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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NJChick

  1. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Good Morning, This stinks, DD woke me up yelling "I'm gonna get mad, okay now I'm serious" in her sleep LOL, so here I sit a little after 4 am OY VEY... I'm gonna be pooped later for the party but I just can't get back to sleep, because now my wondering mind is free. I'll be back later :kiss2:
  2. NJChick

    lettuce rejoice!

    I can eat salad with no problem, actually its one of my easier foods (all though I can tollerate everything).
  3. NJChick

    Feel food moving through your pouch?

    Well you can feel the food in your pouch and when it moves thru you feel it kinda expand and go plop ! the heavyness of the food is gone (heavy meaning full not uncomfortable).. Boy this is hard to describe LOL !!!
  4. NJChick

    A newbie and I'm sooo nervous

    Hi JoJo, Your feelings are perfectly normal. I remember feeling excited that there was help but embarassed and scared at the same time. The excited feeling got me thru it thank God Don't cancel 1 appointment because this will really throw you back.. press on!!! Hugs and Good Luck !!!
  5. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Good Morning, Today is the run yer head off like a dang fool to get party supplies for tomorrow's surprise party for my DH lolol, I'm playing hooky today and dh doesn't even know it neener neeener neeeeeeeeeeeeener he thinks I'm in an all day computer class at work snort ~ :guess But first !! I must check on my widdle friends here. Kat, I'm so sorry to hear about DH but at the same time, I'm thrilled that they know whats wrong and can correct it before something bad happens. When my uncle had his bypass, they took the veins from his neck and leg.... can I ask why they are going to use a placebo one or pig for your dh? You know your DH's regular doc who dismissed his symptoms is an ASS!!!! sorry but that makes me angry when they blow you off. Your post was lovely and I agree with you 100 % when you said we are all connected w/out even seeing each other. I visit another board where I have met lots of the women there, they have traveled from canada to meet and boy, its awesome to have such nice friends cyber or not. I hope to some day meet you all because your all so special. We're glad your here Mary, I'm glad your off to see the wizard, I mean doc good luck and I'll cross my body parts that its something easy peasy for them to fix. I'm glad you got to eat a little... HUGS Darcy I' so proud of you for exercising, and yes, don't take a day off until your comfortable that you can get back there the following day. Fear is a great motivator huh... Oh come on... you don't want my old jeans :thumbs_up: LOL... it'll be a cold day in heck when I don't wear undies let me just say that for the record LOL Patty you go getem girl... show those docs and insurance people who's boss !!! Sucks but ya really have to. Cindy, is today #5 of your count down LOL !! how are you feeling lately hon? Donna, will you be up in this area long? it would be awesome to get to meet. Sherry, uhhh you poor dear. I'm sorry you had such a horrible case to listen to. Really ... I wouldn't be able to sleep. Hugs and kisses to you. How are you doing / feeling ? Beanie babe :kiss2: Anne, oh Anne, where for art thou? whats up chicklet, where have you been? Betty.... don't let work swallow you whole now. Come up for air soon. Pat????? hey woman, whats been shakin with you? how goes work and the witchie pooh saga... how are the grand babies? Becky good luck at the doc's today. I hate going to my doc b/c I'm losing so slow.. .and its my fault :thumbs_up: oh well, no one ever said it was easy huh lol. Tammy where have ya been girlie.... how' things? Ira, how goes things with DW? is she getting nervous/excited? when is her date? Time to make DD Breakfast and get my fat arse dressed. Have a wonderful day everyone
  6. NJChick

    this diet is killing me

    Wow, your lucky.... I wasn't allowed to eat cottage cheese until my 4th week out (I had to do liquids for 3 weeks)... hang in there.
  7. NJChick

    Question about late day hunger

    Oh yes, thats me, although I can eat breakfast and lunch (just a little). When I told my doc about it, his reply was that it was mental and not physical... just goes to show you how misinformed they really are...goofball.
  8. NJChick

    When did you notice hair loss?

    OMG my hair is falling out like a freakin dog shedding, it started about 5 - 6 months and its still coming out, I bet I lost 1/2 of my hair I'm waiting for it to stop.. I have strands left
  9. NJChick

    I Made It Out of the Hospital Alive!

    Glad you are home, you sound really good !!!!
  10. NJChick

    Unladylilke Gas (serious question)

    Yep... the lovely side effects of the band LOL. I second the notion about not eating to much sugar free foods, they are known for giving ya additional gas / intestinal problems. I am always running to the bathroom here at work letting them rip.. if i don't I get so sick and like Vines said, it can cause damage.
  11. NJChick

    May's Chat

    G'Morning Wowweeee look at all the reading I have to do. Okay kids, I'll be back later when boss man is in a meeting Beanie, the reason you didn't see grannie panties on the band in those pictures was because I wasn't wearing any panties :second: ((((what a scary visual eh))). BBL
  12. NJChick

    Explain your name on LBT...

    I'm a chick from NJ :second:
  13. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Hi Gang, Just a quickie Cindy, 5 lbs WHOOT good for you. I'd cry too if my DD went away. Have fun at dinner Mary, good luck hon, we'll be praying for you. Darcy, glad your making an effort w/the exercise WTG !! and i'm with ya on the eating part uuuh. Anne whats happening chicklet? how are you? Patty hang in there, the insurance people love to make us squirm. Shame on them but don't you give up. Kat, let us know when you can about DH... :second: Nothing much to say here except I'm insane and theres nothing anyone can do about it LOL !!! TTYL
  14. NJChick

    I am back!

    Its about time you came home Missy !!! Welcome back
  15. NJChick

    New Here...

    Welcome to LBT
  16. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Hey Tammy *WELCOME* Where in Jersey do you live? I too go for another fill on May 26th. Wouldn't that be a hoot if we had the same doctor? Egads, nasty PB... I've only had one... and I'm embarassed on what I had it on.. chocolate LOLOL, yeah I know, nincowpoop! I just didn't chew it and poof slime. Beanie, Becky, Betty, Pat, Patty, Darcy, Donna, Kat, Sherry, Cindy, Ira, Mary and oh gosh I hope I didn't forget anyone .... HELLO !!!
  17. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Good Morning, Oh Kat, I pray things work out and I know it must be so difficult feeling so helpless and in the dark. Hang on there sweetie, things will be better once everything is understood. I don't know if you are Christian but at a time like this, you need to reach out to Jesus for only he can comfort you. If your not, pray to the One. Hugs and kisses Betty, you too huh... is it the season changing that makes everyone crazy with food? Today its gonna be hairy w/the boss around :success1: But!! I came in early and get to leave early... gotta be at my DD's school for a Mommy & Me petting zoo thingy...they won't let the kids touch the animals w/out their parents LOL. How are you today?
  18. NJChick

    May's Chat

    of course I snuck out back to see their truck
  19. NJChick

    May's Chat

    The band.......................
  20. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Doug and his nephew... proud Uncle he is LOL
  21. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Flute player of the MTB
  22. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Doug Gray lead singer of MTB
  23. NJChick

    Parents of Adhd Children

    ADD and ADHD runs like wildfire in my family. My mother, sister (who's 52) and myself all have ADHD. Hang in there because there is hope. There's lots of wonderful meds today that can really change the way your child functions, don't be afraid of it. And just so you know, lots of kids can grow out of it. Hugs !!!
  24. NJChick

    May's Chat

    Oh thats easy.... just do what I do and don't wear any undies :guess
  25. NJChick

    My New York NSV!

    Cool Beans !!!! You should have given us a heads up that you were coming out... we coulda met. Glad you had a good time

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
