thoughts. On the unguided grazer I LOVE that phrase!! That sums up my eating habits totally, I have been soooooo good since I had my band, planning meals etc but it is HARD!!! Of all the things that worry me/ could be my downfall that is the one! Nina x I have never got anything stuck, so I cant help there, hope that you feel better now though. NIna x
  23. nina874

    IRAQ WAR your thoughts

    Do you wonder why Al Qaeda are in Iraq now? They probably welcomed them with open arms, does no-one realise that by the actions that we have taken , we have in fact played into the hands of the fundamentalist islamics? In Britain we have terrible situations arising in even the most moderate Muslim communites. If you persecute someone based on their religion and tar all with the same brush, after getting the cr*p kicked out of them a few times because they ' might be terrorists' - and I have Muslim friends that this has happened to, they are going to kick back, and there have been rich pickings in Britain for the radical sects from the disillusioned We are now in a position where these people see themselves as freedom fighters, and NO I dont agree with anyone spewing hatred, and if I am honest part of me thinks ' if it is so friggin great there why dont you live there??' and I dont like being called an infidel anymore than they like being called fundamentalist but that doesnt mean that I cant understand the dynamics behind the situation. Can someone please define for me what the American and British governments see as being the differences between a 'terrorist' and a 'freedom fighter'??? I am danged if I can see one other than political veiwpoint. NIna x
  24. nina874


    Just the one but it quite big across my lower back, its hard to describe but it is basically yin/yang encased in the sun(for me and DH) surrounded by an ornate tribe back piece with 6 stars for my kids. I love it but I dont know if I will get another one as I get the feeling that they are addictive!!! NIna x
  25. nina874

    Getting Nervous Before Surgery

    Hi sunshine, I dont know the calafornia doctors as I am in the uK, I just wanted to say dont be freaked by the forms,they have to cover every eventuality, when you get in there it is over before you know and the recovery is pretty easy really ( though the post-op diet is a b*tch!!!) Look forwards to seeing you dropping that weight hon! Nina x

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