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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by badlittledoggie

  1. badlittledoggie

    15 year old getting lap band

    Hi Devin! I was banded back in May and it's truly gone well for me. No complications, no hang-ups, whatever. You might want to look around for a support group in your area. I've always been kinda "anti" group hug type stuff, but it's really, really helpful. This site is great too - even though I just got on last night. Read, pray, and follow your doc's orders - you'll do fine! Congratulations - today's the first day of the rest of your life! (Jenne - 31 is definitely not even close to old-fartdom!!!!) :biggrin1:
  2. Hey - it's too late to be too chatty - just wanted to sign up while I could remember the address. Banded 5/15/07.... as of 9/15, 53 lbs lost....... Can't complain! Look forward to chatting w/ you!
  3. badlittledoggie

    Greetings from KY (Ya'll)

    Thanks, Donna! Seems like every time I've gone over the bridge into Louisville from Indiana, there's a traffic accident that delays me and I'm always late for a meeting!! What am I saying? I'm always late, regardless of traffic!
  4. badlittledoggie

    How to see is everything ok.?

    Hi all. Rookie here - glad to meet you. Glad to see this question posted. Whoever described that "Thanksgiving Day" fullness hit it on the head, btw. Isn't it great to not have that "pass out on the sofa feeling!?" Feeling full is something that I've not experienced since surgery - it's more of a signal that my body gives me that's like, Ok, Ronda, you've had enough. Now, if I ignore that signal, well... not so good. It's hard to describe what that signal feels like. It's definitely not that stuffed or even full feeling - it's not pain or discomfort - it's just like the lights in the bar signal closing time and I know when to back away. It's good to talk about this stuff though. I've only been on here an hour and have learned a lot.
  5. badlittledoggie

    i need someones help please

    Melanie, Melanie, Melanie! BTW, Hi, I'm Ronda - I'm new here. Anyway, I actually don't know the signs of slippage, but I have strange instances occur too that sometimes makes me wonder. First thing, stay calm. Anxiety will make me hurl as fast as anything. Next, think about what's going on when you start to feel that "stuck" feeling - what are you eating --- how are you chewing ---- chances are, you're fine...but if you can't pinpoint anything, talk w/ your doc or nurse. Sure, your staff is going to get on you if you're not pulling your weight, but if they're worth their salt, they can talk with you, not at you, about ways to overcome some of this. I get discouraged too - and I'm losing just fine. I'm still adapting to the lifestyle. It's definitely worth it, but I've found getting anxious just makes things worse than they really are. PM me anytime you wanna talk. K? : )

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