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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fourshadow

  1. I was banded 6 days ago. Today I have a lot of squeezing pain under my breast bone. I feel GREAT other than that. I'm still on liquids. I've been drinking and taking thin soups. Is it normal? Or have I screwed up my band somehow?
  2. fourshadow

    A Pleasant Realization . . .

    One thing I thought about is that I'll be able to fit more into my suitcase for my summer trip next year - my clothes will be smaller and won't take up as much room!! Yay!!
  3. I talked to my surgeon about it and she said that it's my band telling me I'm full. I've since really started paying attention to exactly how much I put down at one time - and it's made a world of difference - haven't had the pain since.
  4. fourshadow

    dealing with emotions pre-op

    I did a ton of research, got really super prepared as far as stocking the house with post-op food, got the house squeaky clean, caught up on all laundry and ironing, set up my friend help (I live alone) and then came on these boards to chat and get support. I had a six month wait, so I had lots of time to be nervous. And I was nervous - and everything that goes with it - but I knew it was the right thing for me and I knew I wasn't going to back out. My best advice is to spend your time researching and preparing - it'll be here before you know it! Keep coming back here - it helps!
  5. fourshadow

    Feeling a little crazy

    Hey Stephanie! You're definitely not crazy - I'm there with you. I was just banded Wednesday - I got those same fears when I found out it was really going to happen. I have been heavy my entire life - have never really seen myself thin. However, I know there's a whole side of life that I am missing out on because of my current weight. The fact that you've come to this decision and have gotten this far in the process says that, you, too, know it's the best thing for you. It's scary, yes, but so is the prospect of missing out on a full, exciting life. You're young - don't waste another minute - go into that surgery knowing it's the best thing you could ever possibly do for your future - know that you are going to face difficulties, but they are going to be fewer and far between than if you did not have surgery. I would have given anything if this surgery were available to me when I was your age. I am thrilled that I decided on this and went through with it before the age of 40 (I'm 39 - yikes!) because I know I'll have a much better shot at a full life free from all the horrible complications I was surely going to face. You don't get a second chance at life. Use a journal - pump out those thoughts and fears. See your therapist. Talk to your best friend. Get on this website and talk about everything you're going through. Do whatever it takes. But live life - don't hide behind it. We're here once. Take care.
  6. fourshadow


    Nope - not an all liquid. As a matter of fact, I tried to stay away from liquids and mushies because I knew I'd be sick to death of them after surgery. I was just really careful and tracked all of my calories - and made sure they were from fairly healthy sources. Surprising when you only have 1000 calories to deal with - sucks when you use up 500 of them in one sitting! I can give you some ideas of some stuff that worked well for me if you want.
  7. fourshadow


    Hi! I was on a 1000 calorie a day diet for two weeks. It wasn't horrible - got used to it after a couple of days. I dropped 19 pounds - it was weird. Anyway, it definitely shrunk my liver - the surgeon said it was beautiful
  8. fourshadow

    Banded 3 days ago

    I was banded three days ago, too - and have the exact same problem. Help!:help:
  9. fourshadow


    You all will do fine! I was in that same boat with you - nervous as can be - second guessing all the way up to the operating room doors! More of a joking second guessing, but I was majorly scared. After it was all done and I opened my eyes - ahhhhh.... I do know it was the best thing I could have done for myself. I looked at it this way - I'd much rather have this surgery now than have a heart bypass later, or whatever else was surely down the line for me. Plus I'll get to enjoy a much better life - not to mention a longer life - in the meantime. You are doing the right thing - you're still going to be scared, but once it's over - the fright goes away and you know things are in your control - your work begins.
  10. fourshadow

    Just banded yesterday 10/19

    Yes - I've had to fend off 4 cats. I can't sleep on my back anyway and just end up napping sitting up on the couch. I was banded Wednesday - they say day 3 is the roughest - if that's today, I agree. I feel weak, light headed, dizzy, and am struggling putting anything down. I live alone, so I'm not getting motivation from anyone. I know I need to motivate myself, but it's not easy when you feel blah.:sick
  11. Yep, I gained 7 pounds in the hospital - still waiting for that to disappear! And I was also given a straw and super strong juice - you do have to watch out for yourself!
  12. fourshadow

    Sleep laying down

    Yes, I'm there with you - Laying on my back is just uncomfortable. I havne't slept in my bed yet - and I don't have a recliner. The couch has been it - I wedge myself into a corner sitting up. I guess I can't complain much because I haven't had that much pain, but it's frustrating when you just want to get in that comfy bed!

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