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LAP-BAND Patients
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About DEEtermined

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 06/19/1973
  1. Happy 40th Birthday DEEtermined!

  2. DEEtermined

    New person here from Missouri

    The two doctors that I am aware of (although I think there are a few more that also do surgeries with Tallgrass) are Dr. Steward and Dr. Bernsten. I am going to the next meeting which is August 13th at 10:00. This is required before your initial visit. The reason I was given for the lower price is for people that are self-pay. Also, they have their own surgical center where they do some of the surgeries. They also work with St. Francis Hospital in Topeka for surgeries as well (same price for the surgical center or the hospital. Here is the number if you would like more information. I have been talking to Brenda at 785-228-4773. One thing she told me was that I have to have a psychological examination prior to surgery. She said it can be someone in your area (as long as it is an MD...psychiatrist or psychologist). Hope this helps. My email is dmcneele@knobnoster.k12.mo.us if you would like more info. GOOD LUCK!!
  3. DEEtermined

    New person here from Missouri

    Sherri~ Great to see you have joined! I too am from Missouri. Getting ready for the big State Fair to be in town...I am also still in the "researching" stage and will also be self-pay. I think I might have found someone in Topeka, KS from the Tallgrass Surgical Center. They are around $10,750 for everything. From what I have read on different posts and websites, the doctors are wonderful. I have even spoke to Don Mills from Inamed who vouched that they have had the required training for the lap band. Please email me if you would like more information.
  4. DEEtermined

    anyone self pay - under 15k?

    HI...I am planning on having surgery with Dr. Bernsten and/or Dr. Steward in the next couple of months. They are located in Topeka, KS. They are with the Tallgrass Surgical Center. Cost is 10,750 which includes one year of follow up and fills. I have heard really good things about them. They are having a seminar Aug. 13th (I hate having to wait that long but I've waited this long...what's a few more weeks). I can pass along the number if you are interested. [i also looked into Mexico for a while and decided at the last minute not to go through with it.] Dee
  5. DEEtermined

    Dr. Huacuz...but not through Molding Clinic

    Thanks so much Cheryl and Fran for your information on Dr. Huacuz. I am now thinking (again) of looking a little closer to home for my surgery. I will still be self pay but hopefully since I won't have to mess with insurance it will go quicker...time will tell. Thanks again!!
  6. DEEtermined

    Another Newcomer

    Thanks to everyone for the welcome! I am now looking into having the band done with Dr. Bernsten/Dr. Steward in Topeka, KS. Anyone have experience with either one of those surgeons. Thanks again and good luck to everyone on this journey
  7. DEEtermined

    Dr. Huacuz...but not through Molding Clinic

    Thanks franp for the honest information. I am so sorry to hear about all the trouble you are having... I actually have seen lots of negative things on The Molding Clinic but nothing negative towards Dr. Huacuz until today. How did you go about finding out if he was Inamed certified? I contacted them through their website but have not heard anything back yet. Thanks again and good luck to you!!
  8. DEEtermined

    Another Newcomer

    Thank you all for the welcome! I have already found this site to be a wonderful place to learn all kinds of great things. Thanks again, DEE
  9. DEEtermined

    Another Newcomer

    Thanks for the welcome!! I have no set date yet for the band but it will probably be within the next few months. ...hopefully!!
  10. DEEtermined

    Another Newcomer

    Sorry I didn't tell you much about myself...I am 32 and am from Mid-Missouri. I have been a special education teacher for eight years and this next year I will be the counselor at the high school I work at. I have a son who just turned one (they grow so fast) and a very large dog named Hoover I am definately looking forward to getting banded and love all the information that is shared through this site. )
  11. I am looking for any information and/or experiences that anyone has had with Dr. Huacuz. I am looking into going through his own surgical center (not through the Molding Clinic). I have seen a few posts on him but would love any additional information. THANKS!!
  12. Hi everyone! I have been viewing the threads as a guest for a while but decided last night to join the group. It sounds like a lot of good information passes through here so I might as well get some help from others who are in the same boat as I am. I am looking into going to Dr. Huacuz but not at the Molding Clinic. If anyone has any experience with Dr. Huacuz please feel free to pass it along. Thanks!!!

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