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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by iisimpleemeeii

  1. Hey... How are you.. I haven't been on this site in a long while I came back because... I just found out I am pregos... very shocking unplanned pregnancy... Well any way i started out at the same weight pretty much as you did... i weigh about 215ish now... How much weight have u gained with your pregnancy if you don't mind me asking... Did u get any of the fluid unfilled? Thank you...

  2. iisimpleemeeii

    Bad family experience :(

    right now you just to need to fill your life with all the positive people and positive thoughts because that is what you need! when you get your surgery and start to lose weight and you get the positive comments from people especially people you don't know your self esteem will rise soooo much! i know mine has! I'm come along those people who were learly about me having the surgery but once i educated them about how this is how I AM choosing the live my life and what I AM doing to secure that I am around in the future HEALTHY! lots of luck hopely your brother and dad get it through their mind its not about them and to give your life some thought or even tried to imagine life in your shoes things will turn around and they too will give you support but until then you need to think about you and only you its not selfishness its about and new life for you. your mother is there! i'll pray for you pray is mysterious....
  3. iisimpleemeeii

    Whole wheat pasta?

    I love whole wheat pasta!!! Last night I tried Nature Wheats mac and cheese and let me tell you YUCK O don't buy!!! The taste is horrible!
  4. iisimpleemeeii

    Need A Miracle Worker In Nj!!!

    apple smith i sent you a pm... just so ya kno!!!
  5. iisimpleemeeii

    Whole wheat pasta?

    same here no issues and can't really tell the difference when the sauce is on it... jsut chew chew chew!!
  6. iisimpleemeeii

    Need A Miracle Worker In Nj!!!

    where in nj?
  7. iisimpleemeeii

    how many people never need a fill?

    <p>i have heard of 2 people from my support group that don't haven't had any fills and are doing great with their weight loss.. i too am about 4 1/2 weeks out and i don't feel like i need a fill my doctor doesn't even want to give me one until i go back in january so i know it is true for people to lose the weight and not have the fills!</p>
  8. iisimpleemeeii

    Bad Foods?

    lettuce is fine with me
  9. iisimpleemeeii

    How long were you...

    had my surgery monday october 1 at 11am and i was out of the hospital at 12pm the next day
  10. iisimpleemeeii

    New Here

    Just wanted to say hi to everyone i'm new to this site had my surgery on 10-01-07

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
